Sword In Dream/C3
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Sword In Dream/C3
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In the past, his attainments in the "Returning the Wind Sword" were second to none among his peers. However, at that time, Sect Leader of the Emei Sect felt that he was too impatient and impulsive to take revenge for his enmity. He did not deserve to be a member of Sect Leader, and had passed the position of Sect Leader on to Chen. No one without an ear could compete for Sect Leader's position. He left Emei in a fit of anger, and then went to Emei three times to find Chen Zi's sword. This was the first time that the two of them had been unable to determine victory or defeat. The second time, the Ear less Daoists improved greatly, and they were no match for the Awakened ones. However, when the Ear less Daoists came out of their cultivation, they were chased away. The third time was the death of the free and unrestrained son, no one asked himself whether the Emei Faction was a match for him, and when he went up the mountain, he severely injured the Emei Faction's Chen Zi and Wu Chen Zi. Seeing that everyone was still unconvinced, he tried to wash Emei with blood, only to run into Xie Mengde, the Great Dream Swordsman who had come to pay his respects to Emei. Xie Mengde tried to persuade him, but Jue Chen refused to listen. The two of them said that they were going to fight, but Xie Mengde used the Great Dream Sword Technique to cut off Jue Chen's ears. Xie Mengde didn't take the life of the Transcendent Daoist because he didn't kill anyone. He only swore that he would never go up Mount Emei again in his life.

After this battle, Wu Chen was forced to live in seclusion in the mountains, but he still entered the martial arts world. Because of his ruthlessness, he was merciless when fighting with others. People in the martial arts world called him a deaf person, saying that he was "deaf and wanted people's lives".

When Shen Hongfei followed Bai Meisou to meet the free son of Emei Sun, he had a chance to meet the peerless son, but the two did not spar to compete with each other. After the Ascendant had gone into seclusion in the Heavenly Mountain, the two of them had kept their distance from each other. Shen Hongfei had his doubts when he met him in the tavern today. However, when he found out that the dart he had protected could be the Great Dream Sword manual, he immediately understood the reason for the person with no ears. Ye Zichen thought to himself, if you don't like Xie Mengde, just cultivate well and find him to take revenge. What kind of man are you trying to steal someone's sword manual for? With a slight tug of his hand, he threw a golden dart at the deaf man.

Unexpectedly, the golden dart flew out and hit the back of the Daoist's head with a "pu" sound. Everyone was shocked when they saw this. Shen Hongfei was even more surprised. Could it be that I made a mistake? The bodyguard was different from the average martial artist in Jianghu. Although it was common for people to kill or fight each other, most of them were bandits. If they accidentally killed a good citizen, they would be investigated for fear of affecting the escort company's business.

Seeing that the golden dart was 1 inch deep into the Taoist's brain, Shen Hongfei was worried. He quickly ran to the Taoist's side and pulled him up. Upon closer inspection, although it had been many years, his appearance was indeed that of an Ear less Daoist.

The Ear less Daoist had died! The number one expert of the Emei Faction had died on the floor at a table in a small inn! Shen Hongfei immediately found out that the Pathless Man's body was cold and stiff. Apparently, he wasn't killed by his golden dart. He wanted to check on the cause of death, but his body suddenly froze.

When Hee Chong and Ye Chunchang saw Shen Hongfei suddenly stop moving, they thought that he had been plotted against. Just as Hee Chong was about to step forward to help, he suddenly stood still as well. Ye Chunchang had already sheathed his saber. He was about to pull it out again, but stopped halfway. The three of them could feel the killing intent.

The person who wanted to kill had a murderous aura, it was originally nothing, but the murderous aura was initially silent, suddenly it covered the sky, like a gust of cold wind that could freeze a person, it was sent out by the blue-robed scholar who was waving his fan.

Shen Hongfei cursed in his heart. He thought that he had made a mistake this time because he cared too much about deaf people. He didn't expect the blue-robed scholar to be the real culprit. However, now that he had brought the deaf Daoist with him and also sold the backside to the opposite party, the situation was not good. He and Ye were also intimidated by the other party's killing intent and didn't dare to act rashly.

Shen Hongfei was afraid that the opposite party would make a move, so he didn't turn around. He slowly put down the deaf man and said, "Forgive me. I don't know if an expert is here. I hope you can forgive me."

When the blue-robed scholar heard this, he laughed and said: "Chief Escort Shen is too polite. What kind of master am I now? We have something to talk about, so there's no need to be so formal."

Shen Hongfei calculated in his mind, but he could not figure out the scholar's background, so he said: "May I ask what your name is? Do you recognize this Taoist? How did he die, and did he see the church? " On the one hand, he asked for the scholar's name, and on the other hand, he wanted to know if the death of the deaf had anything to do with this person. To be able to kill an Ear less Daoist, he was definitely an expert amongst experts.

Chief Escort Shen already knows what he is asking, but isn't this old Taoist Ear less? Everyone has seen the cause of death. Leader Shen really did use his spear to kill him. " The blue-clothed scholar's words were frivolous, truly not like those of an expert, but the murderous intent in the inn only grew heavier and heavier.

Shen Hongfei knew that the death of the deaf person must be related to this person. He immediately snorted coldly, "How dare a man take responsibility for his actions. Young hero, you are hiding your words. Are you afraid of people seeking revenge?" It was better to send out an army than to send out an army. He purposefully stirred up the scholar in order to find an opportunity.

"My surname is Shen, it's useless even if you provoke me. To tell you the truth, when the old Daoist Ear heard that the dart you're keeping is the Great Dream Sword manual, he wanted to see it for himself. I found him eyesore, so I sent him back to his seat." Although the blue-robed scholar knew that Shen Hongfei was trying to tease him, he still told him the truth.

"The title of Young Hero still sees the Church?" Shen Hongfei heard the other party's words getting more and more arrogant and murderous. He groaned in his heart, but his side was already at a disadvantage. If he could delay it for a while, then the situation would change.

"I don't mind telling you, my name is Ouyang Tianshi." The blue-robed scholar had a lazy look on his face.

"Ouyang Tianshi, Ouyang Tianshi …" Shen Hongfei thought about it in private and suddenly thought of something. "What is your name from Ruyi Castle?"

The blue-robed scholar's eyebrows jumped, but he still didn't seem to care. "That's my father. Oh, he should be called my father now."

Upon hearing this, Shen Hongfei immediately thought of an incident from several years ago: Ruyi Castle, Castle Owner, Ouyang Duan, and the Netherworld Sword had a deep relationship, over ten years ago, Shen Hongfei had sent his son to the Netherworld Three Swords to learn. He didn't know if it was because his child's talent wasn't good enough or because he didn't know what to do, but the Soul Extinguisher Swordsman of the Netherworld Sword had taught his child for three years and in the end had not improved much. Due to his good relationship with Ouyang Duan, the Soul Extinguisher Swordsman had changed him to a disciple of the Soul Extinguisher Swordsman. After three years, the Absolute Soul Swordsman was also helpless, so the Soul Chaser took the initiative to submit, and taught the child for another three years. The three swordsmen never thought that this guy would be so meticulous in his plans, pretending that he could not learn anything, but that he had actually completely mastered the Soul Extinguishing Sword Technique, Absolute Soul Sword Technique, and Soul Chasing Sword. He then simplified and created six forms of the "Soul Summoning Sword", and suddenly attacked when the three Netherworld Swords met with each other two years ago. The Netherworld Three Sword Wine was originally not a match for him, but fortunately, a powerful expert managed to scare him away.

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