System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C18 Learn Magic from Merlin(2)
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System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C18 Learn Magic from Merlin(2)
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C18 Learn Magic from Merlin(2)

"You are very smart. Rode, I can't believe you can think of so many things." After listening to the little dragon's speculation, Queen Titania nodded with satisfaction. "Although it cannot be said that dragons are the direct descendants of giant beasts, dragons are indeed the closest to the existence of chaotic giant beasts. Therefore, you were born with the ability to spew flames. You could melt almost everything in your stomach and the power to soar in the sky even if your body was huge. As well as the innate advantage of becoming an adept. Can you retain it in your body? "

" Sigh, it's really infuriating to compare yourself with others. " Merlin, who was standing at the side, let out a joking sigh.

"It's not comparing people, I'm a dragon." Lil'Dino ridiculed.

"However, although I have these unique advantages, there aren't many dragons that can become wizards. I've never become Deloyed before. " Queen Titania said, "Compared to the magic advantages of dragons, dragons are often not intelligent enough. Moreover, once you get used to using tough methods, you will not consider peaceful methods. This is also why dragons are often associated with evil mages. "

" If not for the fact that I accidentally obtained the memory of the Sage of Alien World when I was born, I'm afraid I would also be an evil dragon... " The little dragon thought to himself.

"I think you might have seen other Magi on the way here. You should know the methods of ordinary Magi, such as using magic potion to increase magic power. Is that so? " After a pause, Queen Titania smiled and said, "If you want to become a Deloyed, you need to know one thing first. Deloyed is different from the mages you have seen. He doesn't need to use magic potion to increase his magic power. Instead, he relies on his spiritual cultivation to resonate with the elements in the world. Consuming the magic potion was originally an auxiliary method to sense the elements, but after it was spread out, it became the main method to increase magic power. The basic method of spiritual cultivation is meditation. "

" Meditation? Is it sitting and thinking?" Some unknown knowledge suddenly popped out from the little dragon's memories.

"Although I want to tell you directly, I still need to deal with the matters in the Fairy Country. As for the matter of Meditation, Merlin will teach you. We'll meet again, Rode. " Queen Titania seemed to have something on and said goodbye to Rode. Then, the mirror in the stone arch gradually disappeared.

"Cough cough, since Queen Titania gave me the task of teaching, then I will not be polite and accept it." Merlin lightly coughed twice and straightened his chest, putting on a lofty appearance. But when he thought that he was handsome and assumed a pose, he saw that Lil'Dino's neck was even taller than his, so he shrank back in embarrassment. He changed to an ordinary way of explaining, "Meditation, according to the literal meaning, it means closing your eyes and meditating. However, this is only the most basic meditation method. Only by calming your mind can you better understand the elements that exist in all things in the world. This is the first step to become Deloyed's homework."

" Wouldn't it be easy to fall asleep like that? " Lil'Dino asked.

"Er, it's true for beginners..." Merlin's words were stuck, and an awkward expression appeared on his face. "In short, meditation is only a way to calm one's mind, it's not that one doesn't want to think about anything. Comprehending elements isn't just meditation, swimming in the sea. Running on the grassland, feeling the wind on the mountaintop, and even burying oneself in the ground was a method that could be used. In short, meditation is the foundation. You just have to try it out first. "

" Alright, I'll try. " The little dragon laid on the ground and tried to empty his mind...


"Hey hey, don't fall asleep!" The feeling of being knocked came from his nose. The little dragon's body trembled and he opened his eyes. He saw Merlin tapping his nose with a wooden staff.

"Alright, at least calm your mind." Because the little dragon was a dragon, Merlin didn't know if this was a success or not. "The next step is to comprehend the elements. The sign of success is that you can summon the response of the elements. First, imagine the 'shape' of the elements in your mind and then communicate with them. When you felt that it was appropriate, call out the corresponding word. The elements would respond to your call and change into the shape you wanted, just like that. Brisgn! (Celtic Language: Fire) "

Merlin extended his hand and shouted out a word. Following Merlin's shout, a flame appeared in his hand. Although there was no fuel, this flame was still burning in his hand for a while before being extinguished. And it didn't burn his hand.

"Alright, you first experience the elements, then... I'll go!" Merlin wanted to let the little dragon say something, but he heard the little dragon shout, "Fire!" Then, a ball of fire appeared in front of the little dragon. It floated for a while before dissipating.

"I say, that ball... It couldn't have been you who sprayed it, right?" After rubbing his eyes, Merlin couldn't believe what he had just seen.

"No. If I had sprayed it, it wouldn't have stopped in midair." The little dragon shook his head.

"Hahahahaha!" At this time, Brunhilde also tried to shout and a small whirlwind appeared in front of her. It lifted up some dust and disappeared.

"Oh... I was wrong, I shouldn't judge you by human standards..." Merlin slapped his face and slowly shook his head with a hopeless expression. "Your comprehension speed makes me feel a lot of pressure as a human."

"But you have half of the Pixie bloodline." Lil'Dino said.

"Uh oh..." Merlin said as if he had suffered an internal injury, "Can you not say it? I've already suffered a serious blow..."

Although Lil'Dino's success had dealt a huge blow to Merlin, Lil'Dino's success this time was only an example. The little dragon tried to shout out the other elements, but it didn't succeed. This might be because he often breathed fire, so his understanding of 'fire' was quite deep.

"That's right. As a fire dragon, of course I'm good at understanding fire." Merlin finally regained his confidence.

"I feel that as a human, I understand fire better than a Fire Dragon. This is a very foolish action. " Brunhilde mercilessly said, causing Merlin to once again suffer a serious blow.

"Alright, let's not talk about this..." Merlin, who was mentally injured, sighed. "Although cultivators of Deloyed have to wear this kind of robe, I think it would be foolish to let a Red Dragon wear a human robe. Thus, the robe is not needed. But Miss Valkyrja, are you also here to learn how to become Deloyed? If not, I can arrange accommodation for you in the nearby city. I am very familiar with the king. It is easy to get a room for you, and the king will also welcome a warrior to live in his city."

" Thank you for your kind intentions, but there's no need " Brunhilde shook her head and refused. "Rode is my husband. I should live with him."

"What did you say? I didn't hear it clearly..." Merlin first blinked and rubbed his head. He felt as if he had just heard something unbelievable.

"Rode is my husband, I live with him." Brunhilde thought that Merlin really didn't hear her clearly, so she slowed down and repeated.

"You mean, husband?" Merlin revealed a surprised expression.

"That's right." Brunhilde nodded without hesitation. "Although Rode is a dragon, he did pass the God's trial and woke me up. Because of the Great God's decree, I became his wife. "

"Oh, I see. I know..." Merlin answered absent-mindedly. He suddenly felt that his throat was clogged, as if he was choking on something.

Because of the blow, Merlin looked somewhat listless. After hastily arranging a place for Lil'Dino and Brunhilde to stay, Merlin said that he was going to report to the king about the Sword in the Stone. Then, he turned into a wolf and ran away. Because it seemed that this forest could not be casually cut down, Lil'Dino did not cut down wood to build a house for Brunhilde to live in. Instead, he took out a prop called "Automatically Build Luxurious Tent (2 people)." This tent was square and looked like a green cloth tent. Actually, the interior was quite complete, and the bottom of the tent was a wooden floor higher than the ground. There was a round fire pit in the middle of the wood floor, and there were pots, grills, and other cooking utensils on top of it. It could be used to cook. There was an air vent at the top of the tent, so it was unlikely that the tent would be filled with smoke at the start of the fire. There were two single beds in the tent, as well as a table, a chair, a sofa, as well as a storage box and a storage cabinet. It could be said that this was a rather cozy little tent. Of course, this tent was really too small for Xiaolong. Thus, he could not live in it.

"Although your Hundred Treasure Sack is very magical, it doesn't seem to be very smart." After Brunhilde happily looked around the tent, she made such an evaluation, "You are a dragon, but the thing that this Hundred Treasure Sack gives out is for human size."

"I have no choice." Xiaolong was also very helpless, "However, the outer walls of this tent are all made of cloth. It looks like there is no defensive power. I sleep outside and guard it just in case a fierce beast comes over."

"Although I'm not afraid of fierce beasts, I feel very happy." Brunhilde held Lil'Dino's head and kissed him. "Then, my dear husband, can you take me to find water source now?"

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