Sword King of Heaven/C14 Waves in the Clouds
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Sword King of Heaven/C14 Waves in the Clouds
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C14 Waves in the Clouds

Qi Tianyun pointed at the "strange bird" and argued with Lin Xue over what kind of bird it was. However, neither of them could convince the other party of her thoughts. Xiang Soong was also confused as he had never seen such a "strange bird" before.

The girl looked up at the bird for a moment, then suddenly shouted up at the sky: "Cloud — — middle — quick — here — I — roll — down — here!" The sound was so loud that it deafened Qi Tianyun and Lin Xue. Only Xiang Soong was able to operate his martial arts to block it.

A reply faintly came from the air: "I know — — Dao — — now —"

The "Black Head Bird" was originally following closely behind a white crane like a shadow. Even the way it flew and its direction was exactly the same. At this moment, it turned its head and dived downwards, gradually revealing its human form.

Other than the young lady, the three of them were speechless. With such a light arts, Xiang Soong felt that he was too far away for them to reach, and the other two were even more surprised.

When his appearance was barely discernible by the crowd, it caused everyone to be astonished. This person was so young, he was almost the same age as the young lady. This was truly worthy of respect.

After circling a few times, Yun Zhongzi slowly landed on the ground. He took out a folding fan from his back and walked towards everyone.

Just as he was about to speak, the girl asked, "Where's Fourth Bro? Where did he go?"

Yun Zhongzi was stunned for a moment. He was obviously not clear about it. He touched his head, walked towards the river and leaned over, staring at the churning river below.

The three of them had no idea why he would do such a ridiculous thing. Lin Xue suddenly said, "He must be looking for fish in the river." Then, whether he was or not, he went and stood not far from him, bending over the river.

Just as the two of them were considering whether they should go and take a look, the river suddenly underwent a great change. A huge wave was surging upwards from the water, and it looked as if it was about to erupt at any moment.

Qi Tianyun wanted to tell Lin Xue to be careful of the waves.

However, before he could say anything, a huge wave had actually appeared. "Hualala!" The sound of water splashing could be heard. The white waves were like a fountain as they surged up to the height of a few people. Within the waves, a figure could be seen standing upright.

"Wah!" "What a big fish!" Qi Tianyun sighed. But when he looked closely, the thing in the wave seemed to be not a fish, but a human?

When the white wave fell, the figure of the person in the water was seen. It was also a man. He stood on the surface of the water, spitting out a large mouthful of water mist.

Lin Xue stood closest to him, the waves splashing all over her body, and when he sprayed it all over her face, making her wet all over. Some of the water even dripped into her eyes and nose.

"Uh-uh-uh! "Ha! Ha!" Lin Xue kept wiping her eyes as she sneezed.

Qi Tianyun quickly went to get her to remove the water droplets on his body and wiped her face with the edge of his shirt.

The girl frowned and cursed, "Bo Langzi, what the hell are you doing!"

Bo Langzi stepped onto the shore while the waves were churning. He wiped off the water droplets on his face and laughed: "Hehe! Where had Senior Martial Sister been recently to find that handsome man? Had she not found him yet? Is it him? " He saw that Xiang Soong was the only other couple present, so he looked at him intently.

Xiang Soong was embarrassed by what he saw, but he didn't know how to answer.

The girl said angrily, "It's been a few days since we last met. Is your skin itchy? Alright, come over here and let me treat your illness. Why didn't you come over! "

Bo Langzi waved his hands in surrender and smiled as he begged for mercy, "Senior Sister, I was wrong. How could such a handsome man fall for you? Haha …"

The girl angrily rushed up and punched him in the chest. He slightly shifted his body to avoid her punch.

The girl still wanted to beat him up, but Bo Langzi always avoided him easily when he was about to hit him.

Looking at the scene of their fight, Xiang Soong could not help but think: While he might not be able to win the fight with this girl, but this Bo Langzi will definitely be able to hold on for a while, and Yun Zhongzi is not that weak either. Looking at himself like this, he was really a frog in the well.

The water droplets on Lin Xue's face had been wiped clean. She could finally see something again. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the sky. Suddenly, she asked curiously, "Why is he flying again?"

It turned out that Yun Zhongzi was depressed and went to chase the white crane again. However, after circling in the air, he suddenly flew towards a distant forest at a fast speed.

At this moment, the two brothers and sister stopped their banter and looked in the direction that he had flown in with deep concern.

Bo Langzi pondered and said, "Seeing that he went in such a hurry, could something have happened over there?"

The young girl did not think too much and quickly followed him.

Seeing that Bo Langzi was also about to go over, Xiang Soong hurriedly greeted, "Bo — er, Brother, please don't go!"

Bo Langzi wanted to move but stopped himself. He looked at Xiang Soong in surprise.

"It's like this," she originally wanted to call him 'Brother Waves', but she still couldn't quickly say it out. "May I ask what is your senior sister's name …?"

Bo Langzi was puzzled, "Didn't you follow her? How come you don't even know her name?"

Xiang Soong quickly explained, "Actually, we only heard others call her 'Banshee'. As for her real name, we haven't even asked her yet."

Bo Langzi was relieved, "So it's like this, then, let's talk while walking." He led the way through the forest, "She's called Liu Yezi, it's rare for you to know her nickname, and now you're still willing to ask her real name, sigh!"

"Liu Yezi." Xiang Soong muttered to himself. This name did have quite a bit of charm to it. Of course, the other two also liked this name.

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