Tale of Nether King Breaking The Hell/C18 Wolf attack
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Tale of Nether King Breaking The Hell/C18 Wolf attack
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C18 Wolf attack

Ming Prince Wu Ming placed his feet into the boiling hot water. This kind of comfortable feeling couldn't help but close his eyes. This previous simple pleasure was an extravagant thing in the army. He watched as his white feet slowly turned red from the hot water. All of his tiredness from the day was swept away. Once again, Feng Jian lightly pressed Ming Prince Wu Ming's legs and asked softly: Prince, is it comfortable? Is there any place that a servant needs to be massaged?

Woo woo woo … * An urgent horn sounded.

Ming Prince Wu Ming suddenly opened his eyes: It's an enemy attack! Ming Prince Wu Ming took his sword and walked to the entrance of the tent barefooted. He saw that the allied army was gathering in an orderly fashion, he grabbed one of the soldiers who was giving orders to gather and asked: "What happened?"

Our army was attacked by wolves and is now gathering. Take care, Your Highness!

Ming Prince Wu Ming raised his head to look at the mountain slope opposite him. Indeed, there were hundreds of pairs of red dots of light on the mountain slope, looking like countless ghost flames. Ming Prince Wu Ming anxiously returned to his tent and put on a pair of light and light shoes. Sun Xuanqing and Feng Jian followed closely behind him.

Damn it! We're being followed! "Xiao Zhengtai was one of the thousand members of the allied army. He had a full face, a full face, and a thick waist. He was a full head taller than most people.

Xiao Zhengtai got on his horse and rode back and forth in the army: Pass Grand Commandant's orders, now everyone listen to my orders, the vanguard of the allied army will take on the offensive positions, Second Company will protect the left wing, Third Company will protect the right wing, and Fourth Company will guard the rear.

A hundred sergeants pulled out their sabers and held them in their hands. They stood at the side with the most red dots on their hands. They lined up in a row. At the same time the allied army took its stance, the red dots on the other side started to change directions.

F * ck! Did these wolves turn into spirits? They are changing their formation according to our formation! Xiao Zhengtai said in shock: Brothers! Everyone, you have to be careful.

A sharp whistle sounded, and howls of wolves sounded out from the place where the red will-o '-the-wisps were. He saw countless red specks of ghost fire rush down from the hillside.

Be careful! They began their charge!

Heh heh! Kill!

The soldiers of the allied army raised their right hands orderly, and on their right hand were sharp blades. A stinky air wave attacked, and the red ghost flame rapidly approached the soldiers at a speed visible to the naked eye. Only when the hundred pairs of red will-o '-the-wisp approached did they realize that they were the eyes of a wolf. Red wolf eyes? How is this possible? Weren't wolf eyes supposed to be green in the dark? The first batch of wolves had about forty of them, and some were running down the slope in different directions.

It was the Berserk Wolf! It was the Berserk Wolf!

Ming Prince Wu Ming felt that the creature he saw was really a wolf? Ming Prince Wu Ming had seen wolves before. The wolves he had seen were about the same size as dogs, but their faces were much narrower than dogs. Their tails were tightly between their legs. The wolf in front of him was at least a third the size of an ordinary wolf, and the back of its neck had a ring of coarse hair sticking up. When the well-trained soldiers saw the wolf, their eyes became firm. At the same time, they moved one step to the left and one step to the right, landing gracefully on the ground with their right hands. This was a movement that was specifically used by the allied army to slash and kill. It would use the rotation of the body to drive even more force. After such a special movement, the soldiers of the allied army could directly behead a tiger.

Just when the soldiers of the alliance thought that their blades would strike the heads of the wolves accurately, the wolves suddenly twisted their bodies in the air and avoided the blade.

Team B will make up for it! Before Xiao Zhengtai had finished speaking, the people in the second row had already added in this cut. Some of the the wolves were knocked to the ground, but they quickly stood up and pounced towards the closest soldier. The formation was scattered by the valor of the wolves, Xiao Zhengtai anxiously ordered the standard-bearers beside him to brandish the flags in their hands and shout: Fetch five times in a row!

Just as Xiao Zhengtai was focusing on giving out the order to battle, he felt the horse beneath him become unsteady and immediately turned around to stand under the horse. It turned out that his horse's neck was already bitten off by a huge wolf.

Damn it! Xiao Zhengtai did not have the time to pull out the saber at his waist before he died from heartache. One man and one wolf spun in the air. The man did not move first, neither did the wolf. Both sides stared at each other, trying to determine what to do next.

Duke Ming looked at the scene in front of him with trepidation. He knew the strength of the allied army, but he never thought that these wolves could have such shocking combat strength. While Wise King Wu Ming was staring in shock at the wild wolf facing Xiao Zhengtai, he didn't notice that while he was fully focused on watching Xiao Zhengtai fight against the wild wolf, Sun Xuanqing had already finished off the wolf pouncing towards his back with a single finger. By the time King Ming Wu Ming could react, the wolf was already lying in a pool of blood.

Sun Xuanqing said: Sometimes watching an expert's battle can also help in raising my cultivation.

Mister, this wolf...

This should be the leader of the wolf pack. Sun Xuanqing asked: Who do you think will win?

It should be Xiao Qianhu... This was the first time Ming Prince Wu Ming felt that he wasn't very sure about his own words.

The wolf that was fighting with Xiao Zhengtai was much taller than the other wolves. It was around the same height as an ordinary person. The wolf's left ear was slightly damaged, perhaps from the fight for the position of Wolf King many years ago. He grinded his teeth, and walked around Xiao Zhengtai. It was a hunting method for wolves. They would circle around the prey, and the stupid prey would circle around the wolf in small circles. Unfortunately, Xiao Zhengtai was not a sheep that was waiting to be slaughtered. Xiao Zhengtai did not follow the footsteps of the wild wolf, but chose to walk in circles with it. How many laps did the wild wolf make? Xiao Zhengtai made how many laps.

This was no ordinary wolf. This kind of wolf was very good at fighting, and their fighting intelligence might even surpass that of humans. These wolves were bred for combat.

In Ming Prince Wu Ming's mind, he recalled the time when the wolf pack rushed down the hill, using their strange posture to ingeniously avoid the sword slash from the allied army. They were planning on hunting down their prey, and the number that came charging down the mountain was no more than forty or fifty. If that was the case, where would the rest of the wolves go? Ming Prince Wu Ming turned around. I believe they will sneak attack our rear end soon, right? Ming Prince Wu Ming stared at his back in fear. He did not know when, but the Alliance Fourth Company had already started fighting with a large number of Red Eye. As expected, these wolves had used a small number of them to ambush the rear of the Alliance Army.

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