System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C2 The Little Dragon's Harvest
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System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C2 The Little Dragon's Harvest
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C2 The Little Dragon's Harvest

"This food called 'Chicken Chicken Chicken' is really delicious."

Beside the frozen pond, the little dragon opened fire and took out yellow mud balls of various sizes. One by one... He threw them into his mouth. Although they were born in a bad period of time, the power of dragons and the wisdom of humans... It allowed the little dragon to survive. These mud balls were all birds that the little dragon caught. They were wrapped in mud and water that was dug out from the nest. Then, it put them into the fire and roasted them, turning them into a delicacy in human memory, "Chicken Crying Flower..." Although it wasn't a chicken that was wrapped inside. The dragon's sense of taste did not care about the mud and bird feathers outside, so this Chicken Crying was eaten together with the ones outside.

"Mm, this kind of purple mud wrapped around this chicken has another flavor." The roasted bird chewed along the mud and meat. The little dragon narrowed his eyes in satisfaction. This purple mud was found near an unfrozen riverbed when he was exploring nearby. This was the second type of soil that the little dragon found that tasted good. In order to not starve himself, the little dragon had almost tasted every kind of food that could be eaten in the forest during winter. From wolf meat and deer meat to ant bees and bees. The day before yesterday, the little dragon had eaten a nest of wasps and wasps together. The taste was a little like a salty muffin - this was some kind of food in human memory. The birds he caught today were made into fowls. Lil'Dino decided to find a time to catch another wolf and try its dog meat (?). Pan, although I learned from the memories of humans, The smell of wolf meat was quite pungent, but the dragon didn't care about that.

After eating a delicious meal, the dragon spread its wings and flew up to the treetops. Although it had accumulated enough energy to fly, in this kind of weather, it could save a bit of stamina. During this period of time, the little dragon had already discovered that his body was quite solid. Thus, he had developed some of his own hunting methods. For example, "Stuka Diving." In other words, it kept its wings in the air and directly smashed them on the back of its prey. Or, he would suddenly pounce on the back of his prey from the tree and stab his sharp claws directly into the eyes of his prey. In these hunting battles, it was not as if the little dragon had never received a counterattack. For example, in a battle, a wolf with a large head had bitten through the scales of the little dragon's neck. However, for a wolf, its scales were still too hard. Even if this powerful wolf could bite into it, it would be stuck by the scales and unable to pull it out. Although it was only a superficial wound, it triggered the little dragon's anger. The wolf's belly was cut open by the little dragon's sharp claws, and its intestines fell to the ground. It cried for a long time before it died. The experience of being injured this time allowed the little dragon to grow. At the same time, it became even more ferocious and cunning.

"There's the smell of beasts in this direction." On the treetops, the little dragon was able to distinguish various smells in the wind. As he became more and more familiar with it, he was gradually able to determine the approximate location of the smell, including finding something to eat under the snow. The little dragon believed that if he continued training, his sense of smell would be even stronger. The smell in the wind told Xiaolong that there were many deer flavored wild beasts there. Thus, the little dragon climbed down the tree again. He moved towards the direction of the herd of deer. Food was never too much. If he chose to move on the ground, he might be able to find the rats hidden under the snow. If he could find the rat's nest, he would be able to earn even more - the rat's nest usually had food stored in autumn, and these things could become the little dragon's delicious food. As he walked, the little dragon suddenly sniffed a few times. The dragon's sense of smell allowed him to sense a strange and familiar scent nearby.

Following the direction of the scent, the little dragon found a snow pit. After digging through the snow, the little dragon saw something buried under the snow - a human corpse.

The corpse under the snow showed a posture of falling down, frozen stiff. It looked like it fell down, but after falling down, it never got up again. The corpse had short black hair, and it looked exactly the same as the "human" in human memory. He was wearing thin clothes that didn't fit the season at all. It did not seem like there was a destination for it. Instead, it looked like it was suddenly thrown over by some unknown force. After turning the corpse over, he could see the unwillingness on the corpse's face. Although it had been frozen white, the little dragon could still see it. This human's skin was darker than the humans in the dragon's memory.

"Poor person, look at my human memory. I won't eat you anymore... Hmm... Even though there is a saying in human memories that says' entering the earth to be safe ', But if I just bury you like this... Next spring, other carnivores will definitely dig you out and eat you. " With this thought, the little dragon went around to collect some dry branches and lit a fire in the pit. However, just as the little dragon was about to throw the corpse into the raging fire, his eyes noticed that there was a small golden red bag hanging on the person's chest. The front side of the bag was embroidered with a circle with a golden thread. In the middle of the circle was a gold coin with a square hole in the middle. After being buried in the snow for so long, the corpse and clothes were covered with a lot of ice slag. But this bag was clean. The dragon's keen senses made the little dragon feel that this bag should be a treasure.

"Since you're dead, this treasure is useless, right? Just treat it as a burial fee for me... but what is the burial fee?" The little dragon reached out his claws and took the red bag down. Then, he touched the other bags on the corpse. However, he only found a few crumpled pieces of paper and coins made of iron. There was also a thin piece of paper made of black crystal and metal. There was a picture of an apple that had been bitten on it. Lil' Dino felt that this should be something edible. This thin slice tasted crisp, but the taste was very complicated. It was like the taste of a lot of seasonings mixed together. There was something inside that would cause hot liquid to flow out after being bitten through. After eating it, he felt that his stomach was also very hot and comfortable. After realizing that there was nothing else to loot, the little dragon threw the corpse into the fire. Then, he tried to open the mouth of the small red bag, but there was nothing inside.

"It's empty." The little dragon was slightly disappointed, but after all, this was the first treasure he had obtained. Thus, after thinking about it, the little dragon hung the red bag around his neck.

"Binding begins..." After the red bag was hung around his neck, a sound suddenly came from inside. Then, a ray of light shot out from the gold coin on the red bag. In front of the little dragon, there was a shining screen. "Binding successful, welcome to use the Superdimensional Plane general prize machine 'Lucky Hundred Treasure Sack'."

"This is... the multi-faceted spell operating core? Or is it the holographic projection operating table?" The dragon's memory gave a different answer to the human's memory. The little dragon tried to follow the instructions by using his finger to poke the words on it. These words were written in the human's memory, and the little dragon could recognize them. Then, he found that this thing looked like neither of them.

After experimenting for a while, the little dragon understood the effects of this "Lucky Hundred Treasure Sack." This' Hundred Treasure Sack 'could obtain one lucky draw every day, but what it drew was completely random. If one accumulated 10 lucky draw chances and used them together, they could draw one more time. The Hundred Treasure Sack had an unlimited storage space, but it could only store the things drawn from the lucky draw. Some valuable things - for example, gold coins - could be converted by the Hundred Treasure Sack into points. After the points were accumulated to a certain number, they could exchange for a chance to draw a lottery. If one used points to exchange for 10 lucky draw chances at a time, one could obtain an extra lucky draw chance. The items stored in the storage space could be seen as the effects were shown, so normally, there would not be a situation where the item would be drawn but not used. When looking at the storage space menu, the little dragon saw that there was a white short staff lying quietly in the space. Presumably, this was the prize that the poor person who froze to death drew.

"Freezing Ray Staff (Unlimited number of uses). Description: Magic Staff, can use a Level-1 Freezing Ray Spell for an unlimited number of times. As long as it is fully charged, it can be released. When releasing magic, it does not require any consumption. After releasing it, it will automatically charge. Charging time is 5-30 seconds (depending on the level of the plane's mana)."

"What a poor child, even though this thing is a good defensive treasure for humans. But drawing such a tool in such a cold weather doesn't help at all." The little dragon shook his head as he clicked his tongue." Un... According to the words in human memory, this should be called black face?"

He gave a silent tribute to the poor child who had turned into ashes. After 3 seconds, Xiao Long decided to try using today's lottery chance. After a series of "Ding, Ding, Ding" sounds, the Hundred Treasure Sack prompted the reward, "A plate of donkey meat burned."

"Donkey meat on fire? Sounds like a type of food." Xiao Long took out the 'roasted donkey meat' from the Hundred Treasure Sack. The roasted donkey meat was cut in half from the middle by a thick pancake. After that, it was filled with minced meat. There were a total of six roasted donkey meat, and it was placed in a large white porcelain bowl with blue lace. He grabbed one and put it into his mouth. The aroma of stewed meat and the crispy texture instantly conquered the dragon's taste buds. It made the little dragon chew for a long time and was reluctant to swallow it.

"Ah, even in the inherited memory of the dragon, there is no such delicacy." The six roasted donkey meat really allowed the little dragon to enjoy a delicious feast. "Although I know what a donkey is, I never thought that the donkey meat would be so delicious... 'Heaven dragon meat, underground donkey meat'?... This is really scary. Looks like this human's memory also comes from a powerhouse. There's actually a human who can catch a dragon to eat..."

After eating six flames, the corpse in the fire also turned into charcoal. The little dragon dug some soil to fill up the pit and moved a stone to make a tombstone.

"Poor good man's tomb, because I don't know your name, I can only write it like this." Xiaolong picked up the white stone and drew a few crooked characters on the crude tombstone. "Thank you for the treasure you left for me. Farewell, poor good man. I hope the god that humans believe in can accept your soul. "

After saying these words to himself, Lil'Dino licked the last of the donkey meat in his mouth. He threw the tombstone behind him and continued to follow the smell towards his target...


The multi-faceted spell operating core: A spell used by mages in the dragon's inherited memories. It was usually used in a mage's magic tower. It looks like a ball of energy, or a ball of energy in a crystal ball. As long as you put your hand on it, invisible servants would follow the mage's instructions and complete the work. For example, cleaning, cleaning, cooking and making a bed. It was a rather useful method of lazing around.

Holographic Projection Operator: A technological product that exists in science fiction movies and novels in human memories. Projecting a hologram in an empty space. Using his finger to click on it to operate. This technology does not exist in human memory in reality.

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