Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C5 Zombie Virus Outbreak
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C5 Zombie Virus Outbreak
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C5 Zombie Virus Outbreak

After a while, Liang Ming came back to his senses and told Ning Bai that he had rewarded her with one attribute. There was also the point of leveling up. He filled the attribute with endurance and said, "I'm going to be everyone's meat shield. The novice gift bag gave me an axe."

As he said that, Old Liang took out the axe, "King of the Ox Head Axe type."

I said to Liang Ming in surprise. Then, he took off the axe from the zombie's body and put the meteorite on the new axe. The new axe had an unbreakable sharpness.

"Sure enough. Come on, pack up your things and put them in my backpack. Put the backpack in my ring. Let's go."

Ning Bai looked at the meteorite in surprise. She put her things in her ring and walked home with Liang Ming with a relaxed expression.

They walked to the entrance of the clothing store along the way. By the way, I'll buy you some clothes. You're dirty. Wait for me outside the clothing store." Ning Bai suddenly said. Then, he walked into the store and looked at the staff with caution.

He took a deep breath. Fortunately, there were no zombies on a large scale. He bought a few clothes, stuffed the rings, and went home with Liang.

They didn't encounter any accidents on the way home, so they went home safely. Of course, it wasn't easy to enter the house. Not only did they have to avoid the trap, but they also had to answer their bad taste.

"Ax." After Liang Ming answered their questions, he helplessly said to Ning Bai, "There is clearly a monitor and you still need to tell the password..."

Ning Bai shrugged. Anyway, it was none of his business.

When they entered the house, Ning Bai and Liang Ming both fell asleep on the sofa in pain. Ge You appeared just like that and asked what had happened. Liang Ming told them everything that had happened on the way. The other four were very happy and excited because they could complete their dream of being a hero.

At this moment, Zhang Yihuai spoke. Zombies are starting to appear, which means that it has only been a few days on a large scale. According to what you said, the zombie's weakness is still on its head, and it will turn into a zombie after being bitten, which is about the same as what we estimated. So, when you're ready to kill zombies, remember to protect yourself and... "

He paused for a moment and then said, but at that moment, when his eyes lit up, he said, "I saw rivers of blood. In the desolate city, zombies ran rampant, and human lives were miserable. We have to do our best to protect ourselves first, and then we can talk about other things."

After saying that, the other five people thought about it carefully. However, they were interrupted by Ning Bai and Liang Ming's cries of hunger. Everyone laughed and went to eat together.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Tian said, "Since killing zombies can be upgraded, let's go kill zombies tomorrow. Ning Bai and Liang Ming will bring two people each."

"It's a bit late tomorrow. Let's take a break this afternoon and go kill zombies. " I can't wait any longer. The earlier we go, the better. "

Zhang Xin quickly added, "Alright. We're all scattered zombies today anyway. It's perfect for us. If the zombie virus erupts tomorrow, we won't be able to defeat so many zombies."

Zheng Shuai shrugged and said, "It's settled then. We can also go to the hardware store to buy some iron to fortify the house. Everyone pack up and rest. We still have business in the afternoon."


The other five answered at the same time.

In the afternoon, when everyone woke up, Lu Li started to pack his equipment. Because he knew that there were Interspatial Rings, he kept his backpack at home and brought some weapons, snacks, clothes, and protective gear. He set off to fight zombies in a grandiose manner.

Of course, the process was still beautiful. There was no lack of humor and shock, but they also killed zombies without any danger. Almost all of them ran away. After they were done, they finally found a few of them. However, what was important was that they dropped something after killing zombies!

They dropped a few pieces of equipment for the six of them! He also dropped a white skill book, [Strength Passive], which gave Liang Ming two points of Strength. After all, he needed to take damage.

No one had any objections. After all, everyone had their own skill book.

"I forgot about that. Let's go to the place where I killed zombies. That's the first zombie. There must be something good there."

Ning Bai suddenly patted her head and said. So, everyone hurried to the place where Ning Bai and Liang Ming killed the zombies.

They didn't encounter any accidents on the way and went home safely. Of course, it wasn't easy to enter the house. Not only did they have to avoid the trap, but they also had to answer their bad taste.

"Ax." After Liang Ming answered their questions, he helplessly said to Ning Bai, "There is clearly a monitor and you still need to tell the password..."

Ning Bai shrugged. Anyway, it was none of his business. When they entered the house, Ning Bai and Liang Ming both fell asleep on the sofa in pain. This was how Ge You appeared and asked what had happened.

Liang Ming told them everything that had happened on the way. The other four were very happy and excited because they could complete their dream of being a hero.

At this time, Zhang Yihuai said, "Zombies are starting to appear, which means that it will only be a few days on a large scale. According to you, the zombie's weakness is still on its head, and it will turn into a zombie if it gets bitten, "Zhang Yihuai said. It's about the same as what we estimated, "Zhang Yihuai said. Remember to protect yourself. He paused for a second and then said, However, at this moment, when his eyes lit up, he said, "I saw a river of blood, a desolate city. Zombies ran amok, and human life was miserable. We need to do our best to protect ourselves first, and then we can talk about other things. "Finishing, he said, The other five were thinking seriously, but they were interrupted by Ning Bai and Liang Ming's hungry cries. Everyone laughed and went to eat together.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Tian said, "Since killing zombies can be upgraded, let's go kill zombies tomorrow. Ning Bai and Liang Ming will bring two people each."

"It's a bit late tomorrow. Let's take a break this afternoon and go kill zombies. " I can't wait any longer. The earlier we go, the better. "

Zhang Xin quickly added, "Alright. We're all scattered zombies today anyway. It's perfect for us. If the zombie virus erupts tomorrow, we won't be able to defeat so many zombies."

Zheng Shuai shrugged and said, "It's settled then. We can also go to the hardware store to buy some iron to fortify the house. Everyone pack up and rest. We still have business in the afternoon."


The other five answered at the same time.

In the afternoon, when everyone woke up, Lu Li started to pack his equipment. Because he knew that there were Interspatial Rings, he kept his backpack at home and brought some weapons, snacks, clothes, and protective gear. He set off to fight zombies in a grandiose manner.

Of course, the process was still beautiful. There was no lack of humor and shock, but they also killed zombies without any danger. Almost all of them ran away. After they were done, they finally found a few of them. However, what was important was that they dropped something after killing zombies!

They dropped a few pieces of equipment for the six of them! He also dropped a white skill book, [Strength Passive], which gave Liang Ming two points of Strength. After all, he needed to take damage.

No one had any objections. After all, everyone had their own skill book.

"I forgot about that. Let's go to the place where I killed zombies. That's the first zombie. There must be something good there."

Ning Bai suddenly patted her head and said. So, everyone hurried to the place where Ning Bai and Liang Ming killed the zombies.

When they arrived, Ning Bai went to look under the corpse. Seeing the blue skill book and an item, the rock in her heart finally fell. "Fortunately, it wasn't stolen. Come and see what it is."

Everyone surrounded and looked. Blue skill book - Spear Skill Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon, Fire Beacon.

"Tch, it looks like it belongs to Ning Bai, but it was also from him, so it should be his." Zhang Xin said sourly.

"Haha, then I'm sorry." Ning Bai said with a smile and then learned the book.

"Ning Bai told us to use skills."

"The skills are 49 shots in total. Each shot will add 2% damage to the previous shot. It has an endless meaning. Of course we need to practice haha..."

The more Ning Bai spoke, the happier she became. Everyone gave a middle finger and then continued to look at the next item. Party Contract: Allows any 10 members to form a team. The experience gained from killing monsters in the same area will be increased by 10%.

"This item is great! It's so easy for us to level up! Killing a zombie only gives us 10 experience points! Now it's 11! Level 1 to level 2 requires 50 experience points. Can we still eat after killing so many zombies?" Zhang Tian said happily.

Alright, everyone. Let's use the team contract first. After that, we are done with our work. Let's pack up and get ready to go home. We will go back and rest for a while. Finally, we will be able to sleep after wrapping the wall with iron. "

After that, the six of them used the party contract to increase their experience points by 10%. Then, they walked back home.

Back home, everyone was tired. After killing zombies for a whole day, they were exhausted. They took off their clothes and laid on the bed, then fell asleep. Ning Bai, on the other hand, couldn't sleep.

It seemed that the end of the world was irreversible. What I needed to do was to protect myself and the people I cared about.

Ning Bai thought to herself, so she dragged her tired body to cover the wall outside the house with a layer of iron so that the zombies would not be able to break through.

Ning Bai thought to herself. Suddenly, he raised his head to look at the monitor and heat detection on his head. He smiled bitterly and said, "I forgot there was no electricity and I can't use electrical appliances. What's the use of this? A pile of scrap metal."

Looking at the scenery outside the door, it was extremely turbid. It was as if people would never come back after going out. Ning Bai shook her head and closed the door. She locked the door and moved the cabinet over to block the door. She looked at the windows one by one to see if the windows were sealed and if the weapons were intact. She brought his long spear upstairs and fell asleep in a daze.

What he did not know was that in the hospital far away from him, many people who were coughing suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood and fell down. It did not take long for them to get up again. Their shouts told people that they were just in another way.

The zombies continued to live, and the hospital that saved people instantly turned into a sea of blood. Screams and screams rose and fell, and for a long time, it didn't calm down. The zombie virus broke out...

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