Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C2 It's Dark
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C2 It's Dark
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C2 It's Dark

At this time, Zhang Yihuai said, "That's not the main point. The main point is the scene outside. Almost all of them are coughing and all of them are wearing masks. So let's buy a few masks first before going home. Be careful, in case..."

Before he could finish, Ning Bai hurried them. "Okay, okay, got it. All of you go back. Bye bye. Call if you need anything."

After she finished speaking, Ning Bai quickly went back home to get a few masks. Fortunately, there were spare masks. She quickly gave them the masks and sent them away.

After driving them away, she looked at the messy house and smiled helplessly, "Hurry up and pack up. When my mom came back, she saw that she had to peel off my skin and pull out my tendons."

After saying that, Ning Bai began to sweep the place in the dark.

The five people outside all went back to their own homes and looked for their respective mothers. Although they did not believe that the end of the world had arrived, after all, they had lived in peace for a long time. Because of Zhang Yihuai's abnormal behavior, everyone took it to heart.

Then, when they returned home, they found a person to protect themselves and placed it in a place where their hands could reach.

Looking at Ning Bai again, he was being scolded badly. He went home before his mother could even touch him. When he returned home and saw this mess, he thought that he had entered the wrong door. When he went out and looked again, he knew that he had not seen wrongly!

"What are you talking about? It's fine if you go outside to tie up. You even brought your classmates back home. It's fine if you bring them back home. The problem is, why is it so messy? Are you guys fighting at home? " I don't care what you guys are doing. You have to clean up the house before 3 pm. If you don't, you're not allowed to eat. Do you hear me? " "After that, I went back to my bedroom angrily."

"I know, Mom." Ning Bai was like a bullied little wife. She lowered her head pitifully. Tsk tsk.

At 2.55, she finally tidied up the house. Ning Bai sat on the ground. She sat there without caring about her image and looked like she had nothing to live for. At this time, her mother got up and walked over.

Looking at his son's masterpiece, she praised him, "Not bad, not bad. Finally, I completed the mission within a fixed time. Go, the reward is for you to go out to buy food. Remember to wear a mask. Be careful of catching a cold, ahem..."

She quickly went to get a cup of hot water and passed it to Ning Bai for 20 yuan to buy food, "Mom, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital to take a look?" Ning Bai took the money and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine but I have a cold. I'll go to the hospital tomorrow to take a look. Don't worry about me. Remember to go home early. Be careful when it's dark outside."

After she finished speaking, she went to the bed to rest. Ning Bai looked at her mother's back and then put on the mask. She softly opened the door and left. What he did not know was that this was the last time he saw his mother.

After exiting the door, Ning Bai lifted her head to look at the sky. The originally blue and clear sky became turbid and no longer made people feel happy. Instead, it made people feel heavy. There were very few people on the streets. It was probably because of the cold.

Some of them were also wearing masks as they hurriedly walked. The stalls outside, barbeque, fruits and other things had long been withdrawn. Ning Bai looked at her watch, touched the bank card in her hand, and then hurriedly walked towards the bank.

After mentioning the ten thousand yuan that she had saved for three years, Ning Bai heaved a sigh of relief. Ten thousand yuan was like his life. Luckily it was still there, Ning Bai thought. Of course, Ning Bai was not a miser. It was only because of various reasons that she became like this...

Ning Bai brought the only ten thousand yuan he had and went to the sports equipment store to buy a weapon to protect himself - a steel spear that could be folded and a dagger.

Ning Bai had always liked spears since she was young, because Chang Shan Zhao Zilong was very important to her, and the dagger was because she had read too many novels. The protagonist tied a dagger to his arm and could play a defensive role to a certain extent.

She even got the boss to drive. Under the boss's suspicious gaze, she bought a protective tool - a leather item that could be installed inside the clothes and could not be seen outside. He also bought leather self-protection equipment for the other five people. It cost 5,000 yuan, mainly because the long spear and dagger were too expensive.

After exiting the shop, Ning Bai smiled bitterly at herself and thought to herself, It's okay. Just treat it as a backup for me. If there is no apocalypse, Am I worrying too much? Sigh, it's better to be prepared.

Then he went to the clothing store and bought six sets of hiking clothes - because they were good quality, durable, and not damaged. He bought six pairs of leather boots, all of which were bought according to their own sizes.

Luckily she remembered, Ning Bai thought in her heart and then walked to the supermarket. She bought a large backpack and a lot of instant noodles. She didn't buy anything else because he didn't know how to make anything else!

Finally, she walked to the restaurant and ate the last portion of his greasy meat covered rice - his favorite food. She then went home.

When he returned home, he found his mother sleeping there. The light was still on, so he carefully turned off the light. Then, he sat alone and looked at the ceiling. His mind was in turmoil. He took out his spear from his backpack and placed it beside his hand. Suddenly, he felt a sense of security.

Then, he took out the meteorite he had picked up from his pocket and placed it next to the spear. Then, he sat on the sofa and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Ning Bai woke up early. Seeing that nothing had changed, he took a deep breath.

So he was the one who scared him. That was great.

Ning Bai thought in her heart but when he pulled open the curtains, the sky was still dark. His heart that had just been relieved was lifted up again. Then he sighed and walked towards his mother's bedroom.

When he reached the bedroom door, he found that the door was open. When he went in, he saw that the bedroom was very clean, but his mother was not here.

Looking at the table, he saw that there was a Post-it note. He quickly ran over and saw that there was a stack of money below. Then he saw the words: Son, when you see this paper, I'm already on my way to S City. Don't worry about me. It's mainly because your dad is there and... he's a little sick. The hospital here can't be treated and there are too many patients in the hospital. Looks like it's an acute infectious disease, and I put all the money under the paper. Mother left. It's not that I want to leave you behind, it's just that things are too urgent. And...

Ning Bai took a deep breath when she saw this, because there was actually a blood stain on her mother's cough here. Her mother's illness is very serious! Although she really wanted to hurry to Shanghai, she still continued to watch.

Child, don't worry about me. Take care of yourself. You must be strong. Mother loves you. After reading this sentence, Ning Bai's feelings could not be described with words.

"Mother is very sick but I am not by mother's side. Mother left because she was afraid of being infected. I understand. " Mother, I will listen to you and take good care of myself. Wait for me, mother, I will go and find you. "

Ning Bai clenched the long spear in her hand.

Then, Ning Bai began to cook for herself and eat. She drank some milk and prepared a few bottles of mineral water in her backpack. She put on the leather armor and carried her weapon. Of course, she could not expose it to the public and cause panic. She wrapped the gun with a layer of newspaper and carried it on her back. When she saw her strong self in front of the mirror, she silently cheered.

Then, she called Zheng Shuai and the others one by one and asked them to meet up at Zheng Shuai's house. And under the condition that she guaranteed herself, she brought what she needed to bring. Friends were smart people. They would know what it meant. Why did they go to Zheng Shuai's house? It was because Zheng Shuai's house was in the middle of six families. Besides, he had a military background, and most importantly, Zheng Shuai's family was in the middle of six families. Other than him, there was no one else in his house. Ning Bai opened the door and walked towards her destination.

On the way, Ning Bai found that there were even more people coughing. Moreover, she was out of breath and her throat felt like it was blocked by something. She wanted to catch it but she could not. Ning Bai saw this kind of person and quietly moved further away. She touched the long spear on her body and felt that it was a little safer. Then, she quickly walked towards Zheng Shuai's house.

She stood at Zheng Shuai's door. Ning Bai took a deep breath and wiped the sweat on her face. Because she was wearing hiking clothes, it was June after all and the weather was a little hot.

Then she pressed the doorbell and found that there was no sound at the doorbell. Ning Bai's heart sank. Is this telling me that the power is out?

Ning Bai thought in her heart. Then she took out her phone from her pocket and found that not only was there no signal on the phone, but it was also broken!

She could not press it, and it was no different from a piece of scrap metal.

This was more like the end of the world, so she hurriedly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" The voices of five boys came from behind the door.

"Me, Ning Bai."

Ning Bai looked at the five of them who were still on guard. She was a little happy. Before she could figure out what they were wearing, there was another problem behind the door.

"You have to tell us what Ning Bai likes to do the most. If you don't apologize, we can't open the door."

I'll go. She was really speechless. Ning Bai thought in her heart, this is not the time yet.


Ning Bai helplessly said what she liked the most. At this time, she heard five people's messy and happy voices. Then, she opened the door and welcomed Ning Bai back.

"Ning, you're finally here. If you don't come, our brothers will be in chaos."

"Yeah. If you don't come, we don't even know what to do."

"What did you bring? Such a big bag of food, food, and drink?" Everyone was chattering.

"Stop arguing. Allow me to say a few words." Ning Bai rubbed her temples and said, "Everyone, don't be nervous and don't be afraid. It's useless to be afraid. We just need to do what we need to do.

Now listen to me. First, seal the window with wooden planks. If you remove the table, there will be wooden planks. The table is useless. Leave some breathing space. Leave a way out. Then, put on all the clothes and protective gear I brought for you. Let's do this first, let's move. "

The other five people began to move when they heard Ning Bai's words. The table was torn apart and the hammer was held. They were very happy. Ning Bai was putting out part of the food and drink in her backpack.

She then took out the clothes and protective gear for everyone and took out the weapons. When the weapons came out, there was a ray of light. Not only were the other five shocked, but even Ning Bai did not know what was going on. Everyone put down the tools in their hands and asked Ning Bai what was going on.

"I don't know either but my meteorite was found after searching for a long time. Could it be that it melted into the gun?" Ning Bai said doubtfully. Then, she held the spear and found that not only did it feel better, but it also felt sharp. She waved the spear and everyone cheered. Ning Bai also felt that she could not let go of it.

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