System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C10 Lil'dino from the West
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System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C10 Lil'dino from the West
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C10 Lil'dino from the West

"What's up, little guy?" Seeing the puzzled look on Lil'Dino's face, the Queen asked with a smile.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just curious about the meaning of this sword embedded in the rock. Of course, if Her Majesty doesn't want me to know, I won't ask either."

"It's fine, that's what I'm going to tell you next." The Fox Queen smiled, "This stone is called the Farias Stone. This sword is destined to be pulled out by a great king. And you, who successfully transported this stone and sword to your destination, will also be praised as a warrior. Go west until your destination, even if you encounter difficulties and tribulations along the way. If someone has enough courage to face you, you can let him try to pull out his sword."

" I understand, Your Majesty. " Xiaolong nodded. "However, I hope to wait for a few days before setting off. My friends live in this mountain forest. I hope to say goodbye to them before leaving."

"No problem, little guy." The queen smiled and nodded in agreement. "That great king will only be born after many years, so you still have enough time. It's just a small matter like saying goodbye to a friend is not a problem at all. "

After thanking the fairy queen once again, the little dragon spread his wings and flew back home. He told his friends about his plans to leave and learned that the little dragon was about to leave. Whether it was dwarf or White Snow, they all felt very sad.

"Friend, you've helped us a lot these years. It is difficult for us to repay your kindness to us." Doke sniffled loudly. "But I won't stop a brave warrior from going out to war. Just like how my grandfather and father did not stop me from becoming a pioneer. However, before we set out for battle, I hope that you will do one thing first. "

Then, Doke told Xiaolong that there was a tall mountain in the northeast. There was a city on it, and that mountain was tall and steep. Only birds could fly up, or the bravest dwarf could climb up. There were three demon wells in the center of the city on top of the mountain, and one of them contained spring water that could make one stronger. The other contained spring water that could make one more agile, and the third contained spring water that could heal all injuries and even revive people. Each person could only take one bottle of water from the mountain. If they took more, they would be cursed. The spring water that they took would also become fatal poison. The little dragon was still too young. There would definitely be many dangers along the road to the west. If he could obtain the spring water, he would have an additional insurance.

"Thank you, Doke." Lil'Dino thanked Doak. At the same time, he told Doke about the place where fairy and fairy lived, hoping to help protect it. Doke also agreed one by one.

"Oh, Mr. Rode, I don't have anything I can give you. But I remember some things I read in the book. I hope it will be useful to you." Snow White said, "If you want to go to the country across the sea, just fly to the west and cross the vast sea. And there are no islands to rest on. If you want to go to the kingdom in the western sea, the most convenient route is the Sleeve Strait. As long as he flew south along the coast after reaching the shore, he would find the Grey Nose Cape. After that, we can go straight to the place where the tip of the Grey Nose Cape is pointed, and we can reach the kingdoms in the Western Sea very quickly."

Lil'Dino also expressed his thanks to White Snow. Following that, the seven dwarf and Snow White held a farewell banquet for Little Dragon. Little Dragon also took out some food from his Hundred Treasure Bag. After Snow and the dwarf fell asleep, the little dragon prepared gifts for them. Lil'Dino left the simple amenities and other convenient life utensils for the dwarf. As for Snow White, Lil'Dino prepared a grafting box that was wrapped in gold and carved flowers for her. Inside was a beautiful one-piece dress, a small silver crown, and various kinds of jewelry. If White Snow were to marry in the future... These dowry could dress her up as if she was not inferior to any princess. In the end, the little dragon only took the magic mirror with him.

In the first ray of sunlight in the morning, the little dragon left the cave that he had lived in for many years. Before leaving, the little dragon also specially went to Norm and fairy to say goodbye. The Norms gave some wine to the little dragon, while fairy sang another song for the little dragon. Lil'Dino then set off, but first he did not fly west. Instead, he flew west. He flew towards the tall mountain in the northeast direction to retrieve the Devil Spring at the top of the mountain.

"Mirror mirror, tell me, where is the mountain with the Devil Spring?"

"First, fly towards the east. When you see a mountain range, fly towards the north. Then, the highest mountain you can see is the one."

The little dragon followed the instructions of the mirror and quickly saw the mountain mentioned by the dwarf. The mountain was quite tall. The iron grey peak pierced through the clouds. The city that the dwarf was talking about was not the peak, but the cliff on the south side of the mountain. The little dragon circled in the sky for a while before landing, and discovered that all the buildings in the city were made of stone. Moreover, they were all rather large, and even the little dragon could easily walk into any room. There was no one in the city, only the occasional sound of cold wind blowing. After that, there was dead silence.

"It's quite scary. However, since the birds can come up, I have nothing to be afraid of." The little dragon said to himself as he walked along the path paved with giant stone slabs. He arrived at the plaza in the center of the city. There were three wells in the center of the square, and the water in them was only slightly lower than the wells. He could scoop it up with one hand. But just as Lil'Dino was about to scoop the water, he stopped.

"Oh right, although the dwarf is said to be a bottle for each person, just how big is this bottle?"

Using his claws to shave off the shell, the little dragon began to search in all directions, hoping to find a reference. However, after searching for a while, he found nothing.

"Magic mirror, magic mirror, tell me, which one is the Strength Magic Spring, Agility Magic Spring, and Healing Magic Spring?"

"The red light is from the Strength Magic Spring, the blue light is from the Agility Magic Spring, and the purple light is from the Healing Magic Spring. The red light is from the Strength Magic Spring, the blue light is from the Agility Magic Spring, and the purple light is from the Healing Magic Spring."

"Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror, tell me, how big is the amount of 'one bottle' that can only be taken from the Magic Spring?"

"The Strength Magic Spring and the Agility Magic Spring, you just need to stick your head in and take a sip, it won't increase just because you drink more. As for the Healing Magic Spring, you just need to find a random bottle and put one in."

"It's that simple." Xiao Long first drank the Strength Devil Spring and the Agility Devil Spring's water, then found an empty bottle from the Hundred Treasure Bag. In the purple Healing Magic Spring, there was a full bottle of water. Then, he put the bottle back into the Hundred Treasures Bag. After doing these things, the little dragon left the silent city. When he left, the little dragon saw a sunken staircase on the stone wall. Perhaps this was the path that the dwarf used to climb the mountain.

Spreading his wings and flying towards the west, the little dragon clearly felt that his wings had become even more powerful. His flying speed had also become even faster. Although the little dragon could fly higher than usual, it would definitely take more than a day to head west. The little dragon had to find food to fill its stomach. Thus, it could only choose to fly at a low speed to find prey. And in order to hunt, the little dragon had to spend time to go to places with prey. Thus, he was unable to fly in a straight line.

Just like that, after flying for a few days, the little dragon discovered that it had left the mountain forest and arrived at a human country. Leaning against the forest was a town, where the wheat grew very well.

"Maybe I can go down and find some food, which is much better than hunting." With this thought, the little dragon made a turn and landed in a small stream near the wheat field. There was a warehouse here, and beside the warehouse was a large water cart. The water cart's wheels drove the pestle inside, smashing the wheat in the wood dislocated, causing the grains to fall out of the shell.

"Why isn't anyone here?" After landing near the waterwheel, Xiaolong drank a few mouthfuls of water. Then, he looked around and found that there was no one in the waterwheel. The warehouse door was also wide open.

"Uh, maybe they were scared by me and hid." Thinking of the fact that he was a dragon, the little dragon was a little embarrassed. He then asked, "Magic mirror, magic mirror, what is the price of wheat and donkeys in this place?"

"If you want to buy a suitable donkey and wheat that can be used to make a flatbread, you need ten gold coins."

"I have gold coins." Lil'Dino patrolled around and found two especially large wooden basins - this basin could contain a big fat pig. He found it in the backyard of the meat store and then took out a handshake steel mill from the Hundred Treasure Bag. He took out a bag of wheat that had been removed and poured it in. Then, he began to grind the flour. This hand-shaking mill was bigger than the one he gave to the dwarf. Therefore, the white flour quickly piled into a small hill in the basin. After that, Lil'Dino poured some yeast and some warm water into the pot. He kneaded the flour into a huge and soft dough. Then, he picked out a fat donkey from a stables, slaughtered it, and burned off its fur. He picked out the meat, dug a hole in the ground, and lit a fire. He used a stone as a frying pan and started to cook dough and meat.

When Lil'Dino was doing all this, the people in the town were first afraid. Then, when they saw that there was no dragon spitting fire, they quietly stuck their heads out. Then, when they saw what Lil'Dino was doing, they were curious. Finally, someone mustered up his courage and walked towards Lil'Dino.

"Sure enough, cooking by yourself is the best." After busying himself for a while, Xiaolong happily bit down on the "donkey meat pancake" he made and commented on it. Although he said so, it was not like the donkey meat was on fire. Instead, it looked like another type of food called Turkey rolls."

"You, hello, respected dragon... sir?" The man who walked to the side of the little dragon bowed, then tried his best to use the most respectful tone to greet, "I, I am the mayor of this place... I am Bonoby. May I ask why you have come to our town...? "

"Ah, hello, I am Qu Mokulius. I didn't expect you to speak the language of dragons." Lil'Dino was a little surprised and replied in a friendly voice, "I am a messenger, and I have received Queen Titania's orders. Send this stone and this sword to the country in the Western Sea. The queen said that this sword was destined to be pulled out by a great king. If someone has the courage to face me, they can try to pull it out."

As he spoke, the little dragon showed the white stone and sword hanging on his chest to Mayor Bonoby. Bonoby tried to pull the sword out, but of course, he couldn't.

"Haha, I'm just a mayor after all. I really can't become a great king." Bonoby wasn't disappointed that he didn't pull out his sword. He just smiled and rubbed his head. "It's the honor of this town to be able to receive an emissary from the Queen of Fairies. We can provide enough food for you to have a good meal."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mayor Bonoby. You are a generous person." Lil'Dino smiled at Bonoby.

The mayor and the townspeople immediately explained to each other, and the townspeople came out of their hiding places. They lit a bonfire to roast food for Lil'Dino. They let Lil'Dino have a nice meal. Perhaps they felt that this dragon was very friendly, but many young people mustered up the courage to try and pull out their swords. Of course, no one could pull out their swords. During this period of time, Lil'Dino also chatted with the Town Marshal in a friendly manner. The Town Marshal was very impressed by Little Dragon Lake Bo's knowledge.

After resting in this town for a while, Lil'Dino once again set out on the road to the west. As for Mayor Bonoby, he recorded this matter down and carved it into a stone tablet. At the same time, the "pancake and donkey meat" became the town's famous dish - the cooking method was asked by the Town Marshal to Lil'Dino. People called this kind of pancake DrasBurg. Later one day, when the king's ministers patrolled this place, they ate it and praised it. After offering it to the king, the king also quite liked it. After that, the "pancake and donkey meat" dish spread throughout the country, and this town became even more famous.

However, the little dragon currently did not know about all of this. He just continued flying towards the west, and in front of him, there were more fate waiting for him...

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