Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C11 He Was Forced to Move the Experimental Building
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C11 He Was Forced to Move the Experimental Building
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C11 He Was Forced to Move the Experimental Building

After Ning Bai looked at the attributes, she finally knew what digitization was. He looked at the skill consumption again. Cold Shadow Absolute Consumes Blue What the... This is a big move, okay. Ning Bai thought in her heart, then she casually condensed an ice cream and saw that her attributes were instantly reduced by 20.

Then, she slowly rose by 1 point. Ning Bai seemed to have understood something, but at the same time, she did not seem to have understood anything. However, he did not have the time to look at this. He hurriedly closed the interface and told the four people beside him who had also leveled up these new functions. Then, he tried to look at the zombies. Sure enough.

The zombies had a health bar, which was only 50 health points. He tried to use the spear to continue his headshot. He found a critical hit in his brain - the level-1 zombies died instantly. Ning Bai was very depressed. It was still the same as before, and then she went to see how the monster damage was calculated.

Monster damage. : It is divided into normal attacks and vital attacks.

However, the description was so dark that no one could see how it was divided. Ning Bai was helpless. She closed the interface and continued to kill zombies. At the same time, she used her attributes to send the changes to Zheng Shuai, who was searching for the Senior Zombie .

The four people beside Ning Bai quickly adapted to the changes and started to kill zombies and collect potions. They were so busy that they almost reached the dormitory building. As for the people who were trapped in the dormitory building... In the morning, they heard a loud bang at the door. They thought that the army had come to save them. They quickly hung the 'SOS' written in black pen out of the window. At first, they were shouting loudly.


However, the sound triggered the zombie to roar excitedly. It waved its hands and slowly scratched the door of the dormitory, which had almost been scratched by the metal sheet. Seeing the zombie's reaction, Wang Yang, who was the only one who hid in the dormitory building and killed zombies outside, was the only one who had become a level-one zombie. In a flash, he used the attribute he'd acquired - Lightning, and a spark of electricity appeared in his hand and struck the girl with the loudest voice, who was screaming at the top of her lungs and screaming at the top of her lungs and screaming at the top of her lungs. In an instant, the girl's body trembled a few times. She turned around and saw Wang Yang's flattering words.

"Brother Wang, why did you hit me? Were you unhappy yesterday?"

The surrounding teachers and students looked at her with disdain. The teachers even said that the world was declining, but they did not dare to say it loudly.

So it turned out that the flattering girl was called Jia Xiaoyu. She was already a person in the post-apocalyptic era. Very... you know, you know how to coax and act cute. In the end, when it was the end of the world, when Wang Yang showed off his might, he took the initiative to enter Wang Yang's dormitory on the first day he hid in the dormitory building. Then, he heard an exaggerated cry, afraid that others wouldn't know that she was like Wang Yang.

Then, she started to use her power in the dormitory building. Wang Yang, on the other hand, was lucky to see a newborn zombie infected by a student's virus when he suddenly saw a zombie. Then, he was beaten to death and raised to level one, obtaining the thunder attribute.

In the end, when he saw the zombies that were infected by the virus eating on the ground, Wang Yang instantly forgot about his dream of killing zombies and becoming the CEO, marrying the rich and beautiful, and walking to the peak of his life. He quickly followed the large group of people to the dorm building, closed the door tightly, and used the bed to hold the door.

Why did he go to the dormitory building? The dormitory building was an iron door, and the dining room was a glass door. He couldn't stand the zombie's coercion. However, that was enough. At least the people in the dorm building hadn't killed zombies before, so he could do whatever he wanted.

Wang Yang heard Xiaoyu's sweet words and raised his head again.

"Look at you. Didn't I make you feel good last night? I'll satisfy you tonight, but don't scream. I've lured the zombies over. " If anyone screams again, I'll satisfy them with electricity. I'll wait for the army to come. "

Wang Yang sat on the stool and said with a naughty smile. The two lackeys fanned him with fans. Xiao Yu heard him and quickly came over to beat Wang Yang's legs with a flattering smile. When the surrounding people heard what he said, they quickly moved away from him.

The girls' faces were red and their hearts were beating fast. As for Zheng Shuai who came yesterday with a box of instant noodles and said that he wanted to save them, no one cared. They all thought it was just a joke. Ning Bai and the others who were thought to be joking were desperately trying to open up a path to the dormitory building. If Ning Bai and the others knew that everyone in the dormitory building thought it was like this, would they immediately turn back and ignore them?

However, Ning Bai and the others did not have the time to close these things. Because they had just received news from Zheng Shuai that they had found the Senior Zombie , Ning Bai and the others started running towards Zheng Shuai. They picked up the gold coins and useful equipment and skill books dropped by zombies and put them in their backpacks and Ning Bai's Interspatial Ring. They quickly gathered at the place where Zheng Shuai received the news.

When Ning Bai and the others arrived at the location Zheng Shuai had mentioned, Ning Bai immediately brought them to the second floor. Along the way, they killed a portion of the zombies and found a place with walls on both sides of the balcony. Then, Zhang Tian placed his hands on the ground and used the earth wall technique to separate them from the zombies chasing after them. After Ning Bai reinforced the wall with ice, everyone was so tired that they sat on the ground and took big breaths.

"I'm so tired!"

The first to speak was Zhang Xin. He was the main mage. In order to open the way, he used up all his mana and only had 50 points of mind left. After listening to Zhang Xin's words, there were still people who wanted to complain. Ning Bai said, exhausted.

"Stop talking. Hurry up and recover your mental energy. There will be a tough battle later. After that, go to the dormitory building."

Ning Bai sat down and reversed the hourglass of time. Then, she began to meditate. Everyone looked at Ning Bai and gave her the middle finger. Then, they sat down and began to meditate. At this time, Zheng Shuai appeared from Ning Bai's shadow. He did not say anything. He just sat down and began to meditate as soon as he came back.

When a quarter of the sand leaked out, Ning Bai woke up from her meditation. She used a lot of strength in her hands and smiled bitterly.

"You still need to save others. You don't even have the strength to protect yourself."

Ning Bai said self-deprecatingly and looked around. She found that everyone was still in meditation and did not disturb them. She only carefully took out a bucket of noodles, a warm pot of hot water and some canned food from the Interspatial Ring. It turned out that Ning Bai always kept food in the Interspatial Ring to replenish her strength under this kind of exhausted situation.

As the canned food and hot water were put into the bucket, the smell of the food assailed their nostrils. The zombies seemed to be shouting even louder because of the aroma of the rice.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

The first to wake up was Liang Ming, because he didn't have any offensive skills. They were all defensive and detection skills. It was easier to recover his mind power, so he looked at the new stats page. After meditating for a while, he woke up and saw Bucket sighing. Then, the other four also woke up quickly because of the rice fragrance. The group of people ate Bucket Face, which was separated from the zombies by an earthen wall. After eating and drinking, they started to look around. Except for the zombie's roars, no other sound could be heard.

After that, there were very few zombies. They looked down from upstairs. The positions of the zombies were interesting, as if they had learned how to deploy them. Ning Bai cast a probing spell and found that most of the zombies were at level 4. When they saw the six big words on the door of the building, they felt that Zheng Shuai had found the right place. The six big words on the door of the building were X City Experimental Building. The school was most likely to have radiation. Radioactive chemicals were concentrated here. If zombies leveled up because of this, Ning Bai and the others felt that this explanation made sense.

Ning Bai then asked Zheng Shuai how he was doing. Zheng Shuai said seriously,

"The suspected Senior Zombie is in the laboratory on the second floor of the experimental building. He is nearly three meters tall and very strong. There are four stronger zombies around him. They are around two meters tall. There are also a group of zombies surrounding him. There are a lot of them. There is only one way to get to the laboratory."

After listening to Zheng Shuai's report, everyone was silent. According to what Zheng Shuai said, the operation to capture the leader first was not a narrow escape, but a dead end. Ning Bai thought for a moment, then said with a bitter smile,

"Are we going to fight with our lives on the line? Does Zheng Shuai really only have one way to go to the laboratory?" Zheng Shuai thought about it carefully, then shook his head. Ning Bai understood. This was asking them to hit a rock with an egg, so he laughed at himself.

"We give up on this kind of action. We can't do it. We can't sacrifice our precious lives for the students and teachers who are not related to each other in the dormitory building. So I announce..." Before Ning Bai could finish, Zheng Shuai suddenly interrupted him with joy.

Suddenly, he interrupted his words with joy.

"I remember now. Because there is radiation and some poisonous gas in the laboratory, there is a ventilation pipe that leads to the outside. We can enter the laboratory through the ventilation pipe directly. There is a backup power in the laboratory. After closing the door of the laboratory, we will either send the sheep into the tiger's den or catch the turtle in the jar."

After listening to Zheng Shuai's words, everyone's heavy heart that was about to give up suddenly felt better. So they began to check their equipment, drank red and blue medicine, and prepared to leave. Ning Bai looked at the spoils of war in the Interspatial Ring and roughly counted them.

"There are two green skill books. They are Shadow Jump and Blink used by mages. Zheng Shuai is simple. Zhang Xin and Yihuai will divide them. "Then there are five white skill books. They were Frost Palm, Fire Resistance. The swamp was everywhere, Typhoon Eye and Passive Skill Counterattack. The rest were Red and Blue Potions. Each of them had over 1000 gold coins. There were 4 rings that added 1 point to physical attack, and each of them had one. That's about it. "

After Ning Bai finished speaking, she gave the items that were suitable for others. She equipped herself with a ring and used Frost Palm to learn. The other five also used their skill books to learn.

Ning Bai thought about it and quickly said:

All of you report your skills so that you can assign the quest. Frost Palm: 30 mana per hit. Trash skill. Every attack from the palm is 20% of your own attack. Can hit the same target 6 times. There is a 20% chance of slowing the target. Frost damage. Cooldown: 2 minutes." After Ning Baigang finished speaking, Zheng Shuai immediately replied.

"Shadow Jump: 90 mana per jump. Can jump through space once at a specific location within 5 meters. Can't be locked during this time. Cooldown of half an hour."

"Blink: Blink once within 5 meters. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Costs 80 mana each time. Fire Resistance, instantly pushing the enemy out of the 2 meters radius around you for 10 minutes. Because I don't have an escape skill and Yihuai's wind attribute is easier to run than mine, give it to me first. Next time, no matter what kind of mage it is, give it to Yihuai first," Zhang Xin said.

"Typhoon Eye: 50 mana per use. Typhoon at the designated location. 2 meters in diameter for 5 seconds. Attack power is 10% of your attack. Cooldown 1 minute."

Zhang Yihuai looked at the blank space and said, "The last one is Zhang Tian.

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