Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C10 Upgrade
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C10 Upgrade
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C10 Upgrade

"Apart from finding two magic staves, Wind Spirit also found a green skill book called Tornado. I've already learned it, a green skill book that allows one to dive underground, a white skill book with Backstab, and six random attribute books. I didn't need anything else, so I didn't ask to bring it up."

Zhang Yihuai passed the attribute books to the others as he spoke. He had gotten Agility, Ning Bai's Endurance, and Zheng Shuai had gotten Conviction Point. Zhang Xin had Endurance, and Zhang Tian and Liang Ming had Agility.

After everyone had learned the skill books, Liang and Zhang Tian summoned the earth spirit. Liang gave everyone a Earth Armour to protect their bodies. The others used their weapons to reduce the possibility of them disappearing in the zombie battle. Ning Bai walked over. She looked at the happy crowd and then said,

Now that you've got a new skill, prepare to use it. Tell me about the skill cooldown. My Cold Shadow skill lasts for half an hour. The Fire Beacon Spear lasts for 5 minutes. " Six hours. You guys are done. "

"My skill, Fire Pillar and Fire Burst, both lasts for 15 minutes." Zheng Shuai leaned against the wall and said lazily, "Let's talk about it first.

"Backstab can stun for 1 second in 2 minutes. Stealth for 5 minutes. Lasts 30 seconds."

"Earth Armour protection lasts for half an hour. Armor 100 CDs for 2 hours. Escape for 3 hours. Duration: half an hour. Summoning earth spirit lasts for half an hour. Cooldown: 2 hours. Thick blood."

Liang Ming scratched his head and said,

Two hours of cooldown! It has been so long. No wonder. "

Ning Bai muttered to herself. Then she saw Zhang Yihuai who was about to say something stop and look at him. She hurriedly waved for him to say. Zhang looked at Ning Bai and said slowly,

"Tornado lasts for 5 seconds, 3 meters in diameter, half an hour in CD. Wind control lasts for half an hour, six hours in CD. Wind spirit lasts for half an hour, two hours in CD." Finally, it was Zhang Tian's turn. He picked up his shield and said,

Summoning earth spirit and beam time are the same. Earth wall lasts for 5 minutes, cooldown 10 minutes. No damage. "

Ning Bai heard the five people's words and thought for a while. Then she said as she walked.

All of you, get ready to head to the dormitory building. The two earth spirits open up a path and Wind Spirit attacks from afar. Liang and Zhang will go to the two sides of the team. Three Jin (Zhang Xin's nickname) and Zhang Yihuai will walk in the middle. Three Jin will be in charge of attacking the ones in front. Yihuai was in charge of both sides and the back of the enemy. Zheng Shuai went to the front to investigate the enemy first. "Do you understand me when I walk behind and cover the rear?"

"I understand!"

After that, Zheng Shuai walked into the shadows. Liang and Zhang stood on both sides of the shield, listening to Ning Bai's command. Ning Bai walked at the back with her spear in hand. Sanjin and Zhang Yihuai found their positions. They stood in the middle and picked up their staffs, ready to attack from afar.

"Charge!" Following Ning Bai's order, Liang and Zhang instantly dispersed the earth wall, leaving only a thin layer of ice on Ning Bai. They could see the ferocious faces of zombies from the ice, but they still rushed in without hesitation.

The first one was about two meters tall earth spirits. They were summoned by 20% of Liang and Zhang's attributes. They were almost two punches and one zombie. They were very brave. Then, the three-kilogram flame opened up a path from a distance. After using the two skills, he didn't stop. It threw out the small fireball it had condensed.

Even if it wasn't a skill, it would still deal a lot of damage due to its high intelligence. If it hit a zombie's head, it could slowly burn it to death. Yihuai's wind spirit blew away the zombies on both sides to reduce the pressure on both sides. Yihuai himself used the tornado to blow up the zombies on one of the lines in front of the team or bring them into the tornado and break them into pieces.

After using the skill, he used the wind to reduce the pressure on the empty space. Zhang Tian, who was on both sides of the team, saw the zombies coming out of the door of the teaching building. He threw a Ground Cracking Strike at them and blocked the door with rocks. He then retreated and used his shield to block the zombies. He used the earth wall to block the zombies from approaching. He saw that Liang Ming was struggling.

After all, he didn't have any offensive skills. Even if he had the support of the passive skill, brute force, it was still very difficult for him. So, he hurriedly ran over to help. In the end, Ning Bai was the most relaxed. When more zombies gathered behind the team, he would just throw out a Cold Shadow Spell and clear the area. Then, everyone took a step closer to the dorm building.

As Ning Bai and the others went deeper into the school and got closer and closer to the dormitory building, Ning Bai and the others felt more and more that zombies were coming towards them in batches. They were no longer blind suicidal attacks, but organized and disciplined. Although they did not organize an effective attack, this situation could only mean one thing - they had Senior Zombie s to command them! Ning Bai saw organized zombies and her heart sank.

Looking at the sun again, she found that the sun had started to slowly walk west from head to toe. She quickly took out her ring to look at the hourglass and found that more than half of the two-hour hourglass had flowed. According to the June day, It's almost dark by 7: 00. It would be dark even if it wasn't dark. It would directly affect their ability to see the zombies' attacks clearly. There wasn't much time left for them. Ning Bai quickly turned the hourglass around. She used her probing skill to check the zombies that were rushing toward them. She found that they were at most level 2 cannon fodder zombies. They were going to exhaust our strength and prepare to kill us when we were exhausted.

Ning Bai thought to herself, so she quickly ran from the back of the team to the front and said loudly,

Stop fighting. Half of the zombies in the school are at least 1,000. We can't kill all of them. Did you see that? Zombies are attacking us in an organized way. These are Senior Zombie 's in the school. Send some cannon fodder over. I've checked that all of them are at most Level-2 zombies. They're going to tire me to death. They're going to make us dumplings."

Hearing Ning Bai's words, the other five people's hearts sank. They thought about it and realized that it was the same logic. Zhang Tianyi slapped the zombies on the ground with his shield and said while panting.

"That's true, but how should we solve it? Hurry up and think of a way. There are too many zombies and they are almost out of strength."

"Capture the enemy first. Capture the king first."

After Zhang Yihuai blew away the zombies on both sides with the wind, he continued. Ning Bai heard what Zhang said and thought it was the same. First, kill the Senior Zombie . The low-level zombies were only driven by instinct. This way, it would be much easier to kill. Then, Ning Bai used her power to send a message to Zheng Shuai, telling him to come back quickly. Everyone at the side felt a cold current pass by. Then, they heard a "F * ck" sound. Then, a shadow floated over - Zheng Shuai. He cursed and said:

Ning Bai, f * ck you. Do you know that people can scare people to death? I'm in a zombie crowd. The pores on my back opened up instantly and goose bumps fell all over the ground. " Zheng Shuai scratched his head after saying that.

Ning Bai saw his reaction and scratched her head. She said guiltily, "I forgot about this. It's not an urgent matter." After saying that, she looked like she was wronged. Seeing Ning Bai like this, she almost acted cute. What else could Zheng Shuai say? She could only helplessly ask Ning Bai,

"What urgent matter do you have to find me? Hurry up and say it. I'm busy."

Ning Bai slapped her forehead.

I almost forgot about the important matter, Elder Zheng. I saw zombies attacking us. I think there are Senior Zombie s commanding them. " Your goal is to find the location of the Senior Zombie . When you find it, come back and report it to us. Don't fight alone. Be careful of your injuries. I recommend some places where the Senior Zombie can hide. I'll help you narrow down the search area. It's convenient for you to look for them. For example, there's silence. There's no sound at all. There might be traces of zombies there. But you have to be careful. We can't go there for a while. Of course, I won't force you. After all, it's dangerous. We can go together later. It's just slow. "

After Zheng Shuai heard Ning Bai's words, he was silent for a while. To be honest, such an operation was almost certain death. After all, no one knew how many zombies there were and how many zombies there were to protect the Senior Zombie .

Zheng Shuai was silent for a while. Just as he was about to say something, a ray of light suddenly shone on everyone's bodies. It turned out that they had reached level 6. That was good as well. It was safer to have more attributes. Ning Bai thought in her heart, but a voice sounded in her mind, which made this operation a little safer.

"Congratulations, you have reached level 6 and obtained one attribute point. Because you are the first human in the world to reach level 6, you will be rewarded with two free attribute points. At the same time, you will activate the new mode of monsters to fight against humans. Power of Law, Spirit. Speed, physical attack. Physical defense, physical hit. Physical Evasion, Physical Critical Hit, Magic Attack, Magic Defense, Spell Evasion, Spell Hit and Spell Critical Hit were officially activated. Skill Consumption has been activated, the drop of virtual gold coins has been unlocked. Red and blue potions have been dropped. "

After Ning Bai heard the sound, she added the two free attributes that she had gained from leveling up to Agility. Then, she looked at the value of the activation. Then, she clicked on the basic attributes interface of the character. At this time, she found that the attributes beside the character had really been activated.

Health Points: 390 (The total amount added by 20 drops of blood and other attributes and 5 drops of blood as well as equipment and accessories for every point of endurance)

Power of Law: 300 (Intelligence: 20 drops of blue and other attributes: 5 drops of blue, as well as equipment and accessories added together, restoring 1 point of blue every minute)

Attribute: 500 (Affinity determines the strength of one's own attributes, can be obtained by slow training or meditation) Speed: 180 (The total amount added to Agility and Equipment Accessories is 5 points per Agility)

Physical Attack: 210 (Strength: 20 points, Physical Attack: 20 points, and Accessories added together)

Physical Defense: 180 (Agility: 5 Physical Defense and Equipment Accessories added together) Physical Hit: 180 (Same as physical defense, let's not talk about it, excluding the possibility of collecting numbers)

Physical Dodge 180 (Same as above) Physical Critical Hit 180 (the same) Magic Attack 100 (Same as mana) Magic Defense: 120 (Conviction and Endurance: 10 points, Magic Defense: 10 points, and Equipment Accessories) Spell Evasion: 10 (Conviction: 10 points, Magic Defense: 10 points, Equipment Accessories total) Spell Accuracy: 10 (Same) Magic Critical Hit: 10 (Same)

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