Sword God's Ascension/C2 Venom God
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Sword God's Ascension/C2 Venom God
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C2 Venom God

After departing from Su Mansion, they made a beeline for Spincog Academy, yet their conversation about Jee Yun didn't wane.

"Even martial arts grandmasters from Dirtcliff Mansion address the principal as 'Old Mo' with the utmost respect. But Jee Yun? He just calls him by name!" Xu Yuanyuan grumbled about Jee Yun's lack of decorum as they traveled.

Lau Mengyao offered a smile but didn't indulge in Xu Yuanyuan's grievances. Her thoughts were preoccupied with the principal's parting words.

"Be respectful when you meet Jee Yun, but no matter what he says, do not show any disrespect."

Mulling over this, Lau Mengyao speculated, "Jee Yun must be more than meets the eye. Why else would the dean insist on such an attitude?"

"Who does he think he is? Claiming his martial arts prowess is around the eighth or ninth level. Ridiculous!" While Lau Mengyao kept her silence, Xu Yuanyuan ranted on.

"Senior Sister, doesn't the name Jee Yun ring a bell? Haven't we heard it somewhere before? That's right, it's the Venom God, Jee Yun, who reigned supreme a decade ago!"

"Venom God?"

The name triggered a jolt in Lau Mengyao, as a flood of information about this person surged through her mind, sending a shiver down her spine.

"The Venom God, Jee Yun, who ten years ago, with his formidable swordsmanship, was a force to be reckoned with?"

The name Venom God still evoked a sense of dread in Dirtcliff Mansion, even a decade after his supposed death.

"Yes! The Venom God, Jee Yun!"

Xu Yuanyuan's excitement was palpable as she spoke of the legend, "The Venom God began his journey at fifteen, battling his way through the ranks, challenging those beyond his level, and leaving a trail of bloodshed in his wake. It's said he reached the divine realm of the Sword God, with countless warriors falling to his blade."

"Could it be? The Venom God, Jee Yun?" Lau Mengyao's mind conjured the image of Jee Yun's frail figure.

Could this man really be the legendary Venom God who, with a single sword, had once conquered the world?

"Could it just be a coincidence of names? After all, the world is full of people with identical names and surnames!"

Xu Yuanyuan nodded in agreement. "That's a fair point. If the Venom God really looked like that, he'd shatter the image I have of him in my heart!"

"It's such a shame. Ultimately, it seems the heavens envy the gifted. He perished at Bayliers Peaks a decade ago," Lau Mengyao said with a soft sigh, then quickly added, "Let's head back to Spincog Academy. The dean is awaiting our report!"


In the small courtyard of Su Mansion, Jee Yun's residence.

Jee Yun opened the envelope from Mo Shan, contemplating for a while before tearing it to pieces.

"So this is what you ask of me, Mo Shan?" Jee Yun said with a smile and a shake of his head. "Very well, consider it repayment for the life debt I owe you."

The activation of the Star Platform was imminent, and the Starry Decree was soon to be issued. Jee Yun was tasked with aiding Mo Shan in the battle for one of these coveted decrees.

Situated at the edge of the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the western part of the continent, the Star Platform served as the sole gateway to the Star Domain. The Starry Decree was the exclusive ticket for entry, with a mere ten available at each opening.

With millions of martial artists across the Mortal World and only ten Starry Decrees, the emergence of these decrees every decade would inevitably plunge the realm into a maelstrom of blood and violence.

"A decade has passed... The struggle for the Starry Decree commences anew. This time, I am determined to set foot in the Star Domain!"

Jee Yun reached for the sword that hadn't seen the light of day for years, gripping it firmly without any intention of drawing it.

Abruptly, Jee Yun looked up, his eyes blazing with an insane lust for battle. His heart, tranquil for nearly ten years, was once again stirring with restlessness.

Despite his efforts to contain the overwhelming urge to kill, every object in the room shook violently, as if in the grip of a minor earthquake.

"A decade ago, I secured the Starry Decree, only to inadvertently disturb your spirit beast during the ascent. You, Yun Xiuchen, wielding your status as an emissary of the Star Domain, revoked my right to enter. My mere protest earned me your scorn as you deemed me an ant and crushed me with a single blow on the Star Platform, all because I dared to meet your gaze!"

"The decade has passed, and it's time for me to ascend to the Star Domain, to harness the Power of Stars and reach the Peak. Yun Xiuchen, I'll show you who the real insect is. The humiliation I've endured will be repaid a hundredfold. Just wait and see!"

With a sharp snap, Jee Yun's grip on his sword tightened. The blade quivered, emitting a crisp hum as a fierce sword intent surged along the rusted edge, threatening to explode forth.

"No, Xuan Tian, it's not time yet!"

He restrained the treasured sword before it could leave its sheath, his murderous rage subsiding in an instant, replaced by his usual unassuming demeanor.

Jee Yun gently set down the Heavenly Profound Sword, casting a glance at the torn letter on the ground. A slight smile played on his lips. "Yun Xiuchen was too conceited. Little did he know, I still clung to life. Su Nantian rescued me on the Star Platform, and you, Mo Shan, healed me. Since you've come to me today seeking help to obtain a Starry Decree, I shall lend my aid!"

Su Nantian's dying wish was for him to marry Su Xuerou, and though Jee Yun saw through the ploy—merely a scheme to give his daughter a shot at the Star Domain and the life of a Star Refiner—he went through with the marriage. Despite it being in name only, despite the envy it drew from many, he stayed.

All because Su Nantian had once saved his life.

Jee Yun may have been aloof, but he never forgot a debt of gratitude.

After a decade of waiting, of arduous training, of silent forbearance, he had returned without the mantle of Venom God. But Jee Yun was back, and he was determined to repay that fateful palm strike a hundred times over.

"If Mo Shan has reached out to me, others must be getting restless too, right? After all, my reputation as a 'worthless' has likely spread far and wide across Dirtcliff by now." He chuckled to himself and shook his head. "Well, no matter. In half a month, the Starry Decree will emerge. Should any fools dare to cross me, they'll be dealt with swiftly!"

With this thought, Jee Yun sheathed his sword and closed his eyes. A template, invisible to the average person, materialized crisply in his mind.

Name: Jee Yun

Age: 25

Physique: 9

Strength: 9

Agility: 9

Spirit: 9

Comprehension: 9

Talent: 5 (Non-incrementable)

Skills: Unranked Basic Fist Technique, Mastered (100/49); Yellow Rank Mid-Grade Crazed Phoenix Fist, Proficient (100/25); Yellow Rank Top-Grade Sword Drawing Arts, Expert (100/30); Yellow Rank Top-Grade Three Yang Body Refining Technique, Expert (100/39); Profound Rank Low-Grade Sword Nurturing Technique, Proficient (100/29).

Skill Points: 6

Attribute Points: 0

Regarding his Martial Dao cultivation...

Jee Yun, who had crossed over from Earth eleven years prior and was reborn in this world, thrived with this character template. Wielding his sword, he traversed the lands and earned the revered title of Venom God.

By defeating opponents above his level, he could gain skill points. By overcoming those in higher tiers, he could amass attribute points, all part of the invincible sword god template that was his to command.

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