Sword Lord/C23 Reformation of Spirit Artifact
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Sword Lord/C23 Reformation of Spirit Artifact
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C23 Reformation of Spirit Artifact

Two hours later, Soong Zhi had completely forged the Purple-gold Profound Spirit Spear. At that moment, the spear radiated a purple-golden glow, and a True Dragon could be faintly seen spiraling in the air above it. This was due to the inclusion of thousand-year dragon bone powder in the materials used during the Spirit Pattern Engraving process.

Soong Zhi wiped the sweat from his forehead and staggered upon standing, prompting Lin Xi to quickly step in and steady him. The Spirit Pattern Engraving had significantly drained his Spiritual Force, leaving him too weak to stand on his own.

Lin Xi retrieved an Essence Recovering Pill from her Storage Ring and offered it to Soong Zhi, saying, "Eat this." Recognizing the pill as one that could restore Spiritual Force, Soong Zhi hesitated, but Lin Xi had already placed it in his mouth.

"Take some time to rest," she advised.

After guiding Soong Zhi to a nearby bench, Lin Xi inquired, "This isn't your first time forging a High Rank Spirit Artifact, is it?"

Soong Zhi nodded. "I've been a Grade Four Artifact Refining Master for some time, but the Hall Master has insisted I practice forging High Rank Spirit Artifacts and has yet to teach me the methods for creating Profound Rank Spirit Artifacts."

Lin Xi remained silent as she approached the Purple-gold Profound Spirit Spear, caressing its shaft before speaking. "The Hall Master has his reasons for not teaching you the Profound Rank Spirit Artifact forging techniques. Take this High Rank Spirit Artifact you've just crafted; if it were assessed, it would likely be classified as Grade Five at best. However, I can elevate it to the highest quality."

Each rank in artifact forging is further divided into nine grades, reflecting the potential for errors during the process.

As Soong Zhi's Spiritual Force slowly replenished, he listened to Lin Xi's claim and his expression shifted. "A Top Grade Spirit Artifact? Please, don't make such jokes. Even our Grade Eight Hall Master wouldn't dare to claim he can easily forge a Top Grade Spirit Artifact!"

Lin Xi smiled broadly. "That's because the techniques you're using are far too antiquated."

Suddenly, a figure strode through the door, fixing Lin Xi with a piercing gaze. "Who are you? Where did you spring from, spouting such wild claims? Top Grade?"

One by one, more people crowded into Soong Zhi's forging room, all eyeing Lin Xi with visible annoyance.

Unperturbed, Lin Xi spoke up, "The essence of a Spirit Artifact lies in the Spirit Patterns we inscribe upon it. Yet, the majority of factors that determine the quality of a Short-Range Spirit Artifact are found within the process of Spirit Pattern Engraving."

The crowd looked on as if this was common knowledge. A man chimed in, "I was expecting something groundbreaking. What you've said is already known to us."

"Exactly, you arrogant upstart. What's your rank as an Artifact Refining Master? I've never even heard of you," another added.

"Yeah, what rank are you to be bragging here?"

Lin Xi offered a slight smile. "I've only arrived today and haven't undergone the grade assessment yet."

At that, several people clenched their hammers, itching to charge at Lin Xi.

Soong Zhi intervened, "Everyone, calm down. Let's hear the kid out. If he's just putting on airs, there's still time to turn him into a meat pie later."

Lin Xi lifted the Purple-gold Profound Spirit Spear from the table. "It's quite straightforward. If the error-prone step is Spirit Pattern Engraving, why not simply adjust the sequence?"

With those words, the Purple-gold Profound Spirit Spear in Lin Xi's hand erupted in a flash of golden light, and the High Rank Spirit Artifact disintegrated into dust before the eyes of the onlookers.

Soong Zhi dashed forward, incredulous. His entire afternoon's work had been obliterated by Lin Xi in a mere moment!

"Bad boy, what have you done!" Soong Zhi struggled to contain his fury.

But the sight that followed cast doubt on his seventeen years of forging. Where the Purple-gold Profound Spirit Spear had disintegrated, an identical spear now hung suspended in midair.

The spear hovering before him was entirely composed of Spiritual Force, each Spirit Pattern etched upon it shimmering with light.

"First, inscribe the necessary patterns using the Spiritual Force, then shape the force into the desired weapon form, and finally, embed this spiritual prototype into the actual weapon," Lin Xi instructed, as she drew a dagger and began to etch upon the ethereal spear.

She deftly altered the existing Spirit Patterns.

The onlookers were stunned, their minds racing with awe and disbelief.

Is such a thing even possible?

Holy smokes! It really is!

Lin Xi remained serene, her hands moving with precision as she carved, sliced, and drilled into the spear. Despite its spectral nature, the patterns remained, growing ever more intricate and causing the spear to radiate an increasingly vibrant golden glow.

Her movements were swift, blurring before the eyes of the spectators. They gazed at the shifting Spirit Patterns with utter confusion, unable to grasp their purpose.

In under a quarter of an hour, Lin Xi ceased her work and began rummaging for materials around the room. Spotting a large chunk of Heart Meteorite Jade on a nearby table, she grabbed it and tossed it into the furnace.

What she did next left everyone present utterly gobsmacked.

Lin Xi threw the Heart Meteorite Jade into the furnace, followed by the Spiritual Force spear.

"No way, that can't be right!"

"Am I seeing this correctly?"

"My goodness, this defies everything I know!"

After depositing both items into the furnace, Lin Xi sat down cross-legged, a blood-red hue slowly surfacing on her skin. Her expression was one of tranquility. Suddenly, a flame burst forth, enveloping her completely.

Soong Zhi was thrown into a frenzy, clueless about what was unfolding. Just as he was about to intervene and put out the fire, Lin Xi's voice emerged from within the flames, "Don't worry, I'm unharmed!"

The room's occupants stared at Lin Xi as if she were insane, watching the flames rage around her without so much as a furrow in her brow.

Inside the furnace, the Heart Meteorite Jade began to melt and, guided by a surge of Spiritual Force, it infused itself into the long spear.

The spirit pattern on the spear continued to glow amidst the flames!

After about fifteen minutes, the flames enveloping Lin Xi's body gradually faded away. The fire within the furnace slowly extinguished, replaced by the blinding golden light radiating from the spear.

Lin Xi opened her eyes and, with a look of astonishment, calmly approached the furnace and retrieved the Purple-gold Profound Spirit Spear.

"Soong Zhi, come take a look."

Soong Zhi's eyes widened in awe, and it took him a couple of seconds to snap out of his trance. "Ah, right, coming."

He took the Purple-gold Profound Spirit Spear in his hands, and as he gripped it, the sound of a dragon's roar filled his ears, causing the spiritual force within him to surge.

"I've altered the spirit pattern on this High Rank Spirit Artifact," Lin Xi explained at a measured pace. "When wielded, it can amplify the user's strength by thirty-five percent, inducing a state of heightened fervor."

"As for the combat skills," Lin Xi continued, "those will need to be developed by the wielder."

Previously, combat skills were embedded into spirit artifacts by an Artifact Refining Master beforehand. However, Lin Xi's modified artifacts came without preset combat skills, instead enhancing the wielder's abilities during use, leaving the development of combat skills up to the individual.

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