Sword God's Ascension/C19 The Power of the Basic Fist Technique Was Displayed
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Sword God's Ascension/C19 The Power of the Basic Fist Technique Was Displayed
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C19 The Power of the Basic Fist Technique Was Displayed

When Jee Yun noticed Xue Tiandao's suspicion, he immediately set about sowing confusion.

Jee Yun had no intention of voluntarily disclosing his identity.

Letting Xue Tiandao remain in the dark suited him just fine.

"Wait a moment!"

"If you've been in seclusion within the Six Fans Gate for years, from whom have you heard such absurdities?"

"I, Xue Tiandao, welcome martial artists not to oppose the Six Fans Gate, but out of hospitality!"

"I believe you're mistaken!"

"Any grievances we have can be resolved through negotiation. However, I insist you release Wuhen!"

"It's beneath a revered martial arts saint to trouble himself with a junior, isn't it a bit unseemly?"

Xue Tiandao was brimming with saber energy, his sinister eyes darting about, concocting numerous plots.

Had Blood Childe not been in Jee Yun's grasp, Xue Tiandao would have already unleashed his blade, slicing Jee Yun into eighteen segments.

The Red Rebel's longstanding presence in Irongate was not maintained through mere words or negotiations.

An intruder was destined to meet a grim fate.

"Oh? You want me to release this effeminate fellow?" Jee Yun's lips quirked in amusement. He had long recognized Blood Childe's extraordinary talent.

Given time, the Childe might even eclipse Xue Tiandao.

That's precisely why Xue Tiandao held him in such high regard.

But just as Xue Tiandao was about to agree, Jee Yun's hand slowly lifted. "Very well, I shall grant the Sect Master's wish!"


No sooner had the words left his mouth than Jee Yun's palm shot forth with a burst of True Qi. Blood Childe, who had been seething at the term "effeminate," now lay lifeless, his neck twisted, eyes wide with unresolved anger.

Nobody anticipated that Jee Yun, while promising release, would instead deliver a death blow.

"You despicable cur!"

"How dare you..."

Xue Tiandao's roar of rage was cut short. He hadn't foreseen Jee Yun's merciless resolve.

The attack was swift and final, leaving no chance for negotiation.

"Curse it!"

"Your death cannot quell the fury in my heart!"

"Your actions have sealed the fate of the entire Six Fans Gate—they will be annihilated because of you!" Xue Tiandao's hair stood on end, his eyes glowing like blood moons, casting an eerie, otherworldly glow.

A decade had passed.

Since the day his beloved son met a tragic end at the hands of the Venom God ten years prior, Xue Tiandao had poured his heart and soul into finding a worthy successor.

He thought he had found one in Blood Childe.

Xue Tiandao had intended to raise Blood Childe as his own son, with Blood Asura serving merely as his sword. He even dreamed that if he could secure two Starry Decrees, he would ascend to the Star Domain alongside Blood Childe.

But now, those dreams lay in ruins.

"Heh, don't get ahead of yourself!"

"Xue Tiandao, you're destined to meet your end within the walls of Red Rebel today. You think you can still seek vengeance against the Six Fans Gate? Maybe in your next life!"

Jee Yun let out a cold laugh, his gaze drifting to Xiao Yu in the distance.

"Your task is complete. Time to descend the mountain."

His words were delivered with a calm detachment to Xiao Yu, the volume low yet striking like a douse of icy water, sending shivers down his spine. It was in this moment that Xiao Yu realized the wisdom in his ability to bend and yield.

He was facing a man with the audacity to stand toe-to-toe with Xue Tiandao.

"Am I seeing this right?"

"Is he really with the Six Fans Gate?"

"He just killed Blood Childe!"

"Move out, move out! We can't stay at Red Rebel any longer. A storm's brewing, and we don't want to be here when Xue Tiandao loses it and turns on us too!"

The fighters who had lingered at the mountain's base, some even hoping to witness the fight, now fled from the Red Rebel in terror, leaving behind a scene strewn with corpses.

They couldn't predict the reach of the clash between Jee Yun and Xue Tiandao.

But they did know one thing: a deranged Xue Tiandao wouldn't hesitate to cut down anyone in his path.

"You insignificant worm, you've truly enraged me!"

"Since you're so bold, it's time I unveiled your true face!" Xue Tiandao quivered with rage, his fury palpable.

Previously, Jee Yun had been cautious because Blood Childe was in his grasp, hesitant to make a move. But now, with Blood Childe slain by Jee Yun's hand, the chance for peace had been severed. The only option left between them was battle—to fight without end until death claimed one.

"Blood stains the mountains and rivers!" Xue Tiandao soared from the grand hall, shattering debris in his wake. His Blood Life Blade descended like a crimson sun, fracturing the landscape and unleashing a torrent of blood. In an instant, the mountainside was engulfed in a sanguine realm, devoid of any trace of humanity.

"Bring it on!"

"Xue Tiandao, your power nearly rivals the peak of Martial Saint, earning you the title of Quasi-Star Refiner!"

"Defeating you today will be a boon to me!"

Jee Yun's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he witnessed Xue Tiandao's fearsome strike. Far from panic, he was electrified, his body quivering with excitement. This journey was proving worthwhile—not only could he eliminate a threat, but he might also gain a wealth of skill points.

"Basic Fist Technique, first form!"

Facing Xue Tiandao's bloody onslaught, Jee Yun didn't even unsheathe his sword. He leaped up, his fist cutting through the air, his power shattering the blade's force. His body radiated waves of intense heat, dissolving the blood-red rain.

With a thunderous "boom," the sky cracked open. The palace below crumbled, trees were uprooted, and chaos reigned as the Red Rebel's mountainside lay in ruins.

Xiao Yu, who had just made it to the base of the mountain, felt a chilling presence behind him. Turning back, he nearly bit his tongue in shock. He could hardly believe his eyes—Jee Yun had intercepted Xue Tiandao's blood-drenched attack with his bare hands. This technique was the Red Rebel's most revered, a top-grade martial skill on the cusp of the Profound Rank. Yet Jee Yun had shattered it with a mere punch.

"Could it be that this elder is a body cultivator, and that rusted sword is nothing more than a decoration?"

Xiao Yu wasn't alone in his thinking. Everyone who witnessed the spectacle of a bare fist shattering a blade was struck by the absurdity of the moment. For years, the Red Rebel had stood unchallenged in Irongate. But today, a figure in a white robe and bamboo hat, mounted on a horse, made a bold proclamation: he would annihilate the Red Rebel. At first, everyone dismissed him as a laughingstock, but now, a sense of unease weighed heavily on their hearts.

He had gone toe-to-toe with Xue Tiandao, holding his own with nothing but his bare hands. It became clear to all that the man in white was a force to be reckoned with, his claims no idle boasts. "No wonder he has the audacity to wreak havoc in our Red Rebel territory; he's a body cultivator!" someone exclaimed.

"Take another of my moves, and the blood will surge like a torrent!" Xue Tiandao outwardly scorned his challenger, yet inwardly, he was taken aback. His own cultivation had reached the pinnacle of Martial Saint, placing him on the cusp of becoming a Star Refiner. He was a force that should have had no equal in all of Irongate. And yet, where did this formidable expert from the Six Fans Gate come from?

"Basic Fist Technique, number two!" Jee Yun methodically executed the moves, not out of overconfidence but because it was among the few martial arts he had perfected. The Sword Drawing Arts and the Sword Nurturing Technique both required the use of the Heavenly Sword. Since he hadn't yet set foot on Bayliers Peaks and had only faced Xue Tiandao, Jee Yun was reluctant to draw the Xuan Tian.

His remaining technique, the Three Yangs Body Refining, was a martial skill designed for physical cultivation. While the Crazed Phoenix Fist was a medium-grade Yellow Rank, it was not fully mastered and paled in comparison to the polished mastery of his basic fist technique.

With a thunderous "Boom!" the two combatants collided, True Qi sweeping through the area, and the palace began to crumble around them.

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