System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C3 The Little Dragons' Communication
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System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C3 The Little Dragons' Communication
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C3 The Little Dragons' Communication

The long winter finally came to an end, and in the blink of an eye, it was the spring season where flowers bloomed. The little dragon had survived the harsh winter's test. It welcomed the warm spring sun and the wind filled with the fragrance of flowers. Although his body was still very small, in the midst of hunting and killing time and time again, He gradually grew into a powerful and cunning hunter. No matter if it was a fierce tiger or a pack of bloodthirsty wolves, if they heard the little dragon's roar, they would choose to run away with their tails between their legs. Those unlucky fellows who did not run fast enough or hid well enough would become the barbecued meat in the little dragon's stomach.

"Spring has come, and it is time for the revival of all life. It is also the season for animals to mate... Of course, I am still too young, so I cannot mate. " Standing at the top of the cliff, the little dragon looked down at the gradually recovering forest below." But I also have something to do, such as controlling my own diet. "

After such a long time, the little dragon had already unearthed more knowledge from dragon and human inherited memories. It also combined them into its own knowledge. And the little dragon finally understood his name. According to the Dragon Clan's memories, his name should be Muqu Lius. Or it should be called Marcus, meaning "rough and hard scale skin." Lil'Dino felt that this name was too unpleasant to hear. As for the inherited memories of humans, they originated from an eastern person who controlled a huge library. In the dragon's memories, Humans who were in charge of the library must have the title of Sage, a very knowledgeable existence. This Sage's name was Rode. "Luo" was his surname, which meant that this person was a descendant of the Fire God. "De" represented the way of doing things naturally, and also represented a kind of inner belief. Compared to the name "rough skin," Xiaolong preferred the name "Rode" more.

"If we are talking about the way nature acted, then it should be the kind of Magus called 'Dryad'." The little dragon thought to himself, then nodded in understanding. "Dryad can be explained as' a rough guy who follows nature's way of doing things'. It seems like the word 'Han' is indeed a profound rune study."

After sorting out the knowledge in his mind, the little dragon spread his wings. It left the cliff and glided towards the forest below. Although in the dragon's memory, there were many delicious and easy things to obtain in spring, For example, the eggs, the chicks, and the females that hatched the eggs. The cubs of animals and so on. However, the little dragon decided to control its mouth. From the dragon's inherited memories, the female dragon could only raise one egg at a time. If it gave birth to more than two eggs at a time, the female dragon would bring an extra egg. She would fly far away and throw them away. He was born in such a "abandoned egg." The knowledge from Sage Rode made the little dragon understand that dragons were at the top of the food chain, which meant that there could only be dragons in a large area. If there were more dragons gathered in one place, then the animals here would soon be eaten up because they could not reproduce in time. In the end, dragons would also lose their source of food. This should be the reason why the female dragon could only raise one egg, and the reason why the male dragon did not live with the female dragon.

Because of the Sage's knowledge, the small dragons didn't disturb the reproduction of animals. However, this meant that he had to spend more time looking for prey. Fortunately, the Hundred Treasure Sack's lottery could also obtain some good things. Although most of the time he would take out all kinds of food and items that he did not need, there would still be some good stuff. For example, a golden ball. Every morning when the sun rose. A gold coin would fall from the golden ball, and the gold coin could be used to increase the points of the Hundred Treasure Sack. The little dragon embedded the golden ball that was the size of a bird's heart into the scales on his head. In addition, the Tree Juice Extraction Device and the automatic bee storage nest were also things that the little dragon liked. The tree juice extracted from the birch tree was quite delicious, and a bucket of honey every day was even the little dragon's favorite food. After understanding the theory behind the automatic bee storage nest, the little dragon used some similar materials to make a simple honey stealing device with similar principles. Then, it inserted all the wild bees' nests it could find. As for the natural enemies of the bees, such as the wasps, wasps, and ants that knew how to steal honey, they were all killed by the little dragon. The roasted ants tasted wonderful, no less than the sesame seed on the sesame seed cake.

(What?) You asked where the sesame seed cake came from? Of course I got it from the lottery.)

Apart from controlling the target, the little dragon also expanded its patrol range. Because he got a special iron compass during the lottery, the little dragon wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to find his home. After the little dragon's investigation, there were no traces of human activity within a hundred mile radius. This made the little dragon heave a sigh of relief. The dragon's memories told him that although dragons were at the top of the food chain, But the peak of power in this world was not dragons, but "Wizards" (Wizardry). Good wizards were often called fairies, but they were actually light witches or mages (Magician). The evil ones were the witches and dark wizards. Powerful Magi would often send young dragons to do some car-pulling work, and the little dragon did not want to be caught. Therefore, it was a good thing that there were no human activities around.

Although he did not discover humans, the little dragon had also discovered some very interesting existences. In some places to the south, under the tall pine forest, there was a gathering of Gnomes (GNO). In a valley filled with flowers to the west, there were many fairy living there. In a cave under a tall mountain to the north, there were some Pixie (Pixie) living there.

"Welcome again, friendly dragon." When the little dragon landed at the entrance of Norm's village, a fat Norm spirit with a long and fluffy white beard greeted the little dragon.

"Your complexion is still the same, Village Chief Westdom." The little dragon retracted his wings and revealed a dragon-like smile as he greeted the little Norm sprite. The Norm spirit and fairy were both pure-hearted natural elfin creatures, so the little dragon was also willing to treat them in a friendly manner.

Because the Norm spirit was only about the height of an apple, he called the little dragon "dragon." Although these little fellows were scared to death by the "dragon" when they first discovered the Norms, after exchanging a few words, they became good friends with each other. When visiting the Norm Essence, the little dragon would bring honey or birch juice for the Norm Essence. Norm would brew these things into wine. Although the taste was not bad, Norm's largest wine barrel was only a little bigger than an apple. It was as big as the "can" in human memories. It was completely meaningless to drink it. Thus, the little dragon did not ask Norm for anything like wine, but learned from Norm. For example, making wine barrels, distinguishing and smelting ores, and so on - although there was this knowledge in human memories, However, knowledge was one thing, and doing it was another. Just like how Sage Rode knew about iron ore, he might not be able to distinguish iron ore. As for the two types of soil that Lil'Dino thought were delicious, Norm told him that they were called yellow clay and black clay. They could be used to make pots, pans, and jars that were usually used. They could also be used to make "big" buildings such as grills and cellars. Norm's knowledge was more useful to Lil'Dino than he could imagine. Hence, Lil 'Dino's nest was no longer a simple and crude cave filled with weeds. Instead, it was built into a comfortable underground room with stone walls, furnaces, and chimney. The floor was covered with round wooden planks and warm beast skins.

Other than building a friendly relationship with Norm, Lil'Dino often went to fairy's residence to stay. There was a clear spring in the valley where fairy lived. The clear spring formed a pond with water lotuses growing in the valley. fairy lived near the pond or in the sleeping lotus in the pond. Compared to Norm, fairy's mind was purer, but she also had the ability to differentiate good intentions and bad intentions. So when Lil'Dino came to fairy's room with a friendly and appreciative heart, fairy was not afraid at all. Instead, she played with Lil'Dino - or rather, played on Lil'Dino's body unilateral. She would also dress up for the little dragon. For example, she would wipe the dragon's scales until they were shiny and tie vines and flowers on the dragon's horns. Although fairy would dress him up like a flower pot every time he visited, Lil'Dino did not mind. When he was with fairy, he could feel calm and relaxed. This kind of feeling was quite likable to Lil'Dino.

Although he had become friendly with fairy and Norm Essence, he still had a good relationship with the Pixie in the north. Lil'Dino chose to ignore it. The dragon's memory let him know that although the Pixie's appearance was very similar to fairy's, The Pixie was a very fickle creature that liked to play pranks. If a Pixie wanted to play pranks on someone, Even a dragon would not be able to escape. Hence, the little dragon did not rashly head north to make contact with the Pixie. However, the little dragon did not know that although he did not make contact with the Pixie, But there's a Pixie watching him...



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