Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C17 Human Heart
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C17 Human Heart
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C17 Human Heart

After listening to Ning Bai's words, the crowd no longer felt so angry. At this time, the window on the second floor of the dormitory building opened. Wang Yang stood by the window sill and looked at everyone with a smile on his face. He didn't say anything. When Ning Bai and the others saw the zombies approaching them, their expressions became serious. They were exhausted and couldn't defend against the zombies. Ning Bai looked at the situation. He smiled and took a deep breath, then looked up. Wang Yang said with a smile on his face,

"Wang Yang, it's me, Ning Bai. The zombies are coming. Let us in."

Wang Yang looked at Ning Bai and the others downstairs and said with a smile, "Ning Bai, aren't you guys going to save us? In the end, we were chased by zombies like homeless dogs. Do you want me to save you?"

After saying that, Wang Yang showed off his level one little lightning, "Do you want to try the taste of being struck by lightning?" Wang Yang said with lightning in his hand. Ning Bai looked at the level 1 lightning sparks and felt very helpless. Then she said to Zhang Yihuai,

Ignore him. Give him a ride. Let's just jump to the windowsill on the second floor and jump to where Wang Yang is."

Zhang Yihuai listened to Ning Bai's words and gave everyone a Yu Feng. Then, he took a few steps back to help run. He rushed to the windowsill on the second floor. He jumped up but did not calculate the distance. Just when everyone thought that Zhang Yihuai had fallen down, Zhang Yihuai waved his hand and started floating. Then, he entered the window on the second floor. Everyone was stunned. The five of them smiled helplessly. They had forgotten that he could float for a short period of time. Ning Bai then started to jump to the second floor.

In the air, she used her hands to condense a few pieces of ice under her feet and stepped on the ice before running up. Zheng Shuai used his attributes to enter Ning Bai's shadow and followed him up to the second floor. It was Zhang Tian and Liang Ming's turn. They could not jump up like this, but they had a better way. Zhang Tian struck the ground and the two of them stepped on the protruding rocks and entered the window on the second floor.

Ning Bai and the others entered the window on the second floor with their own abilities under the stunned gazes of the trapped juniors. Wang Yang shouted from the side. You, you guys have attributes with me? Am I not the main character? Why do you guys have attributes? Also, how did Zhang Tian and Liang Ming come up just now?" Ning Bai looked at Wang Yang. She shook her head. She walked straight past Wang Yang and asked the teachers around her.

"Teacher, which dorm is still empty in the dormitory building? My brothers and I need to rest." Just as the teacher was about to say something, he saw Wang Yang's hands behind Ning Bai light up with sparks. There were crackling sounds coming from Wang Yang's body. He lowered his head and did not speak. Ning Bai looked at the teacher's reaction and did not know what was going on. She smiled and said to the teacher, "Teacher, don't be afraid. There are six of us. Think about it, we can walk out of the zombie crowd. Can we be afraid of a clown?" As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yang ran over and said, "Ning Bai, Who are you calling a clown?!"

Then he slapped his palm with electricity towards Ning Bai's back. The surrounding people closed their eyes quietly because Wang Yang had done this kind of thing before. It was as if he had been struck by lightning. Everyone was afraid to see this kind of thing. Wang Yang was also grinning hideously. He patted Ning Bai's body to see if he was pretending again.

Wang Yang thought to himself that Ning Bai did not dodge. Wang Yang finally got what he wanted and patted Ning Bai's back. The timid girls around them all screamed. Then, they all silently mourned. After waiting for a while, they did not hear any screams. They all opened their eyes and let out a cry of surprise.

Wang Yang turned into an ice sculpture and Ning Bai was safe and sound. It was only then that people noticed Ning Bai's silvery-white body. Even her hair was silvery-white and her face was very silvery-white. The white silvery-white light was shining. At this moment, some girls suddenly realized that Ning Bai was different from the others. Moreover, they didn't know what had just happened. Wang Yang, who they thought was a god, had turned into an ice sculpture. Some of the girls' faces instantly turned red.

It was everyone's nature to love powerful people, especially in the post-apocalyptic era. Relying on the strong meant that they could survive for a longer time. Ning Bai did not know what these people were thinking. He smiled and asked the teacher where there was an empty room. It was as if Wang Yang had been frozen and nothing had happened to him. The teacher looked at his smiling face like a devil's smile. Trembling, he told him:

On the left side of the stairs, the top floor of the fifth floor is empty. It's the boys' dormitory. On the right side is the girls' dormitory. Of course, if the girls agree, " Then let's not talk about it. " Ning Bai thanked the teacher after she heard that and then turned back to the five people who were treated like monkeys and said,

"Brothers, let's go. Let's go upstairs."

Ning Bai took the lead and walked up the stairs under everyone's gaze. Zheng Shuai and the rest followed after her. Their figures gradually disappeared as if they had never appeared before.

When they reached the top floor, Ning Bai and the others directly occupied the top floor. Because there were a total of six dorms on this floor, they chose their own dormitory. Ning Bai chose the one closest to the stairs. Zheng Shuai and the others lined up one by one. After all, they did not intend to stay for long. They did not have much requirements for their rooms. It was fine as long as there was a place to rest. After all, this was the end of the world. They couldn't be too picky. So Ning Bai and the other five people said,

"Pack up and rest for a while. You guys are tired these days. Relax and sleep. Close the doors and windows. Don't catch a cold in this post-apocalyptic world. That is very troublesome. After you sleep, you can ask about Zhang Tian's parents."

Ning Bai then looked at Zhang Tian and said,

"Zhang Tian, don't be too nervous. We are all here. After we rest, we will be fine. Let's go down and ask them."

Everyone happily accepted Ning Bai's words. Zhang Tian nodded silently and returned to his own dormitory to rest.

At noon, everyone was woken up by a hurried knock on the door. Ning Bai opened the door with a dumbfounded expression. She rubbed her head and looked at the teacher who knocked on the door. The teacher anxiously said to Ning Bai who had not woken up yet.

"Ning Bai, what should we do? Just now, the zombies suddenly broke out and attacked the door of the first floor. Everyone could not hold on anymore. Look..."

Ning Bai didn't take it seriously after hearing what he said. After all, they didn't have many Senior Zombie s. Their physical strength and mental strength had almost recovered, so they could fight it out. Thus, she smiled and said to her teacher,

"Don't worry, we'll just chase away the zombies. Let's go now, don't worry." After saying that, Ning Bai woke the other five people up and tidied them up before walking down the stairs.

When they reached the first floor, Ning Bai and the others' faces instantly turned serious. They saw a group of level one or two cannon fodder zombies charging at the door! Yes, you're right. They're attacking the door! Ning Bai and the others instantly thought of Senior Zombie . Zombies were too targeted and targeted. Without the command of the Senior Zombie , how could zombies attack the gate in such an organized way? Ning Bai and the others thought of this.

In an instant, they asked Zheng Shuai to investigate the information first, and then they went to clean up a group of zombies. As for the students, they were organized by Ning Bai and the others. They took out stools, chairs, and other sharp objects to attack the zombies. The students worked very hard because Ning Bai told them the reason why Ning Bai and the others became stronger. But in the post-apocalyptic era, when the law was not working, there was no order. All kinds of selfish desires were revealed, and all kinds of fighting for zombies were revealed.

Because they robbed zombies, they fought fiercely, regardless of the relationship between teacher and student. Seeing the teachers and students fighting side by side with each other, Ning Bai and the others felt powerless. Originally, it was very troublesome for Senior Zombie to command so many zombies. If they all worked together, they might be able to break out of the encirclement, but what about the result?

At this time, Zheng Shuai's message came into Ning Bai's mind.

"This time, the zombies' attack was mainly led by three high-leveled strong zombies and a skinny Senior Zombie . There were a large group of cannon fodder zombies. " The skinny zombie was very sensitive. I was almost discovered. " There are eight zombie guards around us, and they don't look easy to deal with. Hurry up, I can't do it alone. " After listening to Zheng Shuai's report, Ning Bai was silent for a moment, then she loudly told her teammates and classmates around her.

"Listen up. This zombie attack is led by Senior Zombie . There are a lot of cannon fodder zombies that we can't defend against. So, everyone prepare to pack up and retreat. We will lead the way first. Hurry up."

After saying that, Ning Bai brought the other four people to the gate.

On the way, they heard the surrounding teachers and students talking and pointing, "It's all their fault. Why kill Senior Zombie ?" "They didn't protect us. As they spoke, they opened up a path. Who knows if they would open up a path or run away?"

"If they hadn't come, we wouldn't have been surrounded by so many zombies."

"We can't let them go!"

Zhang Tian couldn't help but turn back to confront them, but he was stopped by Yihuai. "Don't listen to them. We have a clear conscience."

Yihuai pulled Zhang Tian back and said with a smile.

"Yes, we didn't come to save them. We're asking if they know where Zhang Tian's parents are. We'll go after I finish asking them." Ning Bai turned around and walked towards the teacher who was talking about them. When the teacher saw Ning Bai walk towards him, he thought Ning Bai was going to hit him. He suddenly remembered that Ning Bai had frozen the person who shocked him. How could he provoke this god of slaughter?

Thinking of this, his body immediately began to tremble. He said with a trembling voice.

"Ning Bai, what are you doing? I am a teacher. They also said it!"

"I am not talking to you about this. I want to ask if you have seen Zhang Tian's parents." Ning Bai smiled and said to the trembling teacher. After the teacher heard this, he said happily, "I have seen them. When I left, I saw them in the third classroom on the second floor of the teaching building."

"Okay, thank you, teacher."

After Ning Bai heard what he said, she told the four people who were waiting for him and then the five of them rushed towards the zombie crowd.

Ning Bai waved the long spear in her hand and led the way at the front. She hit the zombies that were charging at her and ran towards the place Zheng Shuai told her to. The other four followed closely behind Ning Bai's footsteps and hit the zombies that were rushing over.

"Damn, this zombie is really disgusting. Can you change your appearance? It's disgusting." Zhang Xin kicked the zombie away. He looked at the zombie and said speechlessly. It turned out that the zombie's face had been bitten to the point that nothing was left. The maggots had crawled over and crawled over. He really wanted to throw up his dinner. Liang Ming heard Zhang Xin's words and laughed. "What can we do? You can just burn him if you find it disgusting."

When everyone heard Zhang Xin's words, they did not feel so depressed. The seriousness on their faces slowly faded. The initial panicked attacks also began to move in an orderly manner. After all, they were only students. They had never experienced a big scene, and had the courage to face zombies. It was already good enough. If it wasn't for the fact that they often played computer games and killed zombies, Otherwise, among the students, who would have the courage to kill zombies? Ning Bai saw them like this and teased,

"All of you get excited. It's not like they haven't killed zombies before. They are the stepping stones for us to reach the peak of our lives. Experience is loss. Charge!"

After Ning Bai finished speaking, she waved her long spear and rushed towards the zombies. Under Ning Bai's lead, everyone was encouraged and started rushing towards the zombies.

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