Sword God's Ascension/C6 You Were Long Dead!
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Sword God's Ascension/C6 You Were Long Dead!
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C6 You Were Long Dead!

Su Xiaomei was taken aback when she saw her sister's reaction. She quickly sensed something was off and turned her head, only to spot Jee Yun, which instantly ignited her anger.

Yet, upon noticing Jee Yun's white robe marred with dust and blood, her anger gave way to confusion, followed by scorn. "Where have you been, you good-for-nothing? Getting yourself all dirty and bloody. What, did you go off to kill someone?"

Jee Yun shot Su Xiaomei a cold glance and replied indifferently, "I killed someone, that's all."

"Haha, you? Kill someone? Don't make me laugh! You're the last person who'd do something like that," Su Xiaomei scoffed, her face twisted in mockery.

"What's happened here?" Su Xuerou's brow furrowed deeply, her already icy demeanor turning frostier.

Jee Yun gave them both a dismissive look, offering no explanation—he didn't owe them one. He then turned and made his way to his courtyard. It was time for him to go.

Su Xiaomei, fuming at being ignored, was about to lash out at Jee Yun but was held back by Su Xuerou. Frustrated, she complained, "Sis, can you believe this guy? He's ignoring you now. Aren't you going to divorce him already?"

"Enough," Su Xuerou said sharply. "If he doesn't want to talk, let it be." Despite her icy exterior, she was mindful that they were still married, which restrained her from acting rashly. Still, Jee Yun's demeanor irked her.

Jee Yun had little to pack—just a few garments and some silver coins. He bundled his belongings, slung the bundle over his shoulder along with his rusty sword, and stood quietly for a moment before silently pushing the door open and stepping out.

His departure caught the still-irritated Su Xiaomei off guard. She sneered, "What's this? A few harsh words and you're running away from home?"

"Where are you going?" Su Xuerou's frown deepened. Jee Yun's actions were starting to get under her skin. It was just a few taunts from an immature girl, and he was taking it to heart?

"Sis, why bother with him? If he wants to leave, let him," Su Xiaomei said with a biting tone, then turned to Jee Yun. "But if you're set on leaving, you'll have to divorce my sister first. You're nothing but a loser, and she can't be expected to waste her life married to you, even if it's just in name!"

Upon hearing the remark, Jee Yun let out a smile but remained silent.

"Why that look? What's so funny? Did I say something amusing?" Su Xiaomei couldn't hide her irritation with Jee Yun's behavior, and his disingenuous smile only amplified her annoyance to the breaking point.

Jee Yun halted momentarily, turning to give Su Xiaomei a glance as his smile faded away.

After a brief silence, he said, "Consider yourself lucky to be Su Nan Tian's daughter. He's been kind to me. If it were anyone else speaking to me that way, they'd be dead with a single slap."

The word 'dead' left Jee Yun's lips with a chilling coldness in his eyes, reminiscent of a vicious beast ready to strike.

Su Xiaomei's face turned ghostly white with fear, and she stumbled backward, her voice quivering, "What... what are you planning to do?"

She felt as if she had plunged into an icy abyss, a chill creeping up from her feet to her heart, making her shiver uncontrollably. Never before had she felt death's proximity so acutely.

"Jee Yun, what are you up to?" A stern voice cut through, snapping Su Xiaomei out of her terror, her face instantly taking on a look of woeful innocence.

"Sister, look at him! He threatened to slap me to death. You must stand up for me!" Su Xiaomei rushed to Su Xuerou's side, tearfully recounting her ordeal.

"Xiaomei is still young, and you should know better than to speak so harshly. Apologize to her at once!" Su Xuerou's frown deepened, her face marked by a trace of indignation. Jee Yun had clearly crossed a line.

Jee Yun cast a glance at Su Xuerou, then at Su Xiaomei, who appeared slightly aggrieved yet mostly smug. Shaking his head, he said, "I had intended to give you a choice about whether our so-called marriage should continue, but now, the answer couldn't be clearer."

"What exactly are you implying?" Su Xuerou's gaze fixed intently on Jee Yun. Was he suggesting a divorce?

Jee Yun shook his head gently, his patience wearing thin. "Su Xuerou, give it some serious thought. If you're considering divorce, I can secure the Starry Decree for you, which will grant you access to the Star Domain. That must have been Su Nan Tian's intention back then..."

"Star Domain?" Su Xuerou murmured, her confusion evident. She was familiar with the strife among the stars, yet the details eluded her. Not knowing was understandable; she hadn't ascended to such heights.

"I've said all I need to say. I'm leaving now. You know how to reach me," Jee Yun said with a smile, offering no further explanation.

Before departing, he cast a fleeting, detached glance at Su Xiaomei, then strode out without a backward glance.

His voice, devoid of any warmth, echoed through the hall, "This world is merciless. I suggest you temper your defiance, or you'll meet a grisly end."

Watching Jee Yun's retreating figure, a flicker of spite crossed Su Xiaomei's eyes. She stamped her foot in feigned distress, "Sis, look at him! Just look!"

"Enough!" Su Xuerou shot Su Xiaomei a stern look. "He's not wrong. In this dog-eat-dog world, rife with violence and bloodshed, you'd better curb your willfulness, or you'll be beyond saving."

With those final words, Su Xuerou turned and walked away.

Su Xiaomei's face twisted with bitterness as she watched her sister leave. Then, a spark of resolve lit up her eyes, and she summoned a servant.

"Find Lin Haotian, the Heaven-Shaking Fist. Give this letter to Young Master Lin," she instructed.

Su Xiaomei quickly penned a note and handed it to the servant.

As the servant disappeared, Su Xiaomei's expression darkened with venomous resentment. "I've never suffered such humiliation. Jee Yun, you've brought this on yourself!"

"Haotian will seek my revenge. Jee Yun, you're finished, you won't get away!"

"Just you wait for your demise!"

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