Sword God's Ascension/C4 Guess
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Sword God's Ascension/C4 Guess
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C4 Guess

Three days later, within the borders of Dirtcliff, a mysterious figure clad in red made an unexpected appearance. This imposing man, marked by a ghastly scar that slashed across half of his face, was none other than Blood Asura, the trusted lieutenant of Xue Tiandao!

Despite Blood Asura's efforts to conceal his movements, he couldn't escape the watchful eyes of those who were looking.

"Xue Tiandao, have you indeed sent someone?" the old man at Spincog Academy mused as he abruptly opened his eyes. Age had touched his features, but his ancient eyes still flickered with sharpness.

The elder sighed after a moment of contemplation and rose to his feet. "It's time I sought him out myself."


The Lin, Wang, and Su families stood as the top three noble houses of Dirtcliff. Though none boasted a Grandmaster among their ranks, each patriarch had attained the seventh level of Martial Tao, standing at the pinnacle of Martial Grandmasters and commanding great respect.

Yet, these usually composed and authoritative leaders now fidgeted with unease, the air heavy with tension in the grand hall.

"Brother Lin, Brother Wang, you've no doubt heard the news as well. What do you think Blood Asura intends by coming to our Dirtcliff now?" one of them asked.

The Red Rebel was a formidable power in Irongate, with Blood Asura as Xue Tiandao's right-hand man. Rumors had circulated that Blood Asura had ascended to the Grandmaster realm a year prior.

Now, with the emergence of the Starry Decree imminent, his arrival in Dirtcliff only added layers of mystery to an already turbulent scene.

Upon receiving the news, Su Nanyan wasted no time in calling together the leaders of the three great families. He had to anticipate and prepare for every possibility, facing a threat from a Grandmaster-level adversary.

Wang Xiaotian's brow creased with concern. "Blood Asura has been careful to cover his tracks, yet we've managed to pick up his trail. Intelligence suggests he's headed for Central Mansion, but his purpose there remains an enigma."

"Hold on!"

Lin Miran, who had been disengaged, perked up at this revelation, his demeanor shifting instantly. "Did you just say where he's headed?"

Wang Xiaotian regarded Lin Miran with a puzzled look. Though he was unsure why Lin had such a strong reaction, he offered an explanation, "Given the circumstances, his target must be Dirtcliff Mansion! What's wrong, Brother Lin? Is there an issue?"

At that moment, Su Nanyan, who was nearby, caught on and leapt from his chair, his face etched with horror. "He's after Xuerou and Haotian!"

The only ones in Dirtcliff Mansion that could possibly concern Xue Tiandao were the renowned Twin Stars, Su Xuerou and Lin Haotian. These two were once-in-a-century talents, and while they were not as formidable as the Venom God of a decade past, they had the potential to become grandmasters within the next ten years.

Besides, Xue Tiandao, a notorious figure in the dark paths of martial arts, has always despised those who walk the righteous path. And to add to that, he once had a son of remarkable talent, who was tragically slain by the Venom God's blade.

Now, it was clear that Dirtcliff Mansion's two extraordinary talents had sparked Xue Tiandao's envy.

"What? He's planning to kill Su Xuerou and Lin Haotian?!" Wang Xiaotian's face turned pale at the revelation.

With Xue Tiandao, a Martial Saint for many years, the balance of power was set. Without his presence, the dark factions would weaken significantly, and that included the Red Rebel.

Should Su Xuerou and Lin Haotian be allowed to reach their full potential, the dark forces would find no foothold left.

"They're looking to cut off any future threat!" Su Nanyan's palm crashed down on the table, leaving behind a deep imprint. Considering that Su Xuerou was not only a rare talent but also his niece, the thought of Blood Asura targeting her fueled Su Nanyan's rage.

"We can't let this happen! We have to intervene!" Lin Miran rose abruptly, his face grave.

"But Brother Lin, aside from our Grandmasters and the reclusive Martial Saints, who in Dirtcliff Mansion can stand against Blood Asura? Even if we three join forces, I doubt we could take him down. We're no match for the might of a Grandmaster," Wang Xiaotian said, shaking his head with a look of trepidation.

Although they were among the three most prestigious families in Dirtcliff Mansion, without a Grandmaster at the helm, they were merely top-tier families, not top-tier powers. They simply couldn't hold a candle to those factions with Grandmasters in their ranks.

"We can't just stand by while Blood Asura slaughters our younger generation!" Lin Miran understood the gravity of Wang Xiaotian's words. He sighed heavily, his voice tinged with defeat.

Wang Xiaotian was at a loss for words.

"No! We still have a chance! We may not be a match for Blood Asura, but we can seek help!"

After a heavy silence, Su Nanyan spoke up, "My elder brother was once close to the head of Spincog Academy. It's been years since we've been in touch, but I'm confident he'll lend us aid in honor of my brother's memory."

"Moreover, Elder Mo was a Martial Saint in his prime. His strength must have only grown over the years. He should have no trouble taking on Blood Asura!" Su Nanyan added after a brief pause.

"Alright! Then let's reach out to Elder Mo for assistance. We three will lead our warriors to Yuan City and hold off Blood Asura until Elder Mo arrives!"


Atop a nameless peak on the outskirts of Central Mansion, within a desolate ancient pavilion, a grey-robed elder stood gazing into the distance. His frame was lean, yet he stood as resolute as a pine, his presence enduring and profound.

"You've arrived!"

After a long moment, the elder slowly turned, his gaze settling on the end of the mountain path.

Approaching was a young man in a white robe, moving at a measured pace.

"I've accepted your terms. What more do you want from me?" Jee Yun arrived at the pavilion and faced the principal of Spincog Academy, Dirtcliff's premier master, his tone cool and detached.

Anyone witnessing this exchange would be astounded, for no one dared to address the principal of Spincog Academy in such a manner.

Mo Shan regarded the slightly built Jee Yun, a flicker of surprise crossing his eyes. He had thought that with years of dedicated cultivation, he might close the gap between them. Yet, it was only upon this encounter that he realized not only had he been progressing, but so had everyone else—none had fallen behind.

At the very least, Mo Shan could distinctly sense that Jee Yun had grown more powerful than he was a decade ago. It's worth noting that Mo Shan himself had reached the level of Half Step to Martial Saint, yet he was still unable to detect the extent of Jee Yun's cultivation.

With this realization, Mo Shan couldn't suppress a wry smile. "Who would've thought? In these past ten years, your strength hasn't waned in the slightest—in fact, it's increased!"

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