Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C7 Something on His Mind
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C7 Something on His Mind
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C7 Something on His Mind

After cutting it off, Ning Bai said to everyone,

"Work hard and use your attributes. After we eliminate the remaining enemies, we will go back to the house and prepare to eat."


The other five agreed at the same time. When Zheng Shuai finished killing the last zombie in the sun, the six of them were exhausted and fell to the ground, gasping for air. They didn't want to move at all.

At this time, Zhang Yihuai's eyes turned white again. He panted heavily and said,

"I saw some more scenes. The survivors of No. 1, No. 1, and No. 2 junior high school in City X are trapped in a dormitory building, so we can't rest. We should continue to work hard."

The other five silently looked at each other after hearing this. They struggled to get up and walked towards the house.

After entering the house, everyone made a bucket of instant noodles for themselves and lived a warm life in the apocalypse. After eating, Zheng Shuai sat on the sofa with a glass of water and said,

Even if we know what's going on with them, there's nothing we can do about it. We have to protect ourselves first before we can save them. We're not saviors. " We are just some students who have just finished their college entrance exam. "

After Zheng Shuai finished speaking, everyone was silent. After knowing that they were insignificant, they all returned to their bedrooms one after another. They seized the time to rest and prepare for the new challenges. Ning Bai did not leave. He stood in front of the window and looked into the distance. I still need to find my parents. I need to continue working hard. Ning Bai thought in her heart, so she took the spear and went to the yard to practice her spear skills.

In the afternoon, when the sun was about to set, Ning Bai practiced her spear skills for the last time. She lifted the spear and kept it in one go. Ning Bai took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off her body. She pushed open the door and walked into the house. Suddenly, she found the ground full of spoils of war. Ning Bai was stunned.

"What's going on? Why are there so many things? Where did they come from?"

Ning Bai asked the other five people. They all stared deeply at Ning Bai and then their eyes signaled Zhang Xin to speak. Zhang Xin looked at them and then said.

"You didn't see us? We went out from the gate to pick up the spoils of war this morning. We killed so many zombies and forgot to pick up the spoils of war."

"Yes?" Ning Bai scratched her head and said.

"Why didn't I see it? I was practicing my gun skills in the yard."

"You still have the nerve to say that you were so engrossed in your practice that you entered a state of selflessness. You didn't even agree to it. You sweated so much just to survive?" Zhang Yihuai said with a hint of doubt.

"Are you hiding something from us and not telling us? Do you not think of us as brothers?" Zhang Tian said loudly.

"That's right."

"What's going on?" Everyone argued and asked Ning Bai to give an explanation. Ning Bai looked at everyone and sighed. She picked up her cup and drank some hot water. Then, she slowly told everyone about the matter of her mother going to S City to see her father while she was at it.

"I am really worried about them because they are old after all. And such a big thing, no one can guarantee that they will survive. " I want to look for them. That's why I'm working so hard. I just wanted to go to S City earlier, so I decided to use my watch. Those who are willing to come with me to S City, put your hands on me, if you don't want to, we're still good brothers. If you don't force us, let's start with Zheng Shuai. "

After saying that, Ning Bai stretched out her hand and placed it on the coffee table. Everyone listened to Ning Bai's words. Then there was silence. Everyone had family. They did not know if their family was still alive or dead. They should be filial first. After a while, Zheng Shuai stood up and said,

I also want to find my parents. Although I don't know where they are now and can't contact them, I don't know if they are well, but I believe," Ning Bai said. She looked at Ning Bai and continued, "I believe Ning Bai will help me find my parents on the way to S City. You guys can see for yourselves."

She put her hand on Ning Bai's hand. The two of them looked at each other and understood each other.

It was Zhang Xin's turn.

"My parents are working in An City and are on their way to S City, so I can help Ning."

After that, he put his hand on Ning. "I will definitely support Ning. My parents don't know where they are. They haven't been back for a long time. They just give me money in my bank card every month, make a phone call or something. Where can I find them? That's why Ning and I will take care of ourselves. "

When Zhang Yihuai saw Zhang Xin and Ning, he immediately expressed his opinion. Ning Bai looked at Liang Ming and Zhang Tian. They looked at each other.

Zhang Tian said helplessly, "My parents are the middle school teachers that Zhang Yihuai mentioned."

"What?! Why didn't you say so earlier?"

Before Zhang Tian could finish, Ning Bai stood up and interrupted him.

"Of course, the earlier the better. Do you think everyone else is not worried about food and clothing like us? Waiting to kill zombies?" Zhang Tian helplessly spread his hands. "I don't want to do it either. It's not because there are so many students in the school. There must be a lot of infected students, and they are all young and strong, a few years younger than us. It's one thing if we can't do it now, but we are all powerful zombies now." He shook his head. he said with a wry smile.

"Then we can't sacrifice your parents. Let's take inventory of the spoils of war and prepare to go to school. Zhang Tian's parents can't wait, and neither can junior and junior."

Zhang Yihuai heard him and pushed his glasses up.

"Liang Ming," he said, "you haven't told us where your parents are." After Zheng Shuai heard what they said, he suddenly remembered to ask.

"My parents?" Liang Ming laughed at himself. He slowly stood up and walked to the window. He pointed at the window and said, "My parents are there..." Everyone stood up after they heard what Liang Ming said. They looked at the direction Liang Ming was pointing at. It was the hospital!

Everyone knew that if a zombie virus broke out, the hospital would be the most seriously affected because the doctors and nurses there were powerless. They could only kill zombies or run away when they encountered them. They could not form an effective resistance at all. Thinking of this, no one said a word. They quietly looked at the scenery outside the window. Blood flowed like rivers. The entire city was no longer the same as before.

Seeing the atmosphere being so oppressive, Ning Bai suddenly smiled and said, "This is not a problem. What trouble is there? Later on, we will count the spoils of war and pack up. We will go and clear the path. What are we afraid of?"

After hearing what Ning Bai said, everyone relaxed a lot. They all sat on the sofa and drank the water in the cups. Seeing that everyone was still unhappy, Ning Bai could only pardon the world.

"Alright, alright, don't be unhappy. I still don't know you guys. Don't smoke two more. You can't touch the wine. Later, you still need to open the way and go to school early. Remember, you can drink some drinks. Fortunately, there are a lot of things prepared."

After Ning Baigang said that, everyone in the room was excited. They were shouting and yelling at the top of their lungs.


They all went to the basement where the food and drinks were kept and the fridge. Although there was no electricity, they could at least put things in the basement, right?

Seeing that they were all busy, Ning Bai smiled helplessly and then threw herself into the operation to count the spoils of war. After a while, they brought the drinks to the coffee table and began to drink. Of course, they could not forget to place a drink at Ning Bai's place.

Ning Bai wiped the sweat on her head and finally sorted out the spoils of war. After drinking some of the drinks on the table, Ning Bai's eyes lit up. So it was Ning Bai's favorite Sprite. Looks like these guys really understand me. Ning Bai thought in her heart and then walked towards the tea table.

"Everyone eat while listening to me. This time we have a lot of spoils. Most of them are level 1 novice clothes, shoes, hats and so on. " There are also two shields, one for each of us. " Add some defense points, and then a few skill books. "

"Fire Burst, Earth Shattering Strike, and so on. Earth Wall One, Basic Wind Riding One, The last few attribute points books were all randomly added points. That was it. Everyone quickly picked out the skill books they could use to learn. Pack up your clothes and equipment. Each person has one attribute increasing book. We're going to head to the school to clear the way. We have to come back before the sun sets. Otherwise, if we can't see anything, we will have to sleep on the road. "

Ning Bai finished her drink and casually took her clothes and equipment. She clicked on the attribute book and used it. A voice appeared in her mind.

"Congratulations on obtaining a bit of strength." Ning Bai opened the character page and the current attributes were as follows: Ning Bai, Level 2 (slightly stronger than Level 1, but still trash) Strength 8, Endurance 6, Agility 10, Intelligence 5, Faith 1.

Ning Bai looked at the equipment interface and found that all Level 1 equipment added 1 to 1 defense... Ning Bai was speechless and did not understand the use of defense, Ning Bai thought in her heart. But he did not have the time to think about this right now. He quickly exited the interface and asked the other 5 what attributes they obtained.

Zhang Yihuai, who was already packing his things, said,

"I've already asked them. I'm a believer, Zheng Shuai is an intelligent person, Liang and Zhang Tian are agile, and Zhang Xin is strong."

"Okay. Go and tell them to put on the leather armor. If there is anything they don't understand, we will talk about it when we get back. Take your weapons and put some food on your backpack. Don't take too much. Our goal today is to go to the dormitory building quickly. Maybe the teachers will give us some food. " Tomorrow we will start to rescue the school. We can't stay for long. I have a box of instant noodles in my ring. "

Ning Baigang added.

"By the way, let Zheng Shuai bring a grenade each to prevent being surrounded by zombies. Hurry up and go. We don't have much time left." "Okay." After Zhang Yihuai finished speaking, he went upstairs to report to them. Ning Bai took out his long spear and wiped the blood off the spear.

After a while, the five of them came down one after another. They brought their weapons, Liang and Zhang Tian also brought two shields with their left hands. Ning Bai looked at the five fully armed men and said seriously,

"Everyone did well. Now let's talk about formation. This way, it would be safer to unite in advance. " Listen up, everyone. Don't fight after we get out of the gate. I will lead the way. All of you should know how the Three Kingdoms' peerless Zhao Yun waves her spear to lead the way. This is fast. The two people with the shield are protecting them from both sides. At most, I will be a little tired. I will remember to remove the stones and other things along the way. By the way, Zheng Shuai had distributed the grenades to each of them. They both knew how to use them. No one had any objections. "Don't say it until we're on the road."

After listening to Ning Bai's words, Zheng Shuai quickly distributed the prepared grenades to everyone.

"Ning Bai, my Wind Rider can increase our movement speed, but after using it, my combat ability will decrease, so I want to follow you guys in the middle of the team." After hearing Ning Bai's words, Zhang Yihuai said.

"Okay. Does anyone else have any objections? " If not, let's prepare to set off. " Ning Bai thought about it and said.


The other five all said in unison, "Alright, pack your things and get ready to leave. Remember not to make any noise or make any noise."

Then, the six of them opened the door and walked out of the yard. A few of them took care of the few zombies outside the yard. Looking at the messy scene on the street, everyone fell silent. Then, they arranged themselves according to the arrangement in the house and prepared to go to high school. No one planned to be a hero, because it was over if they were infected.

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