Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C3 Find Liang Ming
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C3 Find Liang Ming
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C3 Find Liang Ming

When the windows were closed and everyone sat down to rest, Ning Bai solemnly said to everyone,

"Everyone has read novels and they all know that this might really be the end of the world. So if you have prepared anything, report that I have brought instant noodles and water, as well as the protective gear and leather boots that I have given you, as well as weapons. I've brought a spear that I'm good at. "

"I have..."

Before she could finish, Ning Bai interrupted, "Don't talk about weapons first. Later, we will talk about daily necessities."

Zheng Shuai immediately said, "I have some bacon and vegetables at home. It's enough for us to eat for two months. I bought them yesterday."

He looked at the crowd and continued, "I also pressed infrared and thermal detection outside my house. You all know that. My family has some military background. I can get these, and..."

Suddenly, he lowered his voice and secretly said, "I also secretly hid a few guns, a few grenades."

"So awesome, so awesome. I gave you 99 points for fear of you being proud. I prepared some fruits and even dug a trap outside. If there really is an invasion, trapping some will not be a problem."

Zheng Shuai had just finished speaking when Zhang Tian immediately said this. The other three looked at each other and asked Liang Ming to speak for them. "We brought about almost the same as you guys. We also brought our own weapons."

"Good. We have a sense of crisis. Let's look at the weapons and the meteorite now. I just found out that I didn't mean to put the meteorite and the spear together. In the end, I merged them. The weapon became sharper and felt better.

" However, I don't know what the meteorite can add. Moreover, I don't know if it can be unloaded or not. So, you guys have to give it a try. "

After hearing Ning Bai's words, everyone thought about it and wanted to give it a try. In the end, the meteorite and the weapon merged together, adding the characteristics Ning Bai mentioned, everyone felt much safer.

At this time, Zhang Yihuai suddenly spoke, "I suddenly feel that the characteristics are not just this little. We will know in the future."

Then his eyes lit up again. "What's going on? Could it be that Old Zhang has the ability to predict?!"

Zhang Xin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said. At this time, everyone suddenly felt that this might be the case. After all, they had read novels and knew that such a thing could happen. However, they did not know how his ability came about and whether it could be replicated.

"We don't have time to think so much," Ning Bai suddenly said. "We are going to the supermarket to buy food that we can buy. Water. It is best to buy and store everything that we can eat without cooking. Don't buy anything that needs to be stored in cold storage.

We also need to make this house and the outside indestructible. We need to buy some hunting clips and sharp iron in the deep pit. There's also some gauze, Band-Aid, gloves, weather-resistant clothes, and so on. We don't have much time left.

"We'll divide our work and quickly go home. Put on the weapons, hide them well, and buy some backpacks. The money is here. Prepare to set off. Remember to come back at noon. It's time to be hungry."

Ning Bai handed the money out. Everyone looked at it but did not reject it. They kept their thoughts in their hearts and did not say it out loud. Then, they began to divide their work.

By noon, everyone who should be back had returned. Only Liang Ming was missing. Everyone was very anxious.

"What's going on? Why isn't he back yet? Is he hungry or is he in trouble? "No, I have to go and take a look. Hurry up and stir-fry the vegetables while you have gas. Heat some hot water and wait for us. I'll be back with Liang in a moment. "

Ning Bai frowned and left with the long spear. Of course, he had to fold it so that he did not show it to scare people. Everyone listened to him and did not try to persuade him.

Because they knew Ning Bai was too stubborn and did not listen to them at all. They could only do their own things and wait for them to come back.

After Ning Bai went out, she was in her backpack. Carrying the long spear on his back, he searched along Liang Ming's return route, but the result was not satisfactory, and he couldn't find it.

Ning Bai's heart sank. She thought in her heart,

How is this possible? Before some zombies appeared, the man disappeared? I'll go to the supermarket first and take a look. Don't scare yourself, and then I'll start jogging.

"You can't let anything happen to you, Liang. Everyone is waiting for you." Ning Bai muttered to herself.

She hurried to the entrance of the supermarket. Ning Bai saw Liang Ming carrying a big backpack inside and took a deep breath. It was okay, it was okay. Nothing happened. I was scared to death. Ning Bai muttered to herself and then hurriedly went in to ask what was going on.

When she entered the supermarket, she found Liang Ming and two other people around his age arguing. So it was the two of them, Ning Bai thought. The two people who were arguing with Liang Ming were the two scums in the city's X City High School - Wang Zhen and Ren Xu.

Although the two of them were not tall, they relied on their family's money and ruthlessness. The two of them worked together to collect protection fees from the lower grade.

This protection fee has already been received by us? Interesting.

Ning Bai looked at it and then asked Liang Ming. Liang Ming said, "Ning, I really have no choice. These two clowns want to collect protection fees from me. If it wasn't for the fact that my backpack was taken away, I wouldn't have beaten them to death."

"You have a weapon? Just scare them away." Ning Bai was speechless.

Liang Ming lowered his voice and looked at the two of them who were still shouting. He whispered in Ning Bai's ear, " No, that weapon is a fire axe. I took it from the fire window near my house.

"No wonder." Ning Bai also lowered her voice and said, "Alright, in that case, I will settle this matter for you. Put the things you bought properly."

After listening to Ning Bai's words, Liang Ming started to pack up his things. Ning Bai put down her backpack and took out his folded long spear. She shook it in front of the two jokers who were still talking.

Due to the meteorite melting problem, the long spear was especially bright. It caused quite a commotion at the entrance of the supermarket in an instant.

"Look, what kind of long spear is that? It can even light up."

"Moreover... Nowadays, there are actually people who bring this weapon to train their son?"

"Isn't it too dangerous? Stay away from him!"

The people in the supermarket all moved away from Ning Bai. Are you blind? Does anyone charge protection fees? Hurry up and get lost. While I'm in a good mood, how about I blow up your chrysanthemums?"

After saying that, Ning Bai aimed the spearhead at the two of them and even looked at their lower bodies with a smile.

"Ning Bai, you want to be the one to stand out, right? Are you sure you can mess with our boss? Don't beg us when the time comes." The two of them looked at the long spear and swallowed.

"Beg you? Come on, you guys still don't know if you can live until tomorrow. When you see the sun tomorrow, you still dare to threaten me. If you have the ability, let that joker come to me. Give it back to boss."

After saying that, Ning Bai pressed the mechanism and the spear instantly turned into a real spear. Then Ning Bai held it and pointed it in front of the two of them, looking seriously at the two of them.

"You, you wait, wait. If you have the ability, don't run. Let's see if I can get someone to fight you. Just wait!" After saying that, the two of them looked at each other and hurriedly pushed open the supermarket door and ran out.

"You still want to call people? Why are you contacting people? There's no electricity. " If you can't get through to the phone, why don't you go home and call them? I'm speechless! "

Ning Bai shrugged and put away her weapon. She put it in her backpack and pretended to be harmless.

"Ning, this 13 is good. I'll give you 82 points. I'll give you the remaining 18 points in the form of 666 points." Old Liang said with a smile after packing up his things.

"Hurry up and leave." Ning Bai patted Liang and said with a smile, "Everyone is cooking and waiting. If we wait any longer, there will be no more for us when we go back."

After saying that, Ning Bai folded the gun into her backpack and walked with Liang on the way back to their temporary base. They saw the people in the supermarket whispering about them.

Ning Bai sighed and said, "Buy some mineral water and prepare it. The electricity will stop for a long time." Under the gaze of everyone who thought they were crazy, she walked out of the supermarket.

Ning Bai and Liang Ming were talking and laughing as they walked on the road. They had forgotten about the pressure of the end of the world. Unfortunately, the good time was not long. While they were talking, they suddenly heard a monster's roar. Then, they heard a scream. It was from a woman.

The two of them looked at each other. They put down their backpacks and took out their weapons.

"Are you afraid?" Ning Bai asked Old Liang. He saw that Liang Ming's hands were shaking.

"I'm not afraid. It's just a zombie. If I don't succeed, I will become a human. If I get infected..."

Before Liang could finish, Ning Bai interrupted him, "Don't talk nonsense. I don't even know what it is. It might be some kind of animal."

Although he himself did not believe what she said, he stopped for a moment and continued, "But it's better to be careful. I understand other things. Did you bring leather armor?"

Yes, yes, yes. Then let's put the backpack on the roadside and quickly walk over. " Old Liang quickly said when he heard that.

"Okay. We don't need to save anyone. We need to protect ourselves first." Then, the two of them gently placed their backpacks on the side of the road and ran towards the place where the screams came from.

When they arrived there, Ning Bai and Liang Ming saw a scene that they would never forget. There was really an old zombie - an old man, so they called it that. He was lying on top of a woman and eating without thinking.

Ning Bai's hair was numb and his body was trembling. He barely held back the urge to throw up and asked Liang, "Do we still need a hero to save a beauty?"

In the end, Liang ignored him. Ning Bai looked over and found that he had already vomited badly. Although she had played the game and watched it on TV, but when reality appeared, I think that other than lunatics, no one else would be able to see this scene and be excited.

Ning Bai thought in her heart. Suddenly, the old zombie stopped and looked at them.

"D * mn, he still has intestines on his face. Do you have to be so disgusting? I'm going to vomit." Ning Bai could not help but spit out everything that could be vomited out of her stomach.

The old zombie didn't care if they were going to throw up or not. It roared and walked toward them.

"Liang, stop vomiting! It's coming! Hurry up and get your axe ready to help me! I'm ready to attack! If we don't attack, we'll be in danger!"

After saying that, Ning Bai gripped the folded spear tightly and ran towards the zombie. Liang was stunned when he saw this scene. He even forgot to call Ning Bai back.

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