Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C1 Brothers Before the Apocalypse
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C1 Brothers Before the Apocalypse
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C1 Brothers Before the Apocalypse

In a research institute in M Country that no one else knew, no one knew what it was working on.

"Haha, it's finally completed. It's been 20 years. It will definitely fulfill my dream and destroy this world that should have been destroyed long ago. Son, don't worry, they will accompany you. Even though it needs the sacrifice of the creator, but, hahahaha...

Looking at the red test tube, a scientist who had lost his son walked towards the rocket that he had prepared earlier. "You guys just wait. It will fulfill my dream. The rocket will take it to outer space and cover it from the Earth's atmosphere. At that time... Hahahaha.

After saying that, he walked towards the thermal pod where the test tube was placed. His back looked so bleak. Poor...

"Five head, six six six, drink.

After saying that, a man unwillingly drank the wine on the table and said in an unclear tone, "Zheng Shuai, you fool. You have never won a game with you."

Zhang Xin, what do you want? Do you want to come back? The man who won on the chair said provocatively. Then he looked at the man who had been drinking on the other table.

"Look at those two idiots. They drank like monkeys' butts. If they can't do it, they still want to drink."

"Don't worry about them. The college entrance exam is over. Let's relax." Then, he snatched the wine glass from Zheng Shuai's hand and drank it in one gulp. "Ning Bai, don't you drink?"

"Can't you drink a bit? I have nothing to do anyway. But it's getting late. It's almost 12 o'clock. Ask those two jokers to get up and go back to my house. Go to my house and sleep. "

"Mmm, got it. Don't worry."

Zheng Shuai then slapped both of them up. "Hurry up. Get ready to go back to Ning's house to sleep. Don't sleep." The two jokers looked at Zheng Shuai in confusion.

At this time, the other person who had paid the bill also came back. "Let's go. We have paid for it."

Then, he came over and helped a drunk person walk away.

Walking out of the bar, Lu Li was walking home. "The moon is so round and bright today. It's a little cold."

After saying that, Zheng Shuai shook his body and shivered. "It's indeed a little cold. Wake those two up and be careful of catching a cold."

Ning Bai, who was the lowest at the side, said, "I am happy to help."

The three of them agreed at the same time. Then, they began to stew the meat with belts. After a series of wails and howls, the six people, led by Ning Bai, had gathered together.

They were Ning Bai, Zheng Shuai, Zhang Xin, Liang Ming and Zhang Tian.

The two jokers got up from the ground. They patted the dirt on their bodies and said in unison, "Who hit me?"

"Ning Bai asked for it. I was afraid you guys would catch a cold."

"Okay, I will let you guys go." Zhang Tian and Zhang Yihuai stared at the four clean people and then walked slowly.

Suddenly, Zhang Tian opened his eyes wide and pointed at the sky. "Look, why is the moon turning red? And what is that thing that fell from the sky?"

Zhang Yihuai looked at it and said, "The moon is indeed turning red, and it's getting bigger. As for the meteor shower next to it, it's normal. Don't make a big deal out of it."

"Meteorite shower. Your family's meteor shower has fallen."

After saying this, Liang Ming looked at Zhang Yihuai with disdain. "It seems that a few of them have fallen to us. Pick them up?"

"Alright, alright, let's go." After saying that, they all ran towards the landing site.

When they arrived there, meteors of different shapes and sizes were lying on the ground. The strange thing was that they were all lying on the ground. When they fell from such a height, there was no pit, and the ground was very flat.

"Everyone, pick up some meteorites to commemorate. I think it might be useful in the future." Zhang Yihuai felt strange when he saw these meteorites. He thought to himself, I am not an astronomy enthusiast. How could I say that?

However, no one asked any questions. After all, it was fine to commemorate the meteorite. No one, including Zhang Yihuai himself, did not know what he said. When he said that, his eyes turned white.

After picking up the meteorite, everyone followed Ning Bai back to his house. Everyone thought that what happened on the way was a small matter and no one took it seriously. But they did not know that they became successful because they felt that it was a small matter today. Of course, this was the latter part.

The next morning, Ning Bai got up from the bed and rubbed her swollen head. She shook her head hard and looked around in a daze. She found that the sky was not bright yet and muttered to herself, "I can't drink anymore in the future. It hurts my body!"

She looked at her watch and found that it was already 12 o'clock in the afternoon and the sky was not bright yet.

What was the situation?

Ning Bai thought in her heart but also laughed at herself. If the sky collapsed, there would still be a tall person to support it. What did it have to do with her?

Then she looked at the messy house and felt very helpless. She smiled bitterly and said, "Fortunately, there was no one in the house yesterday. If I don't let my mom see this, she will beat me to death."

Then, he pushed the people around him up. If they couldn't, they would fight. He shouted, "Wake up. It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Wash your faces and go back to your homes. Find your mothers."

Then, he went to wash himself.

After everyone woke up, they all felt that there was something wrong with the sky.

"Could it be that the end of the world is coming? Is this a sign?" Zhang Yihuai had just gotten up when he suddenly said, and the others all looked at him in confusion.

"You must have read too many doomsday novels. It's only dark now."

As he spoke, Zheng Shuai turned on the light. "Look, there's electricity. Don't think too much about the end of the world. But it's better to turn on the TV and see if there's any explanation."

He was also a little weak. He listened to Zheng Shuai's words. All the TV stations were reporting about this. It happened to be the goddess of the world's otakus, Yun Ying, who had the reputation of "Sai Yuhuan.

"Wow, I'm a goddess. The goddess, Simeda, meow, meow. "Pak, pak, pak..."

Before he could finish, he was slapped on the head by Zheng Shuai. Zhang Xin looked at Zheng Shuai with an aggrieved look. "Why did you hit me? Doesn't it hurt?"

"I hit you. I heard what she said quietly. I saw you get up. How embarrassing. Are you still a virgin?"

The people around him laughed. They looked down at him and laughed. Even Ning Baigang, who rarely laughed, came over after washing up. He kept laughing.

Zhang Xin really wanted to find a crack and hide himself in it. He told everyone to stop laughing, but none of them heard him.

They could only look at Zheng Shuai with bitter eyes, as if they were saying, "Do as you see fit. Tell them to stop, or else I will keep looking at you like this. You know what I mean.

Facing Zhang Xin's resentful gaze, Zheng Shuai's hair stood on end. He quickly told them to stop and then listen carefully to the Goddess' report.

"Hello, everyone. I am Yun Ying. Next, I will report to everyone about the dark of the day. Please don't panic. The scientists have already done their research. The atmosphere of the Earth is covered by some unknown substance. It blocked the sunlight, which led to the dark of the day. Please don't panic the masses, scientists said that the substance will dissipate by tomorrow at the latest. The sun will continue to shine. Please calm down today. Turn on the lights during the day and don't cause unnecessary trouble. Pay attention to traffic safety. Furthermore, do not randomly spout negative comments such as the end of the world and freedom of speech. However, it is not absolute freedom. Everyone, please... "

Ning Bai turned off the TV before she finished the report. She said to everyone, "See? Don't run around these few days. Be careful at night and don't think about the end of the world."

After she finished, she looked at Zhang Yihuai. Zhang Yihuai hurriedly waved his hand and could not say anything. "I'm just trying to scare the timid. I'm not serious."

Tsk, no one believed it, but they all knew it. Let's not talk about this anymore.

"Alright, go home after washing up. It's dark." Ning Bai took the broom and cleaned the house as she said, "This is the rhythm of sending off guests." Everyone thought in their hearts, but they also listened to him tidy up and prepare to go home.

After all, after this incident, they were no longer in the mood to play.

Just as she opened the door, she really could not see her own fingers. Fortunately, there was a flashlight and most of the people who went out were wearing masks. There were also many people coughing. "

There's a problem. Everyone should be careful. They're not afraid of 10,000. Just in case."

Zhang Yihuai looked at the situation outside and spoke first. At this moment, he noticed that everyone's eyes had changed. They were all staring at him, as if they could see him as a naked beauty.

"What are you guys trying to do? I'm not gay." Zhang Yihuai quickly pulled his clothes and crossed his arms in front of his chest, showing that he would rather die than obey.

"You think too much," Zhang Tian, who had not spoken for a long time, said. "We only stared at you because we saw your eyes turn white. Who do you think you are..."

"Turn white?! What's going on?"

The person in question quickly ran to the side of the mirror to look at himself in front of it. He realized that his eyes had indeed turned white, but it looked good. The person in question thought,

"Do you feel any discomfort? If you do, hurry up and send him to the hospital. Don't delay the proper business."

Zhang Xin looked at it and said, "It's fine, it's fine. It's just turning white. There's nothing uncomfortable."

That's right. Everyone shrugged their shoulders. Zhang Yihuai was originally white. At most, his eyes had turned white. There was nothing strange about it. Instead, he had become a little more handsome.

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