Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C9 Rescue
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Taking An Evolution System In Eschaton/C9 Rescue
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C9 Rescue

With a "bang," countless amounts of experience flowed into the bodies of the six people. The six of them had both levelled up to LV5. After the six of them added their attribute points to their attributes, they realized that equipment could now be used in reality. Everyone's eyes lit up, and they realized that their clothes had changed. They were all clothes that they had equipped.

Ning Bai was wearing silver armor, Liang and Zhang Tian were in gray armor, Zheng Shuai was in purple denim, Zhang Xin was in red sportswear, and Zhang Yihuai was in white trench coat. However, now was not the time to appreciate clothes. With the fall of the iron gate and a loud bang, all the zombies in the other parts of the school were attracted over. It was as if Pandora's box had been opened, and all the zombies rushed to the door. Therefore, everyone turned off the property panel one after another.

Now was not the time to look at all. They all held their weapons tightly in their hands. Ning Bai appointed Zhang Yihuai to command the battle. Because he had the ability to predict and was usually a strategist, Zhang began his first command of the battle. He gave orders one after another.

"Liang, please tire yourself out. Cut off the path that zombies can come. Leave a path for us to go to the dormitory building." "Zhang Tian, use the earth wall to seal off another path for Liang."

"Ning, use your ability to fortify the earth wall for Zhang Tian and kill the zombies that are charging over slowly." "In the end, Zheng Shuai, Zhang Xin, and Ning Bai will help you kill the zombies that are charging over. Do as you say."


Everyone answered at the same time and started their mission.

Immediately, the colorful attributes and skills around them began to be thrown around randomly. The commander didn't forget to summon wind spirits to protect himself and give everyone an acceleration. Zombies were being slaughtered in an orderly manner. Zhang Yihuai took advantage of the time when he didn't need him for the time being and sat down to meditate. At the same time, he opened the attribute page to check his attributes.

The attributes of Strength, Endurance, 5 Agility, 11 Intelligence and 10 Belief 6 were reflected in his eyes.

"He's a mage."

He then clicked on the attributes and began to read the description of each attribute in detail.

They were so busy that they didn't have time to read the introduction. They relied on the attributes of the literal meaning.

Strengthened: mainly increases physical attacks.

Endurance: Increases recovery, health, magic defense.

Dexterity: Increases speed, physical hit, physical dodge, physical critical hit.

Intelligence: Increases magic attack and mana

Faith: Increases Magic Defense: Magic Hit, Magic Critical Hit.

After reading this, Zhang Yihuai heaved a sigh of relief. It was good that he didn't add anything wrong. He thought to himself, and then suddenly realized that the entire page looked brand new. There was an automated stat point at the back of the attributes.

They were separately adding all the attributes with full Agility, followed by the type with 2 Agility and 1 Strength. Zhang Yihuai thought about what he was suitable for, so he chose 2 Intelligence and 1 Agility. Equipment could only be seen by equipment and attributes. There were a total of eight main pieces of equipment that could be seen: 2 pieces of equipment, 2 pieces of equipment, 2 pieces of equipment, 1 pieces of equipment, 2 pieces of equipment, 1 pieces of equipment, 2 pieces of equipment, 1 pieces of equipment, 2 pieces of equipment, 1 pieces of equipment, 1 pieces of equipment, 2 pieces of equipment, 1 pieces of equipment.

They were headgear, shoulder pads, top, lower clothes. Shoes, belts. Weapons and cloaks. Support equipment were necklaces, bracelets, and two rings. In addition, equipment could be used to choose whether or not it was materialized. After looking at the equipment, Zhang looked at the amount of experience he needed to level up. A total of 800 points required to level up to level 6. He calculated in his mind. Leveling up was originally a multiplication, a multiplication of the previous level.

Zhang thought to himself, then continued to click on the newly lit interface after the equipment's attributes - Title. There was an optional title on it: Zombie Hunter: Killed more than 50 zombies. Title Attribute: 2 Endurance points. A zombie virus that doesn't exceed level 5 won't be able to infect you.

Seeing Zhang Yihuai's wild joy, they were afraid of being infected by zombies. Now that the problem was solved, they quickly clicked on the equipment title and closed the interface. They told the other five about the exciting news and the new page.

"Ning Bai, Zheng Shuai, and the others, use your skills to clean up the zombies. Stop. I will tell you the good news."


The first person to talk to was Ning Bai.

"Cold Shadow Method."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ning Bai's entire body was gradually surrounded by ice. Ice appeared one after another in front of her. Finally, a huge amount of ice appeared over two square meters. Each one was as big as a palm. As Ning Bai pushed her hands forward, all the ice went to where they should go - among the zombies. A few ice shards hit the zombies' bodies, making cracking sounds. The six of them were all stunned by the power of the ice shards.

He rubbed his eyes and looked again. He was stunned by the scene in front of him. None of the zombies within five meters stood up. They all went to the place they should go. Lu Li thought it was a dream, but the experience in his mind told him that it was real!

"What's going on? Ning, why is it so powerful? Tell me honestly what color this skill book is. It's definitely not white!"

Zhang Xin was the first to react. He kicked the zombie away and waited for an answer. The others were the same. They all put down their work and waited for an answer.

Ning Bai was also shocked by the power. She was still woken up by Zhang Xin's voice. She smiled bitterly and said,

"I don't know what's going on either. Why is it so powerful? The book is not white. It is the same color as the Fire Beacon Spear."

"This is ridiculous. Ning, you are hiding it!"

Zhang Xin had just finished his sentence when he used Fire Burst. A flame as big as a bucket was thrown out of his hand and passed through the zombie's head. Eight more zombies were put through, leaving a small mark on the ninth zombie's body and then gone. Although the flame would be smaller when worn by every zombie, It couldn't erase its range and power. Nine consecutive kills!

Seeing the power of the skill, Zhang Xin was so happy that his mouth almost reached his ears. Everyone pointed their middle fingers at Zhang Xin, who was laughing like a fool just now. Those who had skills all used their skills to check the power of their skills. Zhang Tian suddenly shouted:

"Earth Shattering Strike!"

Then, he used his right hand to hit the ground. He saw a 5 meter radius area in front of Zhang Tian. A rock suddenly popped up on the ground and sent the zombie flying. Zhang Tian didn't exaggerate when he saw the experience in his mind. He just picked up his weapon and shield after using his skills and continued killing zombies.

However, his red face revealed his joy. Everyone was also happy that he had obtained a powerful skill. In the end, there was only one thing left. Zhang Xin still had another skill.

Zhang Xin straightened his crooked face and used his second skill, Fire Pillar, among the zombies. A five-meter wide fire column shot out from the ground and instantly burned the zombies into a pile of black ashes. Zhang Xin was stunned for a moment when he saw the power and laughed even more arrogantly.

"Hahahaha... All of you will turn into ashes under my flames. I am the Fire Lord."

Zhang Xin said narcissistically. (He did not know that because of his words, he gave him the nickname of the Fire Lord.) Ning Bai reacted first. She condensed an ice cube and threw it on Zhang Xin's face.

"If you keep showing off, I'll throw a 42-yard ice on your 37-yard face and attract zombies. Shut your mouth."

After saying that, Ning Bai condensed another piece of ice cream. Seeing the ice cream in Ning Bai's hand and then looking at the people who were about to hit him, Zhang Xin helplessly drew circles on the ground.

"Drawing circles to curse you all."

Zhang Xin said with a face full of grievance, and Ning Bai saw the sun in the sky and the gradually exhausted bodies of the people. Ning Bai quickly said,

"Stop fighting. Hurry up and get rid of the zombies in front of us. When we are tired, let alone going to save people, we don't even have the strength to protect ourselves."

Hearing Ning Bai's words, everyone quickly got rid of the zombie in front of them. They sat down and meditated. Zhang Tian used the earth wall to seal off the path of the only zombie. Then, he quickly meditated to recover his strength. At the same time, he also equipped the new page and title that Zhang Yihuai had told them when they were killing zombies. He set the automatic stat with a strong resistance of 2 and 1. Just like what he had set, 'Shadow' Zheng Shuai set an automatic stat of full sensitivity. It was very extreme, very willful.

Ning Bai had set up an Automatic Agility stat of 2 Agility and 1 Strength. When she equipped the title, she found that she could also equip the next title of the zombie hunter. Zombie Killer: The title gained from killing 100 zombies. Increases 5 Endurance. Can materialize. A zombie virus that does not exceed level 5 does not work on you.

After Ning Bai finished reading the title, she suddenly saw that beside the attributes under the title, there were health and mana points, physical attacks, magic attacks, physical evasive attacks, physical hits, physical critical hits, magic evasion, magic attack hit, magic attack hit, magic attack dodge, magic attack dodge, and life recovery. These were all specific values. Ning Bai quickly checked her attributes.

Strength: 10 Endurance: 6 Dexterity: 15 Intelligence: 5 Conviction: 1 Conviction: a total of 37 attributes. Adding the title's endurance to it, it became 42 points. Ning Bai looked at her own attribute and felt very satisfied. She then logged out of the interface.

"All of you add your own attributes and equipment to the title. Don't show yourself. We are going to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers."

Ning Bai stood up and told the other five. She then placed her hand on the wall to reinforce the wall and guard the surroundings. After the other five heard Ning Bai's words, they went back to their titles and found zombie killers that could be equipped. Currently, the attributes of the five of them were as follows:

Zheng Shuai's Strength: 9 Endurance: 10 Dexterity: 16 Intelligence: 5 Conviction: 1 Total of 41 points. Because Ning Bai was the first human to kill a zombie, she received two attributes, and they were the first human to kill a zombie, so there was a difference.

Zhang Xin: Strong 4 Endurance 9 Dexterity 8 Intelligence 17 Faith 3, 41 points. Automatically adding 2 Intelligence 1 Intelligence. He wanted to be an explosive mage.

Zhang Tian: Strong 9 Endurance, 20 Agility, 7 Intelligence, 4 Faith 1.

Liang Ming: Strong 9, Endurance 19, Agility 6, Endurance 6, Faith 1.

Zhang Yihuai: Strong 3, Endurance 10, Agility 11, Intelligence 10, Endurance 7, a total of 41 points.

Other than Ning Bai, the five of them quickly stood up after they finished working on the attributes page. They looked at the blazing sun in the sky and felt helpless. They wiped the sweat on their faces and told Ning Bai about this big change. After Ning Bai heard it, she thought for a while and said,

"This means that Zhang Yihuai and Zhang Xin have become mages passively. They still need to change their weapons and turn them into magic staffs. This weapon is a problem."

"Ning, I like being a mage. As for the magic staff, it's fine. We have already found it." Zhang Yihuai walked towards Ning Bai and told her his decision. Behind him was a tornado formed wind spirit and Zhang Xin's magic staff, as well as a lot of war trophies that could be used.

It turned out that when Zhang Yihuai knew about the attributes, he had Wind Spirit go to the pit at the gate to search for the staff and things that could be used.

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