Sword In Dream/C13 One Sword Grief(part I)
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Sword In Dream/C13 One Sword Grief(part I)
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C13 One Sword Grief(part I)

On the night of the fight between Xie Xiaodi and Ouyang Tianshi.

Late at night.

In a quiet courtyard, in a hidden room, a group of people were silent.

They were gathered around a bed. A young man was lying on the bed, his chest heaving and his breathing ragged.

A burly monk stood in front of the bed and anxiously asked the doctor, "Mr. Wang, is there really no other way?"

"Mr. Wang" was giving acupuncture and medicine to the young man. He gave a long sigh, but before he could say anything, he heard a loud bang from the door. Someone had already opened it.

Everyone looked over in the blink of an eye. A tall and thin man with a livid expression had already walked in. Seeing the door open, one of the servants wanted to go up and question him. The man didn't answer, but raised his leg and kicked the servant away. "Boom!" The servant smashed into the wall, breaking his spine and bones.

When everyone saw that the servant was kicked to death by this man, most of their faces showed signs of panic. Only the fat monk didn't care and said indifferently: "Protector Shang, why are you so angry?"

The man who was addressed as "Protector Shang" remained stern, and said coldly: "I am here to settle scores with Ouyang Tianshi. I want to ask him, why aren't you saving Boss Tan and the rest? "He doesn't understand. I want his life!"

"Mr. Wang" suddenly said, "You don't need to ask, you won't be able to take his life."

"Protector Shang" sneered: "Relying on him? Or just you? "

"Old Mr. Wang" shook his head and pointed at the bed. "Come take a look."

"Protector Shang" took a big step forward and walked to the bed. The person lying on the bed was Ouyang Tianshi.

"Protector Shang" indeed couldn't take Ouyang Tianshi's life.

Because Ouyang Tianshi, who was on the bed, had stopped breathing.

Ouyang Tianshi was dead!

"Protector Shang" was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He turned his head and asked "Mr. Wang", "How did he die?"

"Mr. Wang." He immediately lifted the blanket that was covering Ouyang Tianshi. Everyone saw that there was a red line connecting the three acupoints of Ouyang Tianshi's right arm from his elbow to his armpit: "Shaohai", "Qingling", and "Ji Quan".

"Mr. Wang" sighed, "He was penetrated with his internal energy and injured his Young Yin Heart Sutra. Now that his heart meridian has been severed, the Great Firmament Golden Immortal will not be able to save him."

"Protector Shang" nodded and continued to ask, "Who did this? "Who has such strong acupuncture skills?"

Before "Old mister Wang" could answer, the fat monk had already answered, "This is not the Pressure Point Technique, this is a sword technique. One sword technique wounded three acupoints consecutively, the meridians are broken but the flesh is not damaged.

"Sword Art?" What sword technique is this? "

"Great Dream Sword Technique."

"Great Dream Sword Technique?" "Is it Xie Mengde's doing again?"


"Who is that?"

"Xie Xiaodi."

Xie Xiaodi wasn't happy these few days. He was afraid that no matter who it was, they would never be happy.

When Xie Xiaodi and Ouyang Tianshi dueled sword, although a "Dream Joy" had hurt Ouyang Tianshi's Hand Shaoyin Sutra, but he was also hurt by Ouyang Tianshi's "Chasing Life" inner strength. Xie Xiaodi knew that with his own inner strength, he was unable to dispel this force. If he did not deal with it properly, then the force would enter into his lungs through the veins and would be hopeless. He could only break his chest and back and let this force flow out with his blood.

Although his chest and back were only superficial wounds, a momentary loss of blood caused Xie Xiaodi to feel dizzy. In addition to Ouyang Tianshi's sword strength being quite strong, Xie Xiaodi did not feel well these days.

Xie Xiaodi's intention this time was to make more friends in the martial arts world and at the same time clear up some trouble for Xie Mengde. Therefore, after he helped Zhan Hongtu get back his silver, he let Shen Hongfei protect him and let the wind blow out, saying that the dart he had protected was the Great Dream Sword Technique and that he wanted to get rid of those who coveted the sword technique.

What Xie Xiaodi didn't expect was that he wanted to clean up some trouble for Xie Mengde, but he got himself in endless trouble. Of course, that was something to be said later.

Xie Xiaodi was in a good mood today. After burying Ye Chunchang, he gave the Gourd Island's Four Saints' gems to the Kongtong Sect. After resting for a few days, he prepared to go and eat tofu.

Eating tofu meant to take advantage of others. In the old days, there was tofu in the food prepared by the bereaved family, so going to the bereaved family for a meal was called tofu, also called tofu rice. In order to fill their stomachs, some people would often brazenly go to the restaurant to eat. As time passed, "eating tofu" would have the intention of taking advantage of the situation, especially when it came to men taking advantage of women.

However, Xie Xiaodi wasn't going to hang himself or take advantage of others, he was going to eat tofu.

Since he was going to eat tofu, of course he would go to the tofu shop.

Today, Xie Xiaodi came to a tofu shop called "Old Zhou San Dou Xu Fang".

Unfortunately, there was no tofu in the tofu shop, only an old man with a gnarled face and a white beard. He was dressed very simply, and looked clean. He was turning a small bowl of soy milk.

"May I ask if this is Old Zhou's tofu factory?" Xie Xiaodi saw that the old man was ignoring him, so he took the initiative to ask.

The old man did not answer and continued to grind the soy milk.

"May I ask if this is Old Zhou San's tofu factory?" Xie Xiaodi raised his voice again.

"What's so noisy about? Are you blind? The words written on it will not be read by yourself! " The old man still did not raise his head. He looked like he was deliberately looking for someone to fight with.

Xie Xiaodi didn't get angry and continued to ask: "Excuse me, are you Old Zhou San?"

The old man raised his head and looked coldly at Xie Xiaodi: "Are you here to buy tofu, or are you here to check up on our family?"

Xie Xiaodi immediately smiled and said: "Buy tofu, of course I want tofu. I wonder how much a catty of tofu would be?"

Old man Xie still had a cold expression on his face, "My name is Old Zhou San, not Old sir. Do you want fresh tofu or dried tofu?"

Xie Xiaodi's smile didn't waver: "I want frozen tofu."

Although it was already late autumn, it was still too early for Frozen Tofu. Furthermore, Frozen Tofu was bought by the tofu itself, so the tofu shop would not usually sell it. When Xie Xiaodi suddenly said that he wanted to buy Frozen Tofu, Old Zhou San couldn't help but be slightly surprised. He paused for a moment before saying, "There is no Frozen Tofu here."

"I only came here because I heard there was Frozen Tofu." Xie Xiaodi seemed determined to eat frozen tofu.

Third Elder Zhou carefully examined the young man in front of him once again. After pausing for a moment, he said word by word, "What kind of frozen tofu do you want made from beans?"

The smile on Xie Xiaodi's face had disappeared and was replaced with a serious expression. He said slowly, "I want frozen tofu made from Acacia Bean."

Usually, when making tofu, one would use soybeans, mung beans, white beans, peas, etc., and would never use Lovesick bean as tofu. However, Zhou Lao San did not seem surprised by this and lightly said, "Only Godly Tofu, no Lovesick Tofu."

"The deities are no longer here. They are all dead now." Xie Xiaodi's eyes lit up.

Zhou Ol 'Three nodded his head, "Come with me." With that, he stood up and entered the room.

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