Sword In Dream/C12 Dream Delight(part Ii)
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Sword In Dream/C12 Dream Delight(part Ii)
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C12 Dream Delight(part Ii)

Yun Hongyan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Third Brother. Master is training and will probably need another hour. You have been working hard, so please enjoy your tea."

Shen Hongfei shook his head and said, "I think it's better to wait until we meet Master. I just happen to meet Second Brother, and I have something to ask of you." He noticed that Zhan Hongtu had been silent the whole time, with his brows locked tightly together as if he had a heavy problem on his mind. Initially, he did not want to ask this question, but the 900,000 silver was a huge matter and he had to ask.

"Oh? "Please speak, junior apprentice-brother." Zhan Hongtu was not in a good mood today, but when he heard Shen Hongfei's question, he answered back with energy.

Shen Hongfei at once Wu steel dart, Huludao four sages, Ouyang Tianshi Ji dart, Xie Xiaodi to help and so on the matter one after another. Since he did not know Xie Xiaodi's real name, he addressed him as "the young man surnamed Xie".

The more Zhan Hongtu heard, the more amazed he became. When he heard Xie Xiaodi ask him about the silver dart, he stood up abruptly and asked anxiously, "Third Bro, have you checked the silver dart before?"

Seeing Zhan Hongtu's intense reaction, Shen Hongfei knew that Zhan Hongtu must be related to the escort. He immediately said, "There must be a reason why the darts are not checked. I've had my men check it. They are indeed silver taels. They are all fifty-one taels of silver taels each."

Zhan Hongtu shook his head and said, "I'm not asking for the truth, I'm asking for the truth. Have you seen the inscription patterns on the silver ingots?"

Shen Hongfei was stunned for a moment before he shook his head slightly. Zhan Hongtu stomped his feet, turned around and ran out of the hall. His movement technique was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed down the mountain.

Surprised, Shen Hongfei turned to Yun Hongyan.

Before Shen Hongfei could say anything, Yun Hongyan sighed, "Hongtu must have gone down the mountain to look over the silver ingots with the people from your escort company. The imperial government has requested for a deadline to solve the case. Hongtu has been rushing for a long time already, and this time, he came all the way up the mountain just for this matter. "

Shen Hongfei was shocked when he heard this. Could it be that I'm escorting the government's money? He immediately got up and was about to run down the mountain. At this moment, an old man dressed in Daoist attire walked over from the back of the hall. He had a full head of silver hair, two white eyebrows, and a strand of white hair that fluttered in front of his chest.

When Yun Hongyan and Shen Hongfei saw their Master, they immediately bowed and greeted him.

Bai Meisou casually found a chair and sat down, then nodded and said, "We Master and disciple don't need to be so polite. Hong Yan, I heard from you that Hongtu is coming, how did he become Hongfei? "

Yun Hongyan immediately recounted what had happened before. Shen Hongfei waited for his senior brother to finish and then took out Xie Xiaodi's letter from his chest pocket and presented it to his master. Although he had not opened the letter, he had carefully read it along the way and found no poison or other abnormalities.

Bai Meisou immediately opened the letter and took a look. At this moment, Zhan Hongtu ran into three official palaces from the foot of the mountain. Zhan Hongtu wanted to greet his Master when he saw him. However, when he saw that his Master was reading the letter, he quietly waited at the side.

With his Master present, Shen Hongfei didn't dare to ask too much and only gazed at Zhan Hongtu.

Zhan Hongtu saw Shen Hongfei looking at him with a clear intention to inquire, so he nodded slightly.

Before long, Bai Meisou had finished reading the letter. He immediately handed the letter to Yun Hongyan, and smiled as he picked up the letter. After Zhan Hongtu paid his respects to his master, Yun Hongyan immediately called Zhan Hongtu and Shen Hongfei over to see the letter.

The three of them looked at it carefully and saw that the script on the letter was very strong: "Senior Feiyun, I did not steal the silver from the Xi'an Prefecture. I have already chased away the person who stole the silver, but I cannot move the silver alone, so I gave the head of the escort to the head of the constable. APPENDIX: I took two hundred taels of silver and used it as a wad of silver. Let's just say it was hard money. I hope the constable won't arrest me. "Greetings, Xie Xiaodi."

After reading the letter, the three of them bitterly smiled, wondering where could such a clown come from. He immediately looked at Bai Meisou, wanting to hear his master's instructions.

Seeing that the three of them had finished reading the letter, Bai Meisou said, "Although Hongfei has not gained much from this trip, but he has helped Hongtu a lot. Although Xie Xiaodi's actions are comical, he is still a friend and not an enemy; we need to thank him in the future when we meet him in the martial arts world."

Shen Hongfei went all the way back and forth and ended up with nothing. His heart was filled with injustice, but Ku Yin was lost by the government. It was only natural for Wu Tie to return it. He thought: "You, Xie Xiaodi, really know how to use me as a favor."

At this moment, the disciple in charge of receiving guests rushed down the mountain. He handed a package and a letter to Yun Hongyan and whispered to him. Then, he rushed down the mountain again.

Yun Hongyan opened the letter and read it. He then handed it to his master, Bai Meisou. Bai Meisou looked at it for a while and nodded his head. He smiled and said to Shen Hongfei, "I just said that you didn't reap anything along the way and came to give you a present."

Shen Hongfei was a little confused, but Bai Meisou was still reading the letter, so it was not good to ask.

After Bai Meisou read the letter, the smile on his face disappeared. Instead, he handed the letter to Shen Hongfei with a serious expression.

Shen Hongfei hastily looked at the letter and saw that the handwriting was exactly the same as the one he saw earlier. It had to be written by Xie Xiaodi: "Senior Feiyun, I am giving you a packet of gems. Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on your eightieth birthday; secondly, I would like to request that you give a portion of the letter to Ye Chunchang's family members — we cannot save you; regrettably, Ouyang Tianshi and I have already made a decision on this matter. Also: The gem belongs to the Four Saints of Gourd Island. It should be a big escort, but I didn't have much savings when I first came out of the Jianghu, so I gave it to them as a gift. I am offering the original item now, but I have kept a piece of it myself, so I might as well leave some oil on it after the fat has passed. " At the end of the letter, the location of Ye Chunchang's burial was indicated.

After reading the letter, Shen Hongfei's mind was filled with endless thoughts. He had been worried that Ye Chunchang might have an accident when he returned, but he didn't expect that Ouyang Tianshi had really set up a trap for him. He had known Ye Chunchang for many years. Now that he heard the bad news, his heart was filled with grief. Although he had lost his precious gem, the two of them were incomparable.

Yun Hongyan knew that he was unhappy, so he comforted, "Taking the darts is a business in which the blade licks the blood. Since Lil 'Ye is in trouble, we must take care of his future. Hongfei, don't be too sad."

Shen Hongfei nodded. After all, he had walked the darts for many years and had experienced many life and death experiences. Furthermore, he had left through hell this time and still had something to ask, so he stopped thinking about it.

"Master, is Xie Xiaodi related to Great Dream Swordsman Xie Mengde and Shaolin Sect's Pu Yi? Also, when they were plundering the darts, the Four Saints of Gourd Island had mentioned that "Protector Shang" would avenge them. Shen Hongfei had a lot of things he didn't understand about this trip, so when he saw his Master now, he brought up all the questions in his heart.

Bai Meisou nodded and immediately explained the situation. Yun Hongyan, Zhan Hongtu, and Shen Hongfei's faces changed drastically when they heard this!

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