System:Talented Martial Cultivator/C5 White Clothes Are Better than Blood
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System:Talented Martial Cultivator/C5 White Clothes Are Better than Blood
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C5 White Clothes Are Better than Blood

"F * ck, I told you to hit me! Hit me! Hmm?" Jiang Cheng held a sparkling red gem in his hand and knocked Zhang Erdan three times, hitting the back of his head. If it wasn't for the look in his eyes, Zhang Erdan would have turned hostile.

"Brother, it wasn't me, it wasn't me. " Zhang Erdan expressed his innocence.

"Then it was you?" This time, his actions were even more exaggerated. Like a gangster fighting, he jumped up and hit Lee Mubai's head three times, not allowing Lee Mubai to resist or dodge.

The group of people behind him were all dumbfounded. They watched Jiang Cheng go crazy, and their movements froze once again.

"Boss, it's not me either. I didn't smash this box either. " Apart from feeling wronged, Lee Mubai also frowned. He didn't know why this big brother, who seemed to be easy to talk to, suddenly became mad.

"Oh, it's not you, either. Who is it? Who the f * ck threw stones at me?" Jiang Cheng tried his best to look fierce as he turned around and looked at the crowd. "You? You? Or you? F * ck, what's wrong with you? I won't kill you! "

He threw the red stone in his hand and instantly" locked "onto Wang Bufei. He threw it at him fiercely. " D * mn, it looks like you did it. " Jiang Cheng added another sentence as he threw the red stone. In fact, he added another sentence in his heart. Fat paper, I'm sorry. I only know your name. Also, who told you to be so arrogant just now?

In fact, no one was able to hit the stone. Firstly, Jiang Cheng wasn't that strong. Secondly. . .

"Hmph! At least you know what's good for you. A bunch of mountain villagers, chickens, and dogs are also trying to get their hands on the treasure. " A white-robed figure stood in the middle of the area. The man flew out from nowhere and flipped at least 720 degrees in the air. He caught the red stone and landed on the ground easily. He made a declaration.

It was really a stone that caused a thousand waves. The treasure hunters who had just stabilized themselves instantly exploded.

"F * ck, that little bastard is full of sh * t. "

"Go, go and snatch it!"

"How dare you insult me, baba! Beat the crap out of me!"

It was unknown whether they were truly angered by the thirteen words or because they had lost their minds because of the treasure, but the crowd simply ignored the man in white who had just shown off the Light Arts and shouted as they rushed forward.

"Ant! Idiot!" The man in white swept his leg across the front row, and then there was nothing else. Jiang Cheng pulled the two men beside him and ran away. At this moment, he couldn't care less about the inexplicable feeling of witnessing the Light Arts with his own eyes.

The three of them ran away randomly. When they saw that no one was chasing them, they stopped.

"Big, big, big brother, what's the situation?" Lee Mubai, who had run two to three miles, was panting. Zhang Erdan could not speak at all. He just nodded his head crazily.

"Take a breath. Let's talk after taking a breath. " Jiang Cheng was also very tired.

Coincidentally, when the fat man's human body bomb blasted open the crowd, the "treasure chest" also flew up. It just so happened that it flew towards the three of them. When Jiang Cheng saw the notification that this damn thing had radiation, he was unable to dodge and was hit by the stone inside.

The moment it hit, Jiang Cheng heard the system prompt. "You have been hit by the mysterious gem. You have obtained the inheritance qualification. You have been marked. "

Never would he have thought that this damn system would. . . There was a notification that said there was radiation, and that you needed to stay away from it. Then, there was a notification that it was a good thing that the stone had been smashed.

Jiang Cheng, who had regained his senses, used his quick-witted mind to perform the scene where he had just hit Zhang Erdan and Lee Mubai. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, he would smash it first. Who knew how many people would be affected by the "inheritance" that was smashed down?

Jiang Cheng thought about it again. Regardless of whether this gem was useful or not, it would only be troublesome to keep it in his hands. Furthermore, he did not have the ability to keep it in the crowd. Conservatively speaking, there were close to a hundred people.

Thus, a good show of throwing treasures around came about.

"Erdan, Mubai, Big Brother is doing this for your own good. If this thing is left in our hands, it will cost us our lives. We have no choice but to do so. " Jiang Cheng didn't know how to explain it. That was the system prompt.

Zhang Erdan and Lee Mubai stared at Jiang Cheng blankly, making Jiang Cheng stop explaining. He followed the two's gaze and looked for the center of attention.

"Ya! What the hell is going on? Is it still radiation?" Only now did Jiang Cheng realize that the two of them were staring at his left hand. It was now bright red, like a ripe shrimp.

"Big brother, what happened to your hand? Ah! " Zhang Erdan, who was about to reach out his hand to check on Jiang Cheng, suddenly realized that his right hand had also turned into a shrimp. Then, he shouted again. This time, it was Lee Mubai.

Jiang Cheng forced himself to calm down. "This is the reason why I hit you just now. That thing is making a mark. I have to say, congratulations. You have been chosen by the treasure. "

Apart from the color, there wasn't any discomfort, which made Jiang Cheng feel more at ease. He could only tell this to the two of them.

"Haha, I'm rich. I'll soon learn the godly skills, become a hero, do justice, marry widow Zhao, and walk to the peak of my life. " Zhang Erdan once again fell into his fantasies. He did not care at all and was not prepared to investigate the changes in his palm. Lee Mubai, on the other hand, raised his right hand and looked at it carefully.

"Erdan, can you have some pursuits? The feelings of widow Zhao are your ultimate dream. " Jiang Cheng teased.

Zhang Erdan instantly became shy and didn't say anything.

"Let's go, brothers. Let's go back!" Jiang Cheng felt that the most important thing right now was to find out where the box containing the stone came from. Otherwise, even if he was chosen, it would be for nothing. Besides, he had to go back and see how many people the stone could choose and if there were any other uses.

The three of them did not need to run for their lives. They slowly walked on the mountain trail, but the problem was that the three of them had been running left and right. They did not know where they had come from, and they had been caught blind.

"Well, we can't find them anymore. Do the two of you remember?" Jiang Cheng was not Master Bei. He would not be able to find him even if he went down the mountain, let alone return to the place he was at just now.

The two of them shook their heads. They seemed to have lost themselves in the forest.

"Big brother, look, red light!" Lee Mubai suddenly shouted.

So the three of them started to move forward again. If they walked in a straight line, they could at least reach the red light. The three of them didn't care at all that this was the opposite of the direction they had just returned to.

Lee Mubai was definitely a professional. He held a small machete in his hand and opened up a path in front of them. He cut through the thorns and thorns, which made Zhang Erdan very injured. He picked up the sword in his hand several times and wanted to throw it away, but he was reluctant to do so. Jiang Cheng, who was behind him, did not know whether to laugh or cry when he saw how conflicted he was.

After walking for about ten miles, the three of them suddenly saw a bright light in front of their eyes. A very large platform appeared in front of them. On one side was a cliff, and on the other side was a higher mountain peak. The other two sides were the woodland that they had just walked out of.

Looking at the direction of the red light, it was actually at the bottom of the cliff. Jiang Cheng walked forward and stopped to look into the distance. Only then did he realize that at the bottom of the cliff, it was vaguely the place where everyone was fighting over the gem. Over a hundred people were lying on the ground. The man in white seemed to have taken care of them by himself. He was standing in the middle, rummaging through the gemstones and picking up the box to take a closer look.

Less than 500 meters! This meant that Jiang Cheng and the other two had walked around in a circle and arrived above the place where the incident had happened!

Before Jiang Cheng could call Zhang Erdan and the other two, he regretted it. The man in white who was studying the box suddenly turned around and looked at Jiang Cheng with his eagle-like sharp eyes.

Then, he carefully put the gem into the box and rushed towards the three of them in a straight line.

Jiang Cheng did not know if the vertical cliff, which was also close to 500 meters, could block the footsteps of experts. He hurriedly turned around, and anxiously observed the platform.

There was indeed a cave in the direction of the mountain. It was about two meters tall. He quickly called Zhang Erdan and Lee Mubai, who had not entered the state yet.

"Quickly follow me. An expert is chasing after us!"

Out of fear of the unknown misfortune, Jiang Cheng took the lead to enter the cave after saying this.

When he got used to the blind spot where the light changed, Jiang Cheng actually saw a corpse. Yes, a corpse! His head should be half a meter away from his neck and should not have the ability to speak.

The strong sense of disgust reached its peak after Lee Mubai lit the fire.

His death was incomparably miserable. Jiang Cheng suddenly felt that there must be some kind of connection between this and the man in white just now. If he didn't avoid it, the three of them wouldn't have a better ending than this corpse.

He carefully stepped over the corpse and continued forward. Zhang Erdan, Lee Mubai, firmly followed him.

Not long after, the scene that entered his eyes made Jiang Cheng unable to hold it in anymore. He leaned against the stone wall and vomited wildly, then the three of them vomited crazily.

More and more dead people died in different ways. It was like hell on earth. Jiang Cheng, who was born in the new era, had never seen such a miserable scene. It was impossible to report it on the American news.

This was a round hall with a diameter of about 100 meters. Such a large area of dead people was also the reason why the three of them vomited.

In the depths of the hall, there was also a hole that was emitting a strange red light. It looked very gentle and demonic like a massage shop on the side of the street. There were more dead people at the red hole, and the way they died was even more tragic.

Enduring the intense vomiting, he tiptoed to the hole and looked into the hole. There were also corpses scattered everywhere. The difference was that these corpses were complete. One could see that the face of the other corpse was black. He held his neck tightly with both hands and displayed all the pain in his last posture.

"Enter? Or not?" Jiang Cheng was in a dilemma. His hands were slightly trembling.

"You three little thieves, if you don't want to die, just stand there obediently!" The white clothed man appeared at the entrance like a ghost again.

From his voice, one could not hear any discomfort or pity. It was as if he was greeting, "Have you eaten?"

"If you don't listen, you will regret it for the rest of your lives, and your lives will end here!" White Shirt continued.

Jiang Cheng saw coldness in the corner of his eyes, which were smiling. It was a kind of contempt for life, a feeling that made people despair.

"Erdan, Mubai, do you trust me?" Jiang Cheng did not respond to the man in white, but turned to ask the two of them.

Neither of them said anything. They just nodded their heads fiercely. For some reason, this man had been giving them a sincere feeling for a long time. Actually, this was the difference. Jiang Cheng was a modern person, and this was an era where the traditional classes were opposite of each other. There was not much estrangement between moving bricks and sitting in an office. Of course, this referred to under normal circumstances. At least Jiang Cheng lived like this.

On the other hand, Zhang Erdan, the servant of the Escort Office and Lee Mubai, who worked in the agriculture industry, were at the bottom of the society in this era. When he met Jiang Cheng, who seemed to be an expert, who had an extraordinary temperament and was able to joke around with others, he naturally had a lot of trust in him.

Alright, why was the sense of existence not affected here? Jiang Cheng did not know either.

Therefore, under the decisive attacks of the three men, they suddenly rushed towards the red light hole. The man in white did not use the Light Arts as he had expected to catch up to them and kill them in an instant. Instead, he watched the three of them enter the hole with a playful look on his face as they ran and ran.

When he finally disappeared from the man in white's sight, the man in white shouted wildly: "Damn it, this is impossible!"

The man in white stopped at the entrance of the red light and clenched his fists tightly. It could be seen that he was furious, but he did not have the slightest intention of stepping into the entrance.

That's right! The man in white had miscalculated!

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