Sword In Dream/C17 Tribune(part I)
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Sword In Dream/C17 Tribune(part I)
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C17 Tribune(part I)

Bai Meisou, Yun Hongyan, and Zhan Hongtu were curious to see Shen Hongfei suddenly slapping his legs and yelling.

"No wonder," Shen Hongfei explained, "when Master Pu yison asked Xie Xiaodi if he knew Master Pu yi, Xie Xiaodi said he called Pu Yi Master Decapitator, so that's how it was."

Yun Hongyan secretly shook his head and thought, "Not serious at all, not serious at all."

After that, the four of them discussed about the "Infinitesimal Sect" and Xie Xiaodi. After that, Shen Hongfei arranged for Hee Chong and the others to return to the escort office first, while on the way to find Ye Chunchang's corpse. He himself stayed on the Kongtong Sect mountain for a few more days. As for Wu Tie, he was afraid that the matter of nine hundred thousand silver would change again, so he went down the mountain first and returned to Xi'an Prefecture to see Prefect Zhou Tie.

Xie Xiaodi was also looking for Hee Chunlai.

On this day, Xie Xiaodi had already arrived at the Xi'an Prefecture, but seeing Hee Chunlai made him feel troubled.

Xie Xiaodi's first thought was to sign up, but he immediately rejected the idea. Since Hee Chunlai didn't know him, he would definitely not be able to see him. If the person who informed the others of Zhou Kaishan's name revealed his secret, it would definitely be inappropriate.

Xie Xiaodi then thought of visiting He Mansion at night and immediately rejected this idea. In the middle of the night, even if a relative came uninvited, they would not necessarily be welcomed, much less someone of unknown identity. It would be even more troublesome if he was seen as an assassin.

A palanquin? Apparently not.

Finally, Xie Xiaodi thought of a solution.

It was to sound the drum and cry out the injustice.

It wasn't hard to find a Prefect's yamen in the Xi'an Prefecture. Xie Xiaodi randomly found out from a commoner and found the location of the magistrate court.

When Xie Xiaodi arrived at the yamen's entrance, he discovered the unjustly crowing drum standing at the entrance. Without another word, he went up and picked up the drumstick and began to beat it.

As soon as he knocked, the two bailiffs at the Prefect's door immediately came over.

"What are you doing!?" What are you doing! Is this something you randomly knocked on? " A fat bailiff with a fierce-looking face scolded Xie Xiaodi loudly.

"Old masters, I am wronged..." Xie Xiaodi pretended to look pitiful.

"What injustice?" I think you are full, so why are you not doing well at such a young age? Get the hell out of here! " The fat bailiff continued to scold.

"I really have a grievance. I want to see Prefect He and Lord Hee." Xie Xiaodi said sincerely.

"A lowly person like you still wants to see the Lord Prefect?" If I don't beat you up, you won't leave. " The fat bailiff rolled up his sleeves and was about to make his move.

"Chief Li, forget it, forget it. Why are you so angry this early in the morning?" The other old yamen runner had a good temper. He stopped the fat yamen runner and asked Xie Xiaodi, "Young man, you said you had a grievance. What grievances do you have?"

"This …" Even though Xie Xiaodi was smart and smart, he suddenly got stuck. It turned out that even though Xie Xiaodi had heard Xie Mengde and Pu Yi talk about all kinds of people and things in the martial arts world, he had only just entered the martial arts world and his knowledge of the world was limited. He had originally thought that as soon as he arrived at the magistrate court, he would cry out injustice and that Prefect He would immediately be promoted to investigate the case. He hadn't thought that the two bailiffs would block his way and even ask him what grievances he had suffered.

"I …" Xie Xiaodi wasn't prepared so he had to make a temporary decision: "My uncle's cousin's nephew's brother-in-law owes me money but doesn't want to pay it back..."

The fat bailiff's nose was almost crooked from Xie Xiaodi's anger. He couldn't figure out who owed Xie Xiaodi money, so he scolded: "Why aren't you paying me back? Why are you calling the shots for such a trivial matter?" I think you are asking for a beating! " As he spoke, he swung his palm up.

The middle-aged bailiff held the fat bailiff back and said, "Forget it, Chief Li. It's not worth being treated as the same youngster." "Besides, blood brothers need to be clear about their debts. This is common sense." He turned around and said to Xie Xiaodi, "Your …" He didn't know who owed Xie Xiaodi money, so he said vaguely: "Your relatives owe you money, but they won't pay it back. Do you have any notes?"

"... There was … "Right?" Xie Xiaodi also felt a bit dizzy. The development of the situation had already exceeded his expectations, so he was ready to run away.

"Then it's settled. You go back and find a lawyer. Write a petition, hand it over to the yamen, and sue him."

"Oh... Good... I'll get someone to write it when I get back. " Xie Xiaodi had already lost his patience and knew that there was no way out, so he decided to leave immediately.

Just as he turned to leave, the middle-aged bailiff called out to him, "Young man, which county are you from?"

"I am..." Xie Xiaodi was new to this place, but who knew what county there was in Xi'an Prefecture. He could only mumble: "I am … Not far from here in the county. "

"You have to go to the county yamen to report your debts, not the government office. Just write the bill down and go to your town hall, don't come back." The middle-aged bailiff said kindly.

"Alright, thank you." Xie Xiaodi was completely confused, so he could only turn around and run.

"Old Zhou, your temper is really too good. If it weren't for you stopping him, I would definitely have hit him." The fat bailiff still had not calmed down.

The middle-aged bailiff looked at Xie Xiaodi's back as he walked away and sighed: "This guy is handsome, even more good-looking than our son, but unfortunately, his brain doesn't work. No wonder people lied to him about the money."

"To be able to see Hee Chunlai but fail, was instead treated by the yamen runners as unscrupulous." For a commoner to meet an official, how difficult would that be? " Xie Xiaodi could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Even though he smiled wryly, Hee Chunlai still wanted to see it.

"It's not easy to be a plaintiff, then I'll... To be the defendant. " Xie Xiaodi frowned as he made up his mind. He immediately left the mansion to make preparations.

That evening, Xie Xiaodi placed the "Dream Sword" and its valuable items in a proper place. After changing into a new set of clothes, he once again came to the prefecture's yamen.

Coincidentally, the bailiff on duty this time happened to be a different person. Seeing this, Xie Xiaodi didn't say anything else and walked up to hit the drum again with the sound of "Dong Dong Dong".

"Stop knocking!" What are you doing? " Two bailiffs came forward to interrogate him.

"Old masters, I... "I'm here to submit my case." Xie Xiaodi had a bitter look on his face.

"Surrender?" What case? " A bailiff asked loudly.

"I stole the silver from the Xi'an Prefecture." Xie Xiaodi's face was filled with sincerity.

"Bullshit!" Who dares to steal money? Is there something wrong with your head? " The Xi'an Prefecture warehouse silver was stolen. Although the higher-ups had strictly ordered to solve the case within a time limit, it was a matter of great importance, so the matter was kept a secret. Many people within the residence did not know about it, thus the bailiff did not know about the theft of the treasury silver.

Xie Xiaodi thought that things would get worse this time. Just as he was about to say something, he heard another bailiff suddenly say: "Third Brother, keep an eye on this kid. Don't tell him to leave, I'll go ask Constable Zhao." Then he turned around and ran into the house. He had heard from Constable Zhao that Ku Yin had been robbed. Now that he heard that Xie Xiaodi was going to turn in the case, he hurried to report it.

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