Sword God's Ascension/C15 They Went to the Banquet Together
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Sword God's Ascension/C15 They Went to the Banquet Together
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C15 They Went to the Banquet Together

Young Master Yu from the Six Fans Gate was petrified with fear.

As Jee Yun approached him, step by deliberate step, it felt like the grim reaper was closing in.

The fear of the unknown was the most terrifying of all.

Ignorant of Jee Yun's origins and unable to discern his level of cultivation, Young Master Yu was utterly disoriented.

In desperation, he even invoked the name of the Six Fans Gate's sect master to intimidate Jee Yun.

Yet, the phrase "Peak of Martial Saint," insurmountable to others, fell on Jee Yun's ears without consequence.

"Why so frantic?" Jee Yun asked.

"What does the Six Fans Gate's master being at the Peak of Martial Saint have to do with me?"

Leading his blue Dragon Horse, Jee Yun strolled up to Young Master Yu with an air of nonchalance.

This prodigy of Irongate had lost all his swagger.

Now, he shivered in Jee Yun's presence.

"I've heard you're a VIP invited by the Red Rebel!"

"Well then, let's be on our way!"

"Show me to the Red Rebel's grand feast. Handle this well, and perhaps I'll consider it as if we've never crossed paths."

Jee Yun made no attempt to conceal his intentions.

He was blunt and to the point.

He had sized up Young Master Yu as quite the character.

Arrogant and overbearing with the weak, yet craven and subservient before the strong.

A man capable of adapting to any situation.

At the very least, in this regard, Young Master Yu was leagues ahead of the Blood Asura from the Red Rebel.

Such a man, if he survived, was bound to make his mark.


"Head to the Red Rebel?"

"Senior, surely you jest?"

"With your level of cultivation, you must be at least a Half Step to Martial Saint. The Red Rebel would have certainly invited you. If you wish to attend their banquet, by all means, proceed. Why involve me?"

Young Master Yu's expression stiffened. As Jee Yun drew near, he had braced himself for a beating that would leave him internally wounded, if not dead.

But Jee Yun didn't lay a finger on him.

With a relieved exhale, Young Master Yu's address for Jee Yun shifted from 'sir' to 'senior.'


"I have my reasons for involving you in this!"

"You're faced with two choices: either guide me willingly—after all, the Red Rebel and your Six Fans Gate are adversaries, aren't they?"

"Who knows, if danger arises, I might even save your skin!"

"Alternatively, you can refuse, and we'll settle our past grievances!"

"Survive one strike from my sword, and you're free to go!"

Jee Yun's glare intensified as the Xuan Tian Sword in his grasp buzzed ominously, causing Young Master Yu to frantically wave his hands in protest.


"Please, let's be civil. Senior, we can talk this through!" Young Master Yu was inwardly seething.

He repeatedly shook his head at Jee Yun.

The very idea was ludicrous.

Jee Yun had inflicted serious internal injuries with just the sheath of his sword. If he were to draw his blade, would Young Master Yu even stand a chance?

It must be acknowledged that despite Young Master Yu's ruthlessness and arrogance, he exemplified the wisdom of Irongate's warriors.

Ultimately, Young Master Yu capitulated to Jee Yun's terms with a heavy heart.

He dared not even sneak a peek at the nearby Six Fans Gate stronghold.

He feared that Jee Yun, this "youth-restored" elder, might obliterate it on a whim.

Then, truly, he'd have nowhere left to weep.

"Senior, what business do you have with the Red Rebel?"

"Attending a banquet at the Red Rebel seems ill-advised. Wouldn't it be better to inform my master and have him accompany us?"

"Senior, you're not going to make me lead your horse the entire way, are you?"


Young Master Yu of the Six Fans Gate wore an expression of utter despair, as if mourning the loss of his ancestors.

Throughout the journey, he harbored a silent, seething resentment towards Jee Yun, yet he dared not voice his anger. No matter how he probed, Jee Yun remained tight-lipped.

Jee Yun even had the audacity to close his eyes and feign sleep atop the Dragon Horse.

This left Young Master Yu red-faced and on the verge of an outburst.

Imagine, an esteemed Eighth Level Martial Grandmaster and direct disciple of the Six Fans Gate's sect master reduced to leading a horse. The indignity of it all was a bitter pill for Xiao Yu to swallow.

Fortunately, they were nearing the city's edge. To reach the Red Rebel, they would need to venture beyond the city limits.

Xiao Yu couldn't bear the thought of parading Jee Yun through the city streets on the Dragon Horse; he'd rather dash his brains out.


"Head to that grocery store up ahead and buy me a conical hat!" Jee Yun, perched atop the Dragon Horse, suddenly opened his eyes.

With a distant point of his finger, Jee Yun caught Young Master Yu off guard, interrupting his brooding thoughts on how to shake him off.

Instantly, Young Master Yu's doubts cleared.

He felt he was on the brink of uncovering a truth. Scampering into the store, he returned with a white conical hat for Jee Yun.

Leading the horse again, Young Master Yu's steps were noticeably sprightlier.

This trivial task had sparked a flurry of thoughts in him; he was beginning to grasp why Jee Yun insisted on his company to the Red Rebel.

The disguise was a clear sign of a vendetta against the Red Rebel.

After all, the enemy of one's enemy is a friend.

Both the Six Fans Gate and the Red Rebel resided within Irongate, as incompatible as fire and water.

In recent years, the rise of formidable figures within the Red Rebel had steadily eroded the influence of the Six Fans Gate. So much so that in the other three prefectures, the Red Rebel's fame overshadowed any mention of the Six Fans Gate.

If Young Master Yu could align with Jee Yun, suspected to be a Martial Saint, he would secure a monumental victory for the Six Fans Gate.

The thought alone brought a smug smile to Young Master Yu's face.

His foolish grin left Jee Yun, perched on the Dragon Horse, puzzled. "Has he lost his mind?"

"Can leading a horse really be that exhilarating?"

But with Young Master Yu keeping to himself, Jee Yun relished the silence.

He settled into a calm, restorative state atop the horse.

Anticipating the impending clash at the Red Rebel.

To the west of the city, a blood-red mountain peak stood out starkly. Atop this peak, palaces undulated across the landscape, uneven and sprawling like a blood python coiling around the mountain.

At the base of the mountain stood a massive dark red stele.

It towered eight zhang high and five zhang wide, with the words "Red Rebel" deeply etched into it, exuding an aura of lethal intent.

Martial artists of sufficient prowess could sense the swirling sword energy within those three characters.

One look was enough to know they were carved by the edge of a blade.


"We've arrived at the Red Rebel. If someone inquires about your identity later, how should I introduce you?"

Young Master Yu of the Six Fans Gate, Xiao Yu, had swiftly adapted to his role.

He had been seething in secret moments before, but now he had assumed the demeanor of a submissive attendant.

"Just say I'm one of your elders from the Six Fans Gate!"

"No need to elaborate further!" Jee Yun broke his usual silence, responding with a hint of indifference.

Jee Yun's confidence wasn't misplaced; with the wisdom from two lifetimes, playing the part of Xiao Yu's elder was well within his means.

Besides, in the martial world, respect is accorded to the powerful.

"Very well, as you wish, Senior!" Xiao Yu's gaze shimmered with a trace of cunning. He harbored no objections to Jee Yun posing as a Six Fans Gate elder.

In fact, he was quite pleased.

Deep down, Xiao Yu hoped that Jee Yun's claim to the elder status would be solidified.

His own master had borne the burden alone for years, and it had been a struggle.

"Halt!" While Xiao Yu was lost in thought, two young men clad in dark red robes stepped forward to block their path.

From atop his horse, Jee Yun peered through the white gauze of his hat and noted that these gatekeeping disciples of the Red Rebel were also warriors at the Qi Stage.

Jee Yun's eyebrows arched slightly in surprise.

It appeared that over the past decade, the Red Rebel had grown significantly in strength.

And Xue Tiandao, it seemed, had likely ascended to the Peak of Martial Saint.

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