System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C4 The Little Dragon and the Fairy Queen
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System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C4 The Little Dragon and the Fairy Queen
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C4 The Little Dragon and the Fairy Queen

"Oh, I didn't think I'd have such an honor to meet such a big shot and hope she doesn't take me to a car."

One day, after eating dinner, Xiaolong went to fairy's spring water to rest. Just as he landed on the lawn that he usually rested on, he suddenly saw a person in the distance wearing a white rose crown. The elegant and dignified queen in an exquisite long dress, surrounded by many followers, slowly walked over. The elf guard wearing silver armor and holding a thin sword, with pointy ears, stood beside him. Six beautiful maids supported her skirt behind her, and a maid supported her from the side. Although this was a small team, However, Lil'Dino keenly noticed that... Wherever the queen's delicate feet stepped on, be it trees or grass or stones... They all naturally made way for her. The situation was clear at a glance. This noble queen was clearly not an ordinary existence. Thus, Xiaolong chose to lie on the ground and squint his eyes, doing his best to reduce his presence. At the same time, he tried his best to be as light as possible and slowly retreated into the nearby bushes.

When the Queen's team approached the pond, a beautiful canopy appeared above the Queen's head. Beneath the canopy was a sofa woven with soft satin and glittering golden threads. There was also a small table covered with exquisite embroidery cloth. On the table were all kinds of delicious food placed in crystal tableware. Although the little dragon had seen more wonderful and delicious food, the food seemed to have greatly increased his appetite. When the queen sat down, the spring in the middle of the pond also began to spray water. The little water droplets from the fountain made a tinkling sound, and together with the gentle evening wind blowing on the leaves, a gentle and beautiful night song was played.

Although the little dragon tried her best to hide, the queen still looked at the bushes where the little dragon was hiding. Thus, she smiled and said to the maid beside her, "I saw a little dragon hiding in the bush over there. Invite him over."

"Hello, respected lady. Rode Mocu Lius pays his respects to you." Since he had been discovered, Lil'Dino no longer hid himself. Hiding the apprehension in his heart, Lil'Dino slowly walked forward. He made a human-like gentleman's salute that seemed to be the case but not the case.

"Relax, child, there's no need to be so nervous." The queen smiled warmly and said, "I am Titania, the queen of the Fey Kingdom. I heard about you from the elves who live here. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a special dragon like you. The dragons I've seen are either greedy and hot-tempered, or lazy and gluttonous. But your actions are like an Oak Tree priest (pointing at Dryad) - - - At least I've never seen a dragon choose its prey in order to maintain the life of an animal. Then, are you willing to tell me why you have such intelligence?"

"Of course, Queen, this is actually not a secret, if you want to know, I am willing to explain it to you" The little dragon politely replied. Titania was one of the highest rulers of the Kingdom of Devils where the Pixie lived. Lil'Dino felt that deliberately hiding it was not a good choice. It would be better to honestly say it out and perhaps gain a favorable impression. When I was born, I accidentally obtained a part of the memory of a human sage. And that is the source of my knowledge. "

"So that's how it is. No wonder you have the name 'Rode', which is close to a human being." Queen Titania showed a look of understanding and slowly nodded her head. Although obtaining the memory left behind after the death of the sage is a rare situation, it is not a rare thing. As a dragon, you should have the inherited memory of the Dragon Clan. However, you chose to follow the knowledge of a sage instead of submitting to the desire of the Dragon Clan. It can be seen that you are a dragon with wisdom. "

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty." The little dragon bowed his head in greeting.

"Little guy, I can feel that you were very uneasy when you first saw me, Lil 'Dino said. I guess this originated from the inherited memories of the Dragon Clan, right?" Queen Titania gently smiled and said, "Indeed, there are rumors that my people (Pixie) like to play pranks. However, many of the people who received the so-called pranks did not notice - perhaps they deliberately ignored - that the reason why they were played was often because of their greed. In fact, it is not a deliberately played pranks, but a punishment brought by excessive greed. "

" So that's how it is, I think I understand what you mean. Your Majesty." The little dragon revealed a dragon-like expression of realization. "The so-called 'prank', in reality, many people are unable to control their greed and thus are subjected to self-inflicted punishment?"

" That's right, Lil'Dino, I admire your intelligence. " A satisfied and appreciative expression appeared on the queen's face. "Very good, little dragon, if you can control your desires... Instead of relying on your own strength to satisfy your endless greed like the other dragons. Then my people and I will be your friends "

Queen Titania raised her hand to signal. The Queen's maids also placed a table of food for the little dragon. Lil'Dino was somewhat flattered as he had dinner with the Queen (It felt like he was eating with the Queen of England or the President of the United States). After the meal, the Queen asked Lil'Dino some questions and he answered them one by one.

"As the Queen who rules the Kingdom of Devils, I have a lot of powerful magic and countless treasures. Those who are fortunate enough to see me and become my friends, I will allow them to make a wish. And I will fulfill this wish. " After dinner, the queen stood up and walked in front of Xiaolong. She gently stroked the little dragon's forehead and horn, "Then, please tell me, what kind of wish do you wish to fulfill?"

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty the Queen." The little dragon first expressed his thanks, then thought for a moment and said, "Your Majesty the Queen, although I can think of quite a few wishes, However, just as Her Majesty the Queen said, I should control my desires. Instead of greedily asking for as much as possible... if possible, I hope to obtain methods to protect myself. A method to protect myself against external enemies and internal enemies."

" You made a rather smart wish, child. " Queen Titania revealed a surprised expression and then smiled. "There are quite a lot of treasures to deal with external enemies, but there are very few treasures to deal with inner enemies. Although I have powerful magic and countless treasures, my heart is the only thing that I cannot completely control. Therefore, I can't completely fulfill your wish, but I can give you a treasure. "

As she spoke, Queen Titania stretched out her hand and waved it in the air. After that, she put a simple iron grey metal ring on one of the little dragon's horns. Although this ring originally looked to be the size of a ring, after putting it on the little dragon's horn. This ring became bigger and then firmly wrapped around the root of the dragon horn.

"This is a treasure that I personally made for a friend of the human prince. Later on, he became the king. Even after he passed away, he was called a wise and just king by the citizens of his own country. Although it is not as beautiful as the other treasures, it can resist all evil curses that want to harm you. It can also give you a timely reminder, making your mind clear and alert."

"Once again, I thank you for your generous gift, the noble Queen Titania." Lil Long bent his neck and bowed deeply. When he raised his head again, The queen, the maidservants, as well as the Hua Gai and the table had disappeared without a trace. The fountain no longer spurted out of the water, only the sound of flowing water and the rustling of the bushes were left in the surroundings. It was as if everything that had happened just now had been a dream. However, after the little dragon touched the metal ring on his horn, he knew that the experience just now was not a dream.

"I think I'm quite lucky." The little dragon flew towards his home with a rather good mood...


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