Taboo of the Living/C36 Meet a female ghost
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Taboo of the Living/C36 Meet a female ghost
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C36 Meet a female ghost

The result was as one might well imagine, nothing was hit.

Lei Zi, who was at the side, was actually amused.

"Haha, I say, third brother, why are you chopping around with a child's toy? I thought you had epilepsy. "

"What do you know!? I'm testing the ghost girl. " As I spoke, I stopped and walked towards the willow leaf on the floor.

This time, after I picked up the willow leaf from the floor, the cold gust of wind didn't appear again, and the Life Peach Wood Sword is indeed a treasure, probably because the ghost girl was very afraid of the Life Peach Wood Sword in my hand, so he didn't use the cold wind to blow on the willow leaf.

Picking up the willow leaf and placing it on the table, I dripped my tears onto the willow leaf and used the willow leaf that was filled with cow tears to wipe my eyes.

After that, I let Lei Zi imitate me and also covered his eyes with tears. The reason why I let Lei Zi do the same was not because I wanted to scare him, but because when I met the female ghost, he would at least have a chance to defend himself and escape.

After wiping away my tears, the first thing I did was to hold onto the small wooden sword in my hand. I looked around me carefully. I didn't see anything on the entire first floor of the villa, from the lounge to the washroom.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but think to myself:

Could it be that the ghost girl hadn't arrived yet? No, if that ghost girl hadn't come, how would she explain the two strange winds from before? If I had come, why would I still be unable to see anything after I had wiped the tears off my face?

Could it be … Did that ghost girl hide on the second floor before we found her?

Thinking of this, I stood up from the sofa and walked towards the stairs on the second floor. Just as I took a few steps out, the lights in the entire villa flickered a few times and all of them went dark!

Before I could react, Lin Sen's pig-like howl came over:

"Ah ~!" Dao sir! Dao sir! "She … She's here!"

Hearing Lin Sen's voice, I immediately looked towards his direction. There was nothing beside him, although the lights in the villa had all been extinguished, but fortunately, the weather tonight was not bad. The moonlight shone through the windows, allowing the whole villa to see clearly.

"What are you yelling for? That ghost girl still hasn't come! " I interrupted Lin Sen. Looking at his cowardly look, he probably was scared out of his wits by the ghost lady earlier.

I couldn't help but exclaim, this Lin Sen feigned as a successful person, but when facing life and death, he was in a more sorry state than anyone, and even Fang Ziyan was much stronger than him.

Lei Zi, who was at the side, was also shocked by the sudden blackout.

"Third brother, do you think that ghost girl got the power cut?"

I said,

"No one but her." Just as I finished speaking, there was a muffled bang, as if something had fallen from the sky and crashed onto the ground. The muffled sound attracted the attention of the three of us at the same time.

He followed the direction of the voice and saw nothing. There was no change in the entire hall, but where did that muffled sound come from?

When Lin Sen, who was sitting on the sofa behind me heard the muffled sound just now, his entire body started to tremble.

Seeing Lin Sen's reaction, cold sweat unconsciously started to pour down my body in this villa with no lights on. It seems that I had seen too easily how to capture ghosts before, and if I really had to face this situation, I wouldn't feel confident at all.

It is said that it is easy to make a flower more difficult to embroider, not to mention that I am not embroidering, but to catch ghosts.

I gritted my teeth before I turned around and walked toward the place where the muffled sound had come from. When I reached the middle of the hall, I inadvertently raised my head to look at the second floor.

I almost lost my soul when I saw this!

In the corridor on the second floor, a woman dressed in light blue stood up straight, her face purplish black, her expression extremely stiff and wooden. She seemed to have long been standing there, watching our every move from below.

Maybe when Lei Zi and I entered this villa, we would be noticed by others.

Even though I was already prepared to die, I still felt a chill run through my body like an electric current when I suddenly saw it!

The ghost girl in blue was also looking at me, his blank eyes staring straight at me.

A chill ran down my spine when I was stared at by her beady eyes. My hand slowly moved towards the small bag that Suishen was carrying, intending to pull out the Peach Blossom Sword and the Zi Chen Wu Jia Diagram that Daoist Qingfeng had given me.

I don't know if it was due to excessive tension or a short circuit in my brain, but after feeling around for a long time, I still couldn't find it.

Just as I was sweating profusely, Lei Zi's voice suddenly came from behind me.

"Third brother!" What are you standing there for? Go and take a look at Lin Sen. Lei Zi walked behind me as he spoke, and at the same time, the ghost girl dressed in blue who was standing on the stairs leading to the second floor also floated deeper into the villa, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the female ghost had floated away, I heaved a sigh of relief. My tensed state of mind also temporarily eased up, and said to Lei Zi who was beside me:

"Nothing, go sit on the sofa and wait for me. Also, watch over Lin Sen and don't go anywhere else."

Hearing my words, Lei Zi did not say much and walked towards the sofa.

Seeing that Lei Zi had left, I immediately took out the Life Peach Wood Sword and Zi Chen Wu Jia Diagram from the small bag that I carried with me. Holding the wooden sword in my right hand and the talisman in my left hand, I looked at the dark staircase to the second floor and hesitated …

There are two solutions to the situation I now face.

The first way is that I won't be going anywhere tonight. I will be guarding Lin Sen in the hall, and when the female ghost comes looking for Lin Sen, I will pretend that I can't see her, and look for an opportunity to get close. Then, I will catch his unawares, and place the Zi Chen Wu Jia Diagram onto the female ghost's body, and it will be a success.

The second method is to climb up the dark stairs to the second floor to look for the ghost lady. After finding his, I'll go head to head with his.

I stood in the middle of the hall and looked at the stairs, after thinking about it, I hesitated for a long time, but in the end, I decided to be safer. I used the first method, to guard Lin Sen and catch the female ghost!

After making up my mind, I walked back to the sofa and sat beside Lei Zi.

Currently, Lin Sen who was seated opposite of us had recovered a bit, his expression was no longer as ugly as before, and his body was no longer trembling, but his eyes continued to look around, afraid that the female ghost would suddenly appear.

After I saw it, I couldn't help but sneer. Serves him right! There was no limit to what could be done by the heavens, but what could be done by one's own actions could not be lived on!

"Little Taoist, where … where did the female ghost go? Is she nearby? " Lin Sen came back from seeing him and hurriedly asked me.

"Shut up. Just stay here." When I heard Lin Sen's words, I felt extremely annoyed. I didn't care whether he called me Third Brother or a little Taoist.

, who was sitting beside me, looked at me and asked:

"Third brother, don't you think that it's easier to get dirty things in this mansion than in our village?"

I nodded.

"Compared to ordinary residences, there is a greater chance of dirty things in this villa. This is because the villa's area is too big, and there are usually no more than five people living in this villa on the lower level. Moreover, it is impossible for all five of them to be men. If it was only one or two people, that was courting death. Living in such a large house, at night, one would feel fear for no reason. It was not fear for people, but fear for the souls and souls of people. This fear was not caused by the thought of living to read horror movies and novels, but rather fear from the bones of people.

There was a famous saying in feng shui that was ignored by many people. Even some of the Feng Shui Masters didn't know about it, and they didn't understand it at all. That was, the mansion was extremely dangerous. Its importance is far greater than the metaphysics of real life. " I told Lei Zi about the things I learned last night from the < Encyclopedia of Maoshan Tao Techniques >.

After Lei Zi heard this, he was even tricked by me to the point of making big brother Zhang out of his mouth.

"Third Brother, you're really good at talking. How do you know so much? How come I didn't notice it before? "

I waved my hand and said to Lei Zi:

"It's not like you don't know me. I'll keep a low profile, keep a low profile …"

Lei Zi made a disdainful expression towards me and no longer said a word.

Just like this, the entire villa quieted down along with the three of us. It was strangely quiet, repressed, strangely quiet …

It was so quiet that I could even hear the breathing of Lei Zi and his.

"Tick." A soft sound came from upstairs, followed by another sound, one after another, like the sound of dripping water.

When Lin Sen heard this voice, he became agitated once again.

"Daoist Priest, she's here. She must be upstairs!"

"How can I not know she's here? If you act this way again, the price will double. " I replied Lin Sen snappily.

However, if I did not have Daoist Qingfeng's Life Peach Wood Sword and Zi Chen Wu Jia Diagram, would I have met with the same situation as Lin Sen?

Definitely not, our hearts have always been strong! However, at this time, the tick sounds from before became more and more urgent. Although the sound wasn't loud, everyone could hear it clearly every time.

Lei Zi's face changed drastically from hearing that voice. He looked at me and said:

"Third brother, should we go up and take a look?" It's not a big deal just to sit here and wait. "

I looked at my cell phone. It was already past one o'clock in the evening. This person was so nervous and scared that he lost all sense of time. Unknowingly, it was already early in the morning.

Looking at the time, I also couldn't sit still anymore. If I continued to waste time like this, it wouldn't be a solution, and that ghost girl has been pestering Lin Sen for more than a day or two. He doesn't care about today's day.

It looks like I have to find her on the second floor now.

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