Sword God's Ascension/C8 You Were Trying to Kill Him
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Sword God's Ascension/C8 You Were Trying to Kill Him
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C8 You Were Trying to Kill Him

Lau Mengyao suddenly realized the gravity of the situation, her expression a mix of emotions. "The dean must suspect someone. He sent me and my junior sister with a message: He's here for vengeance, and Miss Su isn't the target. Do any of the Patriarchs grasp the implication of this?"

The three Patriarchs exchanged puzzled glances, unable to decipher the meaning. After much deliberation, they were forced to abandon their attempts at understanding.

With a wry smile, Su Nanyan said, "What is Elder Mo trying to say? If the Red Rebel holds a grudge against anyone, it could only be that one person. Sadly, he's been gone for a long time..."

"To slay a Grandmaster with such authority, no one comes to mind but the Venom God. But considering the condition of the Blood Asura, it seems implausible. He was clearly annihilated by a powerful punch."

"Hold on, uncle, did you just say the Blood Asura was taken down with a punch?" Su Xuerou's heart skipped a beat. She vividly remembered Jee Yun's clothes stained with dust and blood before he left, and his admission that he had killed a man. Could it really be?

"Yes, the scene where Blood Asura met his end was a sight of destruction, with walls and buildings collapsed. His skeleton was pulverized, his organs displaced from the sheer brutality of the punch."

As Su Nanyan recounted the details, he caught the troubled look on Su Xuerou's face. Initially taken aback, he quickly grew concerned. "Xuerou, do you have an idea who might be responsible?"

Su Xiaomei had been silent, but seeing Su Xuerou's hesitation, she caught on and scoffed, "Sis, it couldn't be that loser. Sure, he claimed to have killed someone, but could it really be him? I doubt it."

"Who? Who are you referring to as a loser?" Wang Xiaotian interjected with a furrowed brow, clearly confused.

"Jee Yun," Su Xuerou said, her face a tapestry of complex emotions as she met the eager looks of those around her.

Despite her words, her tone betrayed skepticism. Given Jee Yun's unremarkable demeanor over the past five years, it seemed impossible that he could be the culprit.

However, recalling the serene look on Jee Yun's face as he spoke those words, her certainty wavered. "Could it really be him?"

"Jee Yun?"

The room fell into a collective shock.

They all knew that Jee Yun, despite being married to Su Xuerou, was considered nothing more than a martially inept nobody.

Yet now, Su Xuerou herself suggested that Jee Yun might have slain the Blood Asura, leaving everyone struggling to catch up.

"What in the world is happening?" Su Nanyan asked, her brow furrowed, her face etched with gravity. If Jee Yun was behind this, he had concealed his true nature exceptionally well.

Su Xuerou let out a weary sigh and methodically recounted the recent events.

Silence enveloped the group as they processed her account.

Lau Mengyao's face betrayed a mix of emotions. She was finally beginning to understand her master's perspective on Jee Yun—perhaps he had known the truth all along.

"Three Patriarchs, Miss Su, it's possible that the Blood Asura was indeed killed by Jee Yun," Lau Mengyao ventured cautiously. "A few days ago, my junior and I sought out Jee Yun. The dean had entrusted me with a letter for him. Now, I suspect that letter may have set everything in motion."

"A letter? Old Mo had you deliver a letter to Jee Yun?" Lee Miran's brows knitted together.

In that instant, Su Nanyan's expression shifted, as if a realization had struck him. With a blend of annoyance and relief, he said, "Perhaps, I've figured out who Jee Yun really is!"

He had harbored doubts about Jee Yun's identity long ago but had chosen disbelief, especially since the man was thought to have perished on the Star Platform.

"Humph! Who else could Jee Yun be but a worthless nobody? Patriarchs, uncles, you're all reading too much into this!" Su Xiaomei's inner turmoil was evident, yet her face maintained a scornful sneer. She refused to accept that Jee Yun could have defeated a Martial Grandmaster. Impossible!

"Silence!" Su Nanyan shot Su Xiaomei a stern look and said with a hint of resignation, "Hasn't anyone heard the rumor that the Venom God didn't die ten years ago but was saved by Old Mo?"

Xu Yuanyuan, Su Xuerou, Su Xiaomei, and the others showed signs of doubt, while Lin Miran and Wang Xiaotian's frowns deepened.

Su Nanyan cast a glance at the gathered crowd before continuing, "What you may not realize is that, a decade ago, following a great upheaval, my elder brother Su Nantian returned from Bayliers Peaks with a person who was gravely injured. That individual was barely clinging to life, and it was Elder Mo who tended to his wounds."

"At the time, my brother referred to him as an old acquaintance, but in hindsight, the situation was far from straightforward," Su Nanyan said, the corners of his mouth turning up in a wry smile.

His gaze then settled on Su Xuerou, his expression a complex tapestry of emotions. "Despite everyone's objections, my brother was adamant about Xuerou marrying Jee Yun. Looking back, I can see his scheme was quite elaborate."

The room fell into a hushed silence as this revelation sank in, with Lin Muran and Wang Xiaotian being the notable exceptions.

After a contemplative pause, Lin Muran sighed, "If it really is him, then Su Nantian and Elder Mo have truly gone to great lengths to keep this a secret from us."

Wang Xiaotian gave a rueful chuckle, "I'm starting to grasp the meaning behind Elder Mo's words. It appears that Blood Asura's true aim was not Xuerou, but rather that man!"

Xu Yuanyuan listened with a look of bewilderment, clearly lost. She voiced her confusion, "Wait, who exactly are you talking about?"

Exchanging solemn looks, Wang Xiaotian, Lin Muran, and Su Nanyan said in unison, "If our suspicions are correct, then Jee Yun might just be the Venom God, the legendary figure who roamed the world with his sword ten years ago."

Venom God!

At the mention of this name, a shiver ran through everyone present. Su Xuerou and Su Xiaomei turned particularly ashen.

"Could he truly be the Venom God?"

For five years, Su Xuerou had been oblivious to the fact that the man she knew was the famed Venom God. The realization brought a bitter taste to her mouth.

"No, it can't be, can it?"

Su Xiaomei's face stiffened abruptly, her mind racing back to the scorn she had heaped upon Jee Yun over the last five years, now replaced by a chilling fear.

"This is bad, Brother Haotian is in danger!"

Out of the blue, Su Xiaomei gasped, as if a crucial thought had just struck her.


At those words, all eyes instantly turned to Su Xiaomei. Lin Muran's face darkened, and he asked urgently, "What happened? Is Haotian in danger?!"

Su Xiaomei's complexion went deathly pale, and she began to shake uncontrollably. With a quivering voice, she explained, "Jee Yun berated me before he left. I couldn't let that stand, so I had someone summon Brother Haotian to put Jee Yun in his place. I'm scared..."

"Reckless!" Su Nanyan's fury ignited upon hearing this. She delivered a sharp slap and scolded, "Jee Yun is the Venom God. How could you be so foolish as to send Lin Haotian to confront him? Do you realize you could have gotten him killed?"

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