System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C8 The Dragon and the Witch and the Magic Mirror
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System:Even The Dragon Is Not The Problem/C8 The Dragon and the Witch and the Magic Mirror
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C8 The Dragon and the Witch and the Magic Mirror

"Excuse me, are you... Mr. Rode?" For humans, especially a little girl, facing a dragon was still quite stressful. White Snow could clearly feel her legs trembling.

"That's right, I am Rode, Mo Kurius." The little dragon folded his front claws together. He revealed a dragon-like smile. "Do you feel pressured? Should I put my head flat on the ground? "

"Oh, no need. I feel better now." White Snow took a deep breath and tried to smile at the little dragon. "Mr. Rode, may I ask... were you the one who saved me?"

"Yes, both times." The little dragon nodded slowly.

"Thank you for your help. If it wasn't for you, I would have died by now." White Snow bowed deeply.

"You're welcome. It was just a small effort." Lil'Dino smiled and waved his claws, then he had a playful expression on his face, "Let me guess, you want me to help you deal with that witch, right?"

"Yes... Yes, Mr. Rode..." White Snow, who was being said, felt a little embarrassed. "If it's possible, I hope I can beat her away and make her never dare to come again..."

"You really are a kind girl." The little dragon sighed and blew out a few sparks. "Alright, I will help you with this. But according to the rules of the dragon, you have to give me some compensation."

"Yes, is that so?" Bai Xue heaved a sigh of relief. After thinking for a while, she revealed a troubled expression. "I wonder how much compensation you need? I only have a few gold coins on me..."

"Don't worry, I don't need you to pay me right now." Lil'Dino said, "I'll help you get rid of that witch first. If she has good treasures on her as spoils of war, I won't need your reward."

"That, Mr. Rode..." White Snow thought about it and said, "I heard that my stepmother, that witch, has a mysterious magic mirror. It is said that the magic mirror knows everything about this land. But I haven't seen it before. It might be hidden in the deepest part of the palace. "

" The palace? Then you are a princess?" Lil'Dino was stunned for a moment, then he smiled, "Interesting, although I have never thought of capturing a princess. But there's actually a princess coming here herself... Don't worry, don't look scared, I won't catch you"

After discussing for a while, Lil'Dino decided to help Snow White deal with the witches. In order to deal with the possible curse of the witches, Lil'Dino took out one of the SR-level props, the "Holy Knight's Necklace," and put it on for Snow White. The next morning, Lil'Dino went out to wait. Sure enough, the witches sneakily flew over again. As for Lil'Dino, he quietly spread his wings and flew away to notify the dwarf.

"Is there anyone else?" This time, the witch disguised herself as a weary messenger and knocked on the door to request for a rest. White Snow opened the door and let him in to take a seat. She also gave him a cool well water. After resting for a while, the messenger expressed his thanks. He was ready to take his leave.

"Beautiful lady, thank you very much for your hospitality" After leaving the room, the messenger bowed and said, "I really want to send you something to thank you, but I only have one last apple on me. But I want to give you half of it. Please don't reject my good intentions. "

After saying that, the messenger took out an apple from his body and cut it in half with the knife he carried with him. The red half was given to White Snow, and the green half was eaten by himself.

"Thank you... Ouch!" White Snow originally did not recognize the disguised witch, but the red half apple just came into her hands. The apple turned black and gave off a foul smell. Snow White was so scared that she quickly threw the apple away.

"Poison! It's a witch!" Doak, who had been hiding and observing from the side, naturally saw the black apple that had been thrown to the ground, giving off an ominous aura. There was no doubt that this messenger was a witch pretending to be "Hey! Roar!! The witch is here! Everyone, attack!"

" Hey! Roar! " The dwarf, who had been hiding nearby for a long time, let out a dwarf style battle roar. They rushed out from behind the bushes, fences, wooden barrels, and piles of grass in an aggressive manner. The witch was so scared that her courage was shattered. This young witch (to the witch) actually didn't have any direct combat strength. She was scared witless when she saw the seven dwarf holding hammers, axes, pickaxes, and iron sticks charging towards her with murderous intent. She stumbled and stumbled as she mounted the broom and ran for her life. Seeing the witch run away in a sorry state, the dwarf let out happy laughter. They clapped to celebrate.

"Whew! You scared me to death!" The witch ran far away in one breath before stopping. She wiped the sweat off her forehead in an undignified manner. Then she gritted her teeth and cursed, "Damn Snow White! And those seven dwarf! Don't think that it's over just like that! I will definitely take revenge -!"

" Roar -! " Before the witch could finish her words, a powerful dragon's roar interrupted her. The witch almost fell to the ground. She turned around to look. She saw a dragon with golden-red scales and flames shooting out of its nostrils, spreading its wings and lunging at her. The sharp teeth in the dragon's mouth sparkled under the sunlight. The witch was so scared that all her fur stood up, and she desperately ran towards the kingdom. The little dragon deliberately did not use his full strength to fly, and instead hung behind the witch and occasionally spat out a few mouthfuls of fire. Or perhaps... He stretched out his mouth to bite the witch's butt. The witch could only fly even more desperately. Under the witch's desperate escape and the little dragon's calm pursuit, the kingdom behind the seven mountains finally appeared in the little dragon's eyes. Seeing that the kingdom had arrived, the witch quickly rushed towards the palace. However, perhaps because she was too anxious, the witch did not choose to hide in the basement. The little dragon's body was relatively large. It would take a long time to drill a hole. Instead, she went to the attic where she placed the magic tools and materials.

"Magic mirror! Magic mirror! Tell me! How can I dodge that terrifying dragon outside!" The witch rushed into the innermost part of the building with disheveled hair, frantically hoping that the magic mirror could answer her. The magic mirror quickly responded.

"Master, you can hide in the basement, but I'm afraid it's already too late..."

"Rumble!" The roof of the building collapsed. The fallen tiles and wood buried the witch tightly, and a dragon fell from the top...

"Cough cough, the quality of the roof of this building is too poor! It collapsed the moment I stood on it!" Lil'Dino climbs to his feet in a somewhat wretched manner from the dust that is rising. After looking around, the little dragon discovered that this should be the witch queen's magic laboratory. But he didn't see the Witch Queen.

"Strange, where's the Witch?" The little dragon scratched the back of his head with his claws. "Didn't see her run out just now?"

"She's under your feet, at the bottom of the pile of debris and wood." A voice answered, "She's already been crushed into a pancake."

"Uh, I didn't mean to..." Lil'Dino jumped down from the rubble awkwardly, looking for the source of the voice. Then, he saw a rectangular silver mirror hanging on the innermost stone wall of the studio. The four sides of the mirror had exquisite flower-patterned reliefs, and at the top of the mirror, there was another protruding piece of reliefs that also had exquisite patterns.

"You are the magic mirror that speaks?" The little dragon walked closer to the wall.

"Yes, I am the talking magic mirror." The magic mirror replied "My original owner has already been crushed into a pancake by you, but I am only a mirror, I will not choose my own owner Then, are you going to be my new owner? "

"Mm, you seem to be very useful. You're mine now." Lil'Dino reached out and pulled out the magic mirror from under his armpit. He crawled out from the roof of the building and flapped his wings as he flew back to his home.

"You're back!" Snow White and the dwarf were waiting for him. When they saw Xiao Long come back, they went forward and asked, "Are you hurt? How is the witch?"

"The witch was crushed to death by the collapsed attic and buried under the rubble. I only found her magic mirror." Lil'Dino didn't have the nerve to say that he was the one who destroyed the attic," Then, White Snow, since the witch who wanted to take your life is already dead... You can also safely return to your own country now. "

"Return to that place...?" To little dragon's surprise, after hearing such words, White Snow did not seem happy. "Why should I return? I don't have any good memories about that place. Although the houses here are simple and crude compared to the palace, they are much more cozy. Living together with the dwarf, one doesn't need to wear a false mask, only sincere communication. I feel that this kind of life is much better than the palace... "

"So..." White Snow lowered her head and looked at the dwarf surrounding her. "Can you let me stay here?"

"Of course not, White Snow! I welcome you to continue staying!" Doak said.

"The same goes for us! We welcome you to stay! " The other six dwarf replied in unison.

"Me too." Xiaolong also revealed a dragon-like smile.



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