Sword Lord/C16 I Am a Body Cultivator
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Sword Lord/C16 I Am a Body Cultivator
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C16 I Am a Body Cultivator

On the second day, as the sky began to lighten with the first hint of dawn, Lin Xi emerged from her meditation. Sima Shangqing and Ye Yuen joined her on the deck, having left the cabin of the Cloud Ship.

Lin Xi's gaze swept across the landscape, where mountains layered upon mountains in an unending chain. Above these peaks floated even taller mountains, crowned with majestic palaces and grand pavilions. At the center of this mountainous expanse hovered an immense sword, suspended between heaven and earth, its presence both awe-inspiring and fearsome.

The sight filled Lin Xi with an overwhelming sense of shock, and she was acutely aware of her own insignificance.

Sima Shangqing approached Lin Xi with a smile and said, "Impressive, isn't it?"

Lin Xi nodded, "Truly breathtaking."

Sima Shangqing continued, "What you're seeing is merely the Celestial Azure State's academy. The Myriad Dao Academy Headquarters in the Divine Domain is even more magnificent!"

Curious, Lin Xi asked, "Master, have you ever visited the Myriad Dao Academy Headquarters?"

Sima Shangqing shook her head. "I haven't. Only the most exceptional talents are granted the privilege to enter the Divine Domain and the Myriad Dao Academy. Our Celestial Azure State hasn't earned that honor in nearly a thousand years."

A sudden thought struck Lin Xi, and she silently inquired, "Ms Loong Yuv, is there any connection between the Myriad Dao Academy and the Myriad Dao Sword?"

Loong Yuv responded, "None at all. It's merely a coincidence in name."

Lin Xi fell silent once more.

Just then, the Cloud Ship came to a halt. Lin Xi's eyes were drawn to the sight of dozens of Scarlet Feather Cranes taking flight from within the mountains. These massive birds shimmered with a subtle blue glow as they beat their wings.

"These are the Spirit Rank Scarlet Feather Cranes bred by the academy," Sima Shangqing explained to Lin Xi.

"The academy must be quite wealthy to keep Spirit Rank Demonic Beasts," Lin Xi remarked.

With a radiant smile, Sima Shangqing teased, "Bad boy, there's so much more for you to discover within the academy."

With that, she led Lin Xi and Ye Yuen to the summit of a mountain. Lin Xi surveyed the area: the peaks stood proud and solitary, with only a few palaces breaking the stillness.

Sima Shangqing declared, "Welcome to Still Sunny Mountain, my domain. I have only two disciples, and that includes both of you."

She gestured toward a palace and addressed Lin Xi, "Kid, this palace is now your residence. Inside, you'll find a selection of books to start with, particularly the Celestial Azure Law. Make sure you read it thoroughly!"

Lin Xi nodded in acknowledgment, "Got it, Teacher."

Turning to Ye Yuen, Sima Shangqing said, "Come on, I'll take you to practice your cultivation."

Ye Yuen cast a glance at Lin Xi, who offered her a reassuring smile.

Upon entering the palace, Lin Xi couldn't help but marvel, "The Academy really is something else. They spare no expense!"

Inside Lin Xi, Loong Yuv shook her head at his naiveté.

Lin Xi found his way to a study and began perusing an ancient tome from the shelf. Within an hour, he had gained a fundamental grasp of both the Celestial Azure Academy and the overarching Myriad Dao Academy.

Lin Xi was situated in the Celestial Azure State, the lowest of the world's nine great states, with eight others lying above it. The sole route to the Upper Realm was through the various branches of the Myriad Dao Academy.

Yet, Lin Xi had come to understand that there existed another formidable and enigmatic organization in the Lower Realm — the Myriad Flower Chamber of Commerce. This entity collaborated with the Myriad Dao Academy and was currently the only power in the Lower Realm capable of rivaling it.

The two powers maintained amicable relations, and rumors suggested an extraordinary connection between the inaugural principal of the Myriad Dao Academy and the founder of the Myriad Flower Chamber of Commerce.

Subsequently, Lin Xi commenced his study of the Celestial Azure Law. Originally the Myriad Dao Law, the local academies had made their own modifications, though the essence remained derived from the Myriad Dao Law.

As Lin Xi studied the Celestial Azure Law, he did not neglect his cultivation, balancing the Celestial Azure Law in his left hand and the Myriad Dao Sword in his right.

Early in the morning, Lin Xi's cultivation session was interrupted by a commotion outside.

Lin Xi's brow furrowed slightly as she rose and stepped outside the hall, where she found a crowd gathered in front of Ye Yuen's palace.

At that moment, nearly ten thousand vibrant roses adorned the entrance to Ye Yuen's palace, arranged in the shape of a heart. In the center of this floral heart stood a young man clutching a bouquet of roses.

The young man called out to Ye Yuen's palace, "Princess Yuen! I am but one of your many admirers. Please, Princess, grant me the opportunity to court you!"

His plea hung in the air, and the surrounding students immediately began chanting, "Yun Yi! Yun Yi!"

Lin Xi, upon taking in the scene, allowed a slight smile to grace her lips. She had seen this coming.

She was well aware of Ye Yuen's numerous suitors and knew it wouldn't be long after Ye Yuen's return before visitors would come calling.

"Ms. Loong Yuv, take a look at these students. Instead of focusing on their studies, they're squandering their valuable time on romance. I feel it's my responsibility to impart some lessons on their behalf," Lin Xi remarked.

Loong Yuv remained silent, offering no response.

Despite Yun Yi's persistent shouting, there was no reaction from Ye Yuen's palace.

Yun Yi, still holding his flowers, continued to call out, "Miss Ye Yuen..."

But he was startled into silence by Lin Xi, who had suddenly appeared before him.

The crowd inside the hall was taken aback by Lin Xi's unexpected presence.

Who was this unfamiliar face? A newcomer?

Yun Yi fixed his gaze on Lin Xi and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Lin Xi," she replied.

Yun Yi narrowed his eyes and then recognized her, exclaiming, "You're Ye Yuen's fiancé!"

His words sent a ripple of surprise through the crowd.


All eyes turned to Lin Xi, who confirmed with a smile, "Yes, that's me."

Yun Yi expressed his disbelief, "You've actually followed her to the academy."

He then chuckled and added, "I, too, intend to pursue Ye Yuen. You don't mind, do you? Though even if you did, I would simply ignore it."

The other students laughed at Yun Yi's brazenness.

Lin Xi remained composed as she advised, "I suggest you show some respect. I am a Body Cultivator who has achieved Great Perfection. Not even someone at the Spirit Martial Stage could scratch me."

Yun Yi raised an eyebrow skeptically and questioned, "Really?"

He scrutinized Lin Xi from head to toe. His frame didn't seem all that robust. "You, a Body Cultivator? You've got to be kidding me, big brother!"

Lin Xi pointed to his chest and challenged, "Don't believe me? Take a swing."

Yun Yi's lips twisted into a smirk. "You asked for it."

With that, he threw a punch straight into Lin Xi's chest.


In an instant, a thunderous noise erupted, and Lin Xi's body shot out like a cannonball. In front of everyone's eyes, he flew several yards before crashing heavily to the ground. Clutching his chest with his right hand, Lin Xi suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was shocked!

Yun Yi was completely taken aback. Are you playing with me?

A Body Cultivator?

This is what you call a Body Cultivator?

I didn't even use a third of my strength!

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