Sword King of Heaven/C17 Large Shark
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Sword King of Heaven/C17 Large Shark
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C17 Large Shark

A few days ago, on a surging sea, a rather large exquisite pleasure boat was leisurely sailing forward.

This luxurious ship had a total of two decks, each one as tall as two people. The upper decks were surrounded by a barricade, and apart from the cabins on the roof, there were also a lot of other empty places. It was very suitable for blowing the sea breeze or viewing the stars in the night.

The door to the top deck was gently pushed open. Fu Binngqin leisurely walked out. She had just taken a nap and was out for a breezes. Her maidservant Mei was behind her, holding a palace fan in her hand, ready to fan her.

Fu Binngqin rubbed her sleepy eyes and strolled over to the side of the boat. She held onto the railing to blow the sea breeze while she looked down.

Mei suddenly realized that the fan in her hand was unnecessary. She forgot to bring out a piece of clothing when she put it away, so she said, "Miss, it's windy outside. I'll go get a cloak for you."

Fu Binngqin shook her head and said, "No need." However, she suddenly felt that it was a bit hot. She raised his head to look at the blazing sun at noon, fanned herself with her hand and softly said, "Yo, it's strangely hot!"

Mei quickly said, "Miss, let's go in."

Fu Binngqin nodded. Just as she was about to return to the cabin, she turned around and stopped again. There seemed to be something happening on the surface of the sea.

She turned back, slightly surprised. Something was floating on the surface of the sea.

When she finally saw it clearly, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow!"

Mei shouted, "Miss, it looks like a male corpse! It's too unlucky. Let's not look anymore, let's go in. "

Fu Binngqin was puzzled. "How can there be a floating corpse? If a person dies in the water, wouldn't they sink?"

Mei explained, "That person must have died at sea. After floating for so long, his body didn't sink down."

Fu Binngqin could not help but say, "Wouldn't that mean we'd rot in the sea? "Go and call Dad up here, we should just fish him up and bury him."

Mei disagreed. "Miss, it doesn't matter how she died. If a sailor on the ship died suddenly, they would be thrown into the sea."

Fu Binngqin said impatiently, "Aiya, go and call him up!"

Mei couldn't help but urge her to go. After a while, she followed an old man in luxurious clothing with a long beard out. The old man stroked his beard and walked in a manner that was quite awe-inspiring.

Fu Binngqin kept waving at him. "Dad, come here quickly!"

When Old Master Fu heard Mei talk about it, he too felt that she was too naive to meddle in such matters. Besides, it might not be a bad thing for her to die in the water.

He walked over and looked down. It was a man wearing green clothes, and because he had been wearing it for so long, a large area of white had already appeared. His face was covered by his hair, and his appearance couldn't be seen clearly. He must have been an alcoholic, probably sneaking into someone else's boat, getting caught drunk and thrown down, becoming a dead alcoholic in a daze.

The old man shook her head, "Binngqin, you don't need to worry about that. His death like this is worth it. At least, he's not like those warriors who died on the battlefield, with no arms or legs missing. This is already good, sigh!" With that, he turned and left.

Fu Binngqin anxiously said, "Dad, don't go, Dad!" She looked at the dead body again. "Ah! Father, come quickly and take a look! "

The cry also attracted the old man's attention as he hurriedly went over to see what had happened.

"Ah!" Miss, that seems to be a shark! " Mei shouted.

The old man hurriedly walked over again and looked around for a while. Finally, he found the sharp shark fins at the stern of the boat. The old man hurriedly walked over again and looked around for a while, and finally found the shark fins at the back of the boat.

Although the boat didn't move at all, Fu Binngqin could still feel it. The shark's body was trembling slightly under her feet. It was obvious that the shark was not small. She fearfully said, "Dad, it's better to fish him out. He'll really be eaten by sharks later!"

The old man shook his head, "Cough! Foolish child, it's too late. Look! "

Fu Binngqin looked down and saw that the fin was very close to the floating corpse's leg.

"Ah!" Fu Binngqin hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands. She could not bear to watch this. Her heart was beating very quickly.

"Miss! "Miss!" Mei tugged on her sleeve and shouted, "Miss, look!"

It took her a while to take her hand off him. She thought she must have seen the mutilated remains of his body, and the blood and gore of a beast, but she had not seen the cruelty.

When the shark was about to touch his leg, it dived down a little, then rose up like a flood dragon out of its lair. A rising wave lifted him up, and when the fin was between his legs, the shark, which had been invisible all this time, finally came up. The huge body, the streamlined figure, the menacing gaze, the long pointed mouth, the scissor-shaped tail, the two blade-shaped fins on either side, the blue back, the white belly, held the back of the man, and it looked as if he were about to become the belly of a shark.

Strangely, however, the floating corpse did not slip into the sea. Instead, it stuck to the smooth back of the shark and did not move at all.

The shark dived into the sea, and the floating corpse followed suit. For a long time, nothing happened.

"Father!" Fu Binngqin said with a trembling voice, "Is he, is he … just like that …"

No one answered her. There was a long silence, accompanied by a long wait. Everyone was waiting for what would happen next.

The water finally changed, and the shark was about to rise again.

Fu Binngqin held onto Mei's clothes tightly, afraid that she would faint from fright.

However, the scene that everyone thought they would see did not happen. The floating corpse was still carried on the back of the shark and was not damaged in the slightest.

Fu Binngqin was overjoyed and confused. She wanted to ask her father, but she didn't understand either.

The shark must have been holding its breath. It howled and opened its bloody maw, revealing two rows of sharp fangs. Luckily, they were standing at a high altitude and didn't smell the blood on its mouth.

"Ah!" "Ahhh!" The two girls cried out together.

The shark howled, wagging its tail with all its might, desperately trying to shake off the burden on its body.

However, the floating corpse was not left behind. Instead, it was stuck on its bare back. As its body swayed, it followed suit and wriggled, almost as if it was not missing in the slightest.

The great shark leaped up, jumped high and then fell down, splashing waves everywhere.

"Eh, why hasn't he fallen yet?" Fu Binngqin looked at her father suspiciously, only to see that he was only staring at the shark, ignoring her.

Twice the shark had failed, probably angry with shame, jumping up and down and high, then plunging into it, circling and struggling, but no matter how noisy it was, the floating carcass on its back would never get rid of it, not even if it used all its strength.

After a long time, the shark stopped moving and floated on the sea, panting. Then it took a deep breath, lifted its head, swung its body, and sped toward the wide sea without looking back. It seemed that it had no other choice but to hope that the thing on its back would go down on its own, and that it would soon disappear beyond the distant sea level.

Fu Binngqin was shocked. She asked his father, "Dad, isn't he dead? Why is he stuck on the back of a shark? How is he doing this?"

Old Master Fu shook his head and smiled, narrowing his eyes as he muttered, "Such a profound internal force, such a strong martial skill, such a strong young man. How come I've never seen such an expert before?"

Mei was shocked, "Master, do you think that he is not a dead man or an expert?"

Old Master Fu nodded, "This person's martial arts may not be any weaker than mine."

Fu Binngqin knew that her father didn't have a lot of high opinions of the juniors in Martial Forest. She often said, "There isn't much that can be looked at by a young man in Martial Forest today." Now, he was willing to say such words for no reason at all. However, who exactly was this person?

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