Sword Lord/C13 Heavenly Flame Hell
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Sword Lord/C13 Heavenly Flame Hell
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C13 Heavenly Flame Hell

Lin Xi watched the flames gradually ignite within the furnace before her, casting aside the resentment she harbored for Loong Yuv. At that moment, she had no spare energy to dwell on such thoughts.

As the flames before Lin Xi blazed, a surging wave of heat assaulted her, causing the room's temperature to soar to unbearable levels. Lin Xi quickly channeled her Spiritual Force to counter the oppressive heat.

Her clothing had vaporized in an instant. Landing barefoot on the ground, she leapt up with a sharp cry as the scorching floor seared her feet. Lin Xi couldn't help but amplify her Spiritual Force to shield her feet from the burn.

Informed by the knowledge Loong Yuv had left in her mind, Lin Xi knew that the first level of the Holy Prison Tower was designed by the original tower master for forging divine weapons. This level was known as Heavenly Fire Hell.

The furnace's flames were of the Lava Hell Fire variety, an unceasing inferno with the might to dissolve all earthly matter.

As the flames within the massive furnace grew more intense, the room's temperature climbed higher, warping Lin Xi's vision.

"Concentrate your spirit and combat the heat with your Myriad Dao Sword Intent," an icy voice instructed, reaching Lin Xi's ears just as she felt overwhelmed.

For a fleeting moment, a chill swept through Lin Xi's entire being, only to vanish the next second. The voice belonged to the woman in the simple dress Lin Xi had encountered initially.

Without overthinking, Lin Xi heeded the guidance, enveloping herself with the Myriad Dao Sword Intent. Almost immediately, the temperature around her noticeably decreased.

Then, Lin Xi called forth the Golden Myriad Dao Sword from within herself. This intangible blade, formed from Lin Xi's own Myriad Dao Sword Intent, vied with the flames even in the extreme heat.

Lin Xi cast the golden sword into the furnace, where it was swiftly consumed by the Lava Hell Fire. Concurrently, her body convulsed, her already heat-reddened skin turning a more severe shade of red.

In less than a second, Lin Xi's entire body had turned the color of blood.

The Lava Hell Fire is currently refining your Myriad Dao Sword, Lin Xi. Since the sword is an extension of yourself, the agony you're experiencing is a direct result of the Lava Hell Fire's intense heat. You must persevere; this is merely the first step in shaping the Myriad Dao Sword.

Once again, the voice of the woman in the plain dress echoed in Lin Xi's ears. Clenching her teeth, Lin Xi could feel her body temperature steadily rising to match the sweltering heat of the Lava Hell Fire. Seated in a meditative pose, the Myriad Dao Sword Case within her burst into a brilliant golden radiance. Suddenly, her skin was etched with countless golden lines, a manifestation of the Myriad Dao Sword Intent coursing through her veins and meridians, easing her suffering.

Meanwhile, the Golden Myriad Dao Sword within the Lava Hell Fire continued to shimmer, showing no signs of succumbing to the flames. A day went by, and Lin Xi found herself growing accustomed to the blistering temperatures, the redness on her skin fading significantly. Yet, the challenge persisted; Lin Xi had to keep channeling the Myriad Dao Sword Intent to shield herself from the pain while also sustaining the flow of Spiritual Force to the Golden Myriad Dao Sword in the furnace. The dual effort was immensely draining.

Throughout this ordeal, Lin Xi resorted to fervently burning Spirit Stones to replenish her energy. Thankfully, she had a substantial reserve, which she calculated should sustain her for some time.

Five years later, within the Holy Prison Tower, the red hue had vanished entirely from Lin Xi's body, now enveloped in a golden glow. The Golden Myriad Dao Sword in the forge was slowly taking on the distinct outline of a longsword. Suddenly, the massive stone door behind her burst open.

Loong Yuv entered and addressed Lin Xi, "The first step is complete. Take some time to rest now." No sooner had he spoken than the flames of the Lava Hell Fire within the furnace extinguished, and Lin Xi collapsed to the ground. Yet, even in her unconscious state, the Myriad Dao Sword within the furnace remained intact.

Loong Yuv's form expanded dramatically. Clasping Lin Xi in his jaws, he transported her to the grassy expanse outside. As Lin Xi's body passed over the Holy Prison Tower, a burst of golden light erupted from her and soared into the tower, vanishing from sight.

Once Lin Xi was settled, Loong Yuv remained by her side, keeping a silent vigil.

Over the past five years within the Holy Prison Tower, Lin Xi had withstood the relentless torment of the Lava Hell Fire, day and night. Whenever she managed to endure the scorching heat, the fire would intensify, pushing her to her limits. This vicious cycle continued, and by the end of the first year, the tens of thousands of Spirit Stones she had conserved from her cave expedition were utterly depleted.

Lin Xi then resorted to a different strategy, opting to build up her strength gradually. She reduced the protection offered by the Myriad Dao Sword Intent, thereby conserving some Spiritual Force. The physical agony she faced was countered with sheer willpower. It was a dangerous approach, but driven by her unwavering resolve, Lin Xi persevered for another year, eventually losing all fear of the Lava Hell Fire.

In the subsequent three years, Lin Xi noticed the diminishing intensity of the Lava Hell Fire. Simultaneously, the women implored her to channel all her Spiritual Force into the Myriad Dao Sword within the furnace. During these final three years, Lin Xi became wholly absorbed in the Myriad Dao Sword Intent, entering a state of deep meditation.


At the General Mansion, in Lin Changqing's courtyard, a day had indeed passed in the outside world since Lin Xi emerged from the Holy Prison Tower. Still not fully recovered, she took an additional day of rest to recuperate.

On the third day, Sima Shangqing arrived to notify Lin Xi that it was time to depart for the Celestial Azure Academy. At that moment, Lin Xi and Lin Changqing were seated on the stone steps, each with a jar of wine before them.

Lin Changqing spoke softly, "We'll be leaving tomorrow, then."

Lin Xi nodded and took a hearty swig from the wine jar at her feet.

With a slight smile, Lin Changqing remarked, "That's good," and then he too took a generous drink.

Lin Xi turned to Lin Changqing and said, "Father, Lin Zhengyi is one of the most promising talents in the General Mansion. Make sure to cultivate his potential carefully."

Lin Changqing smiled and nodded in understanding.

Lin Xi then stood up, retrieved two Storage Rings, and handed them to Lin Changqing. "These contain some Spirit Stones and Demonic Cores, among other things. Please deliver them to Lin Zhengyi on my behalf."

With those words, Lin Xi departed from the General Mansion to meet Sima Shangqing at the prearranged location.

Back at the General Mansion, Lin Changqing was taken aback when, after he had passed on Lin Xi's items to Lin Zhengyi, Lin Zhengyi expressed his own desire to leave.

"Uncle Lin, I deeply regret that I cannot continue to serve the Lin family, but the Lin family at the General Mansion will always be my home. Should the need arise, I will not hesitate to return."

Lin Changqing patted Lin Zhengyi's head with a sense of pride. He had never anticipated that the typically reserved Lin Zhengyi possessed such a strong character and talent.

"It's remarkable how our Lin family has such an abundance of talent in this generation."

"Zhengyi, go forth and make your mark on the world. You needn't worry about the Lin family."

Lin Zhengyi bowed respectfully and, upon leaving the Lin family, inquired, "Master, where shall we head to next?"

A venerable voice echoed in Lin Zhengyi's mind: "We're bound for the Third Province, the Oceanic Divine Land."

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