Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C18 Preparation Before the Battle
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C18 Preparation Before the Battle
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C18 Preparation Before the Battle

Ning Bai spun her spear with both arms and rushed towards the location Zheng Shuai had set. Suddenly, a message flashed through her mind.

"Congratulations on creating your own white skill. Please give it a resounding name."

"Spear Charge!"

After Ning Bai heard that, she did not let go of the spear in her hand and continued attacking the zombies.

"The name of Spear Charge can be used. Congratulations, you have received a white skill - Spear Charge. Spear Charge: Branches the spear in front of you and runs forward quickly. Increases movement speed by 5% and consumes 50 MP. Duration: 1 minute. Damage is determined by attack. "Due to the fact that there are more than 50 white skills created, the cooldown for the white skill is cancelled. Costs only MP."

Ning Bai immediately told the four people beside her after she read the message. She told them to use the white skill. Without the skill cooldown, they would only use mana. At the same time, she told them to think about how to create their own skills. After hearing what Ning Bai said, everyone stopped for a moment and then quickly ran towards the zombies. They started to slowly attack and explore how to create their own skills.

Ning Bai felt very gratified after seeing their performance. She turned around and continued to open the way. Suddenly, she remembered that she still needed to gather at the target point, so she didn't have time to explore her skills. So, she immediately said loudly.

"Use your small skills to attack zombies. Gather quickly at the target point. Don't waste time. If you do, you can create skills in the future."

After saying that, Ning Bai immediately used her skills to attack the zombies. Ning Bai thought about the four skills of General Manager DeBang in League of Legends and then shouted. The long spear in her hand lit up. She waved her hands together and pushed back the surrounding zombies. He really wanted to create his own skills.

Unfortunately, there was no information in his mind, so he could only smile helplessly and start killing zombies. Zhang Yihuai summoned Wind Spirit and let Wind Spirit pick up the items dropped by the zombies.


He used his powerful skill, asking the tornado to find the enemy to help Ning Bai clear the path. He gave everyone a wind control to increase their movement speed, then started to condense his spirit power into a tornado to blow away the zombies on his side.

Liang Ming used his Earth Armour to add armor to the group of zombies. He and Zhang Tian summoned the earth spirit to cover the rear and used his shield to attack the zombies. Zhang Xin used his skill in the middle of the group to throw at the zombies, burning them into nothingness. Then, he started to gather fireballs to help Ning Bai open a path from a distance. His teamwork was pretty good, and the team began to have a tacit understanding.

After a short while, they arrived at the designated location. Zhang Xin and Zhang Tian used the earth wall to block the zombies that followed them. Then, they sat on the ground and breathed heavily. The other three also sat on the ground to rest. After resting for a while, Ning Bai used her probing skill to check the surroundings.

She found no trace of the Senior Zombie . Just as she was about to ask Zheng Shuai, Zheng Shuai appeared from the shadows behind them. He looked like he was in a sorry state. Everyone instantly stood up. Zhang Xin hurriedly asked,

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that you went to dance with zombies by yourself? Aren't you afraid that they'll eat you?"

Zheng Shuai glanced at him after listening to him. He sat on the ground and told the others.

"I'm not you. I want to live a few more years. I just saw that you guys didn't come yet, so I went to kill some cannon fodder zombies. I just got excited and entered the zombie crowd."

It sounded easy, but if he wasn't a dark-type, could he still come out? He didn't say anything about the danger. Everyone understood that this was a good thing, but not a bad thing.

"In the future, don't be so fierce. Later, we, don't charge alone. If there is any danger, we won't be able to sense it in time. Danger."

Zhang Yihuai said calmly.

"I know, I know, I know."

Zheng Shuai said with an indifferent expression. He remembered what Zheng Shuai said. He sat on the ground and started to rest. He enjoyed the rest of the day.

In the post-apocalyptic era, it was good to have brothers. They didn't scheme against each other, nor were they selfish. They were like brothers and sisters.

After resting for a while, Ning Bai and the other three stood up. Zhang Tian and Liang Ming removed the earth wall and rushed back to kill a group of cannon fodder zombies as a warm-up. Everyone had leveled up because of the cannon fodder zombies.

Then, they continued to seal the road with the earth wall and trapped the zombies behind them. They started to distribute the spoils of war. Everyone took out the spoils of war from their Interspatial Ring and counted them. Zhang Yihuai sat on the left and said,

"I have some useless low-level equipment here. There are also two Level 10 green suits and a thousand gold coins. The green suits are heavy armor and plate armor shoes. We will distribute them to the people wearing heavy armor and plate armor."

After that, he handed the equipment to Zhang Xin, who was sitting on his right. After Zhang Xin heard that, he said,

"I also have some gold coins and level one or two equipment, but I have a few more items. It was a group healing scroll. Level 10 cloth armor green headscarf and necklace. " I have two level 10 green blades, a speed increasing scroll A scroll that suppresses attributes by 10%. Duration: 5 minutes. Restraint ability will be lowered according to level. The blade is mine. "I'll change it."

"Here's a level 10 blue axe and a level 10 green pistol, a few gold coins." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, Zheng Shuai confirmed, "Are you sure it's a pistol? And this job!"

"It's a pistol. How could I be wrong?"

Zhang Tian pursed his lips.

"I think there will be a gunner job in the future. Let's not talk about it anymore. Hurry up. I have a blue heavy armor suit here. A shoe and a helmet. They belong to the Battle Wolf set. The Battle Wolf set has a total of six pieces, and the two pieces have an additional 10 points of Endurance. Reduces damage received by 5% and a number of gold coins. I suggest giving the equipment to Zhang Tian first and letting him take damage. Do you think so? "

After listening to Ning Bai's words, everyone thought for a while and agreed. Ning Bai then gave the equipment to Zhang Tian, "In the future, other than encountering the Battle Wolf set, you should give priority to all heavy armor sets. This time, I will let you down."

Ning Bai and Liang Ming said.

"It's okay. I understand. Just give it to me next time."

Liang Ming waved his hand and said with a smile.

After Zheng Shuai heard what they said, he adjusted his clothes and said slowly.

"This is a plate armor blue wind suit. A pair of shoes with 10% Evasion and 2 Dexterity. I'll wear it for myself first. In the future, I'll give you all other equipment. There's also a green necklace that increases magic resistance by 50. The rest are just some gold coins and low level equipment. "

After listening to Zheng Shuai, Ning Bai gave the equipment to the people she needed. She gave the necklace to Liang Ming and asked him to have more meat. She then told the others to check the equipment. While the other five were checking the equipment, Ning Bai started to tell them about the battle plan.

"Listen to me," she said. "It's better for me to start clearing the way first. Liang Ming and Zhang Tian will go and pull the eight zombies to stop them. With the cage and earth spirit, we can hold them at the right time. When we are done with the rest, we will come and help you. Zheng Shuai will go and pull a strong zombie to fight.

Zhang Yihuai pulled the smallest zombie. I think he's a mage. Be careful. Zhang Xin and I will use our skills to hold the zombies in our range. Yi Shuihan will attack Liang Ming and Zhang Tian's Senior Zombie one by one. If anything happens, gather at my place.

Then, retreat. If you have any objections, say it quickly. No, that's not it. "

The other five thought it was okay after they heard it. After all, they had not fought properly and were still young, so they did not have any objections.

"Since that's the case, let's prepare to follow the plan."

After Ning Bai finished speaking, she activated her spear and charged at the zombies. The others followed Ning Bai's plan and charged at the zombies.

As Ning Bai and the others rushed towards the Senior Zombie , the zombies that attacked the dormitory building also retreated and rushed towards the Senior Zombie . The people in the dormitory building cheered when they saw the situation. Only a few people said in a low voice.

"Ning Bai and the others didn't lie to us. They really lured the zombies away. There are so many zombies. Can they defeat them? " Should we go and help them? " Most of the people who heard that kept silent, regardless of the others' attitude.

The rest of the people were not only people who did not help but also said some sarcastic words.

"They can beat them. They are so powerful, especially Ning Bai. She froze the zombies directly. Should we make more trouble?"

"That's right, that's right. Let's not waste their good intentions. Hurry up and pack up and get ready to leave the school." "Agreed!" Everyone talked at once before returning to their respective dorms to pack their things.

When those who wanted to help saw this situation, they themselves were shaken. They looked at Ning Bai and the others and silently prayed that they would be safe. Then, they returned to their dorms to pack their things.

As for Ning Bai and the others, according to the original plan, Ning Bai used her spear to charge to the zombies. A layer of ice covered the ground, slowing down the zombies' movement speed. Then, she injected her attributes into her spear and activated her skill.

The ice appeared from Ning Bai's place and extended in all directions, freezing the surrounding zombies. Then, she stood up and took out a spare long spear from her Interspatial Ring to attack the zombies. (It turned out that Ning Bai had prepared an extra long spear after knowing that she could leave.)

Using the long spear to hold the waving arms of the zombies, Liang Ming and Zhang Tian caught up with the eight zombie guards and used the cage to cover the zombies. With the help of the earth spirit, Zhang Tian used the landslide and the earth to send the zombies running behind him flying or sinking into the ground. He cut off the pursuers and started pulling the monsters.

Zhang Yihuai gave each of them a wind control spell, then used the wind spirit to support them. Then, he threw a tornado to help Ning Bai attack the soldiers behind the Senior Zombie . Zhang Xin used fire to help Ning Bai attack the Senior Zombie . Ning Bai took a deep breath and said to the people next to her loudly after she used the probing spell to check the zombies.

Everyone, hold on! These are a few level 15 zombies. They don't have any special skills, but their health is a bit high. Hold on and wait for the others to help you. "

After hearing that, the others put down their hopes of getting lucky. They followed the plan and started fighting the zombies. As time passed, the movements of the group of people fighting the zombies became more regular. It became more efficient and time-saving. Things also went according to the plan. Ning Bai and the others let out a sigh of relief. After all, there was a lot of pressure.

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