Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C15 The Impact
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C15 The Impact
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C15 The Impact

"Guess what I found? "A bottle of recovery potion. Ning Bai can wake up now."

Zhang said loudly. When everyone heard this, they hurried over to take a look. It was indeed an attribute potion. Ning Bai was unconscious due to overexertion of her mental strength. This time, Ning could be saved. Everyone thought in their hearts, but they did not have the mood to look at the last item.

Everyone quickly helped Ning Bai up and poured the mental strength medicine into her mouth, waiting for Ning Bai to wake up. Ning Bai's eyes slowly opened. Suddenly everyone felt cold and instantly felt winter. Then Ning Bai's surroundings gradually became cold and began to freeze. When everyone saw this situation, they quickly left Ning Bai. Ning Bai saw this and smiled bitterly as she slowly got up. Soon after, a lot of words came out of her mind.

"Congratulations to you for creating your own skill in a hopeless situation and becoming the first person in the world to create your own skill. Activate your own skill. " Your self-created skill is a purple skill, because you're the first human to create a purple skill. The reward is to upgrade the purple skill to a golden skill, and the reward is 2 free attribute points. World announcement once, because you are unyielding in your desperate situation. It would upgrade its attributes to Second Stage and Ice. He had become the first human to reach Second Stage. "Reward: 2 free attribute points."

Ning Bai smiled bitterly and said, "I'm going to be famous this time!" Then, a voice sounded in everyone's mind.

"Congratulations Ning Bai for becoming the first human in the world to create a purple ability!" The entire world was boiling with excitement. Especially the five people near Ning Bai. They originally thought that Ning Bai would be fine once she woke up, but in the end Ning Bai gave them a surprise and directly went to the world announcement.

"Please name the skill name." Hope the system spoke again.

"Yi Shuihan."

Ning Bai said without hesitation.

"Congratulations on naming your self-created skill, Yi Shuihan."

The system stopped talking after that.

As for Ning Bai, she was currently trying out his new attribute ability. She discovered that the speed at which she condensed ice was twice as fast as before. Furthermore, she was able to convert the water elements in the air within a meter radius around her into ice for him to control. Furthermore, he could also do some simple things.

For example, ice clothes, weapons, and other things. When the other five people saw the ice in Ning Bai's hands turn into flowers, grass, trees and so on, they felt that it was a magic trick. At first, they only felt that it was pretty. After a while, their faces became serious because the ice in Ning Bai's hands changed from simple to easy, from easy to difficult, from flowers to trees, animals, plants to forests, humans.

But they could only do the simplest transformation, which meant that Ning Bai's control ability was no longer on the same level as theirs. So when the five of them asked Ning Bai what was going on, Ning Bai told the five of them what the system said. The five of them fell into deep thought when they heard that. Zhang Yihuai said first.

"This means that you can create your own skills. It just depends on whether you can be recognized by the system. Then, your attributes will have the second or third attributes. Ning Bai's attributes will increase in desperation, so we can think that this is a shortcut."

After everyone heard what he said, they all nodded and felt that what he said made sense. But in this desperate situation, if they did not make it, they would die. The price was too great. Zhang Yihuai took the opportunity while everyone was thinking and took out the last piece of loot. It turned out to be a white skill book - Earth Spear Thrust.

He gave it to Liang Ming because he did not have many attack skills. He then told Ning Bai what happened after Ning Bai fainted.

After Ning Bai heard what Zhang Yihuai said, she thought for a while and said,

"Since the zombies have surrounded us and the sky is dark, we will sleep here today. The six of us will take turns guarding and changing shifts. " What do you think? "

After hearing Ning Bai's words, everyone felt that it made sense. At this time, Zhang Tian's hungry voice told them that it was time to eat dinner to replenish their strength. Ning Bai took out a bucket of noodles, canned food, and pickled vegetables from her Interspatial Ring and poured out hot water with a thermos. Immediately, the fragrance filled the air and covered the bucket with some hot water.

Everyone's saliva almost flowed out. They waited for a few minutes as if they were years. Then, they began to eat with gusto. After eating, Zhang Tian used the earth wall to block the road to the top of the building. Ning Bai used her new ice power to reinforce the earth wall. At the same time, she also used ice to cover the surroundings and the top. She took out the sleeping bag that she had prepared and the six of them slept inside. The warning that they had mentioned earlier had been forgotten by them. Now, they only wanted to have a good sleep...

When Ning Bai and the rest went to sleep and played chess with Duke Zhou, they did not know that the world announcement was due to Ning Bai's self-created skill. This was the so-called butterfly effect. Ning Bai's small butterfly flapped its wings and caused a huge change in the world. In an underground base in B City, the capital of Z Country, A group of men with emblems and military ranks were engaged in a heated discussion in the candlelight.

"Ning Bai looks like someone from Z Country. We must quickly bring someone to bring Ning Bai back and protect him. He is the backbone of the rise of Z Country."

A middle-aged man with the rank of major general stood up and said. He had just finished speaking when he was immediately ridiculed.

"I think you want to take him as your son-in-law? Don't bring up the rise of Country Z. Ning Bai is very important. " But we don't have any extra power to bring him here. Besides, we don't know which city he is in. How are you going to find him? "

Jin Yuliang, who was also a major general, said.

That's right, that's right. It's just a basic level 10 human. It's just a coincidence that he has a purple self-created skill. It doesn't mean that he's very powerful. Although we don't have any purple skills here, there are quite a few blue ones. Their numbers are overwhelming. Moreover, we also have purple skills. Do we really need to spend so much effort looking for someone? " Z-Country has a lot of people. "

Another lieutenant general, Shangguan Yun, stood up and said slowly.

"You don't understand this, old official, right?"

Sima Feng, who was also a lieutenant general, said slowly:

"Z-Country has a lot of people, which means that our human race has a higher probability of being more powerful than other countries. But at the same time, there are more zombies in our country than in other countries. Even zombies are like this. " Not to mention, we have more agile and strong mutant beasts. In the past few days, there have been a lot of casualties here, and we don't even know if the newborn baby is a human or a zombie. If there is no life, there is only death. Can this human survive? "

Hearing his words, everyone fell silent. After a while, Wu Yun, one of the only two generals in B City, spoke.

"Since that's the case, we don't need to worry about Ning Bai. Since he can create his own skill, it doesn't seem like he needs our protection. He turned into a dragon as soon as he entered the wind and clouds. Whether he is a dragon or a worm, it depends on his performance. We just need to take care of our own matters."

When everyone heard his words, they all silently nodded their heads. They felt that they were blindly worrying. If he can create his own skill in the zombie siege, can't he protect himself? Then they looked at the center of the meeting - Commander Lee, who was sitting at the head of the meeting. This was Commander Iron Blood, who had made a great military achievement. He only said one word, "sure." Then, he stopped talking, and the meeting ended just like that.

When M Nation heard this announcement, they hurriedly asked the intelligence department to search for information about Ning Bai. They wanted to get rid of this hidden danger in the shortest time possible. Many countries got busy when they heard this announcement.

For example, Country R, which claimed to be spoiled by the sun, got busy because of this announcement. It was most likely Country Z of Country Z that allowed people to sneak into Ning Bai and accept or die. This was Ning Bai's choice. There were also many other big countries that reacted one after another. They either tried to rope them in or got rid of them.

Ning Bai and the other six people in the distance had just woken up. They did not know that so many things had happened because of Ning Bai. They got up at 5 in the morning (because the system could time and had an alarm function) to take a breath of fresh air. Looking at the sun that had just come out, it was really good that they were still alive!

Then, everyone began to train their bodies. They ran around the roof, frog-jumped, and practiced their skills. Because they recovered 1 mana per second, and when they reached level 10, the system changed again. All the white skills' cooldown time was halved and the mana consumption did not change. With the addition of a shop, they could buy some daily necessities. The gold coins they dropped would be useful.

Just like that, the white skills would become normal attacks at the end. Ning Bai thought to herself after she finished reading the modified version. Then, he took out his Class Advancement Certificate and changed to a Warrior.

"Congratulations, you have completed your Class Advancement of 99th place."

Then, his body changed. His hair turned silvery-white due to the power of ice. His armor also turned silvery-white due to the attributes. When he entered the interface, he saw that he could choose not to appear. So he chose not to appear, and the clothes on his body became the same. He laughed and told everyone to take out the clothes. He was pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger. Then he continued to practice his gun skills, striving to practice to become one with the gun. The gun was him, and he was the gun.

Perhaps there was no such thing. However, Ning Bai still tried her best to practice and familiarize herself with the new gun. The level 10 green spear given to her by the top 100 in the world had a bloodthirsty characteristic. Every attack absorbed 1% of the health points of the attack. The rest added 20 normal Green Physical Attacks.

After training for nearly an hour, Ning Bai looked at the watch on her hand. She had just switched it out from the shop. After all, she needed it. She just needed to put it in the Interspatial Ring. Ning Bai then asked everyone to stop and rest for a while. She told everyone that the system had been modified this time. At the same time, she took out a bucket of noodles and a few pieces of bacon from her ring. She then took out fresh lettuce and placed it in the bucket. She cut a cucumber and placed the pickled vegetables together.

"Fortunately, the Interspatial Ring keeps them fresh and helps everyone improve their food."

Ning Bai said with a smile and then passed a bucket of noodles to everyone. She placed the disposable chopsticks, hot water, and cucumber pickled vegetables on the ground. Everyone gathered together and began to eat. They lived a little warm life in the apocalypse.

After the meal, Ning Bai and her brothers packed their equipment and put on leather armor. Even with the equipment and defense, the leather armor did not add defense, but it was better than nothing, even if it was not recognized. Everyone heard Ning Bai's words and put them on. Anyway, it was not heavy.

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