Tales of Burning Corpse/C14 Back
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Tales of Burning Corpse/C14 Back
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C14 Back

We stayed in front of the Uncle Zhang's food stall for a while, but the fragrance that came from there was actually quite tempting. Adding to the fact that I didn't eat anything at night, I wanted to drag Lin Jiang in to have a taste.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I just took a step forward, when Lin Jiang stopped me. His expression suddenly became very nervous, and I don't know what's going on.

"I'll go look for Uncle Zhang to discuss with him. Maybe he will even give us a small talk when he sees how familiar we are." I explained to Lin Jiang, but his reaction was out of my expectations.

"If you want to go, go by yourself. I don't want to eat the food from their family." Normally, Lin Jiang is the one who likes to take advantage of small things the most, but I never thought that he would be unmoved when I treat him to a meal today.

Just as I was speaking with Lin Jiang, Uncle Zhang slipped out from the kitchen of the roadside stall again, but the jar in his hand had already disappeared.

"Uncle Zhang!" I immediately shouted out, but it was as if I was scared of him. I nervously turned my head to find that it was Lin Jiang and I who had heaved a sigh of relief.

"What are you two doing? I'm not staying in the dorm at night. " It's still the same as usual, but I know that even though he said it out loud, he had a good feeling about it from the bottom of his heart.

"No, I was hungry, so I planned to come out for a barbecue, but the taste wasn't very good. But I smell a little nice at your roadside stall, so why don't you treat me to a meal?"

I swear I've never smelled anything so good in my life. I feel like I'll never be able to eat anything else if I just try it.

"Hey, what's so good about my family's food stall? Come, let's take the two of you out for a drink." What surprised me was that Uncle Zhang did not intend to invite us in.

I really don't understand, Lin Jiang doesn't want to go to Uncle Zhang's place to eat, but why isn't Uncle Zhang willing to go to his own place to eat?

Although I don't understand, but I have one good point, and that is that I don't get involved in things everyday. Otherwise, when my dad died, I would have probably gone with him.

"Oh right, Uncle Zhang, are you really using the cadaveric oil to cure rheumatism? Isn't it disgusting? " On the way, I remembered the night when Uncle Zhang was going to walk on the cadaveric oil.

secretly pinched me, it was as if I said something wrong, causing me to shut my mouth in embarrassment.

It wasn't until they found a small tavern opened by a Northeast person that the Uncle Zhang became lively once again. Normally, I don't drink much alcohol, mainly because I don't know how to do it.

After eating a little, Uncle Zhang, Lin Jiang and I returned to the funeral home. On the way back to the dormitory, Lin Jiang suddenly asked me a question in a strange manner.

"Luo Sheng, what do you think of the smell of the cadaveric oil?" I really did not understand the reason behind Lin Jiang's question. He was just like me, he was here to clean the crematorium, so he should be clear about the morals of the cadaveric oil.

"That thing is disgusting. How do you think it smells?" I glared at him in annoyance. He had asked me this question when I had just eaten my fill. It was as though he was looking for trouble.

"Have you eaten stinky tofu before?" Lin Jiang suddenly smiled mysteriously, and then asked another irrelevant question.

"What do you mean?" What's wrong with stinky tofu? " I was completely speechless. From the start, he was acting very secretive, as if he knew something, but he didn't tell me.

But right now, I don't have the mood to keep trying to solve the riddle with him. If I can't solve the problem of the female ghost for one day, I won't even be able to sleep soundly. If I can't, not to mention smelly tofu, I won't even be able to smell stinky socks in the future.

"Eh? How can the door to the morgue be open? " Just as Lin Jiang and I were about to return to our dorm, he suddenly muttered.

At the time, I only thought that he was joking. After all, the morgue was filled with corpses that were about to be burnt, and the funeral home was afraid that the corpses would leave their families behind. Thus, the morgue's door was always locked.

But when I turned around, I was also stunned. The morgue door was wide open and the chain that had locked it had fallen to the floor, which was very different from the way we used to do things in the funeral home.

Lin Jiang and I exchanged glances, and then decided to go over to have a look, so that the leaders would know early tomorrow that every single one of us will need to pay.

When I got to the door, I looked at the chain on the floor. The lock was still on the doorknob, but it was broken in two and the ring in the middle was twisted so badly it felt like it hadn't been broken.

"Lin Jiang, something is not right. Look at this, why does it look like someone broke it?" After that night, I was starting to get a little nervous.

"Let me see …" This could really be torn apart by someone. " Lin Jiang suddenly interrupted me, his expression extremely serious. He slowly squatted down, picked up the broken iron chain from the ground and sniffed it, then stuck out his tongue to lick the iron chain.

"Lick." After doing all this, Lin Jiang passed the iron chains in front of me and said seriously.

If it was a normal day, I definitely wouldn't lick this thing, but since Lin Jiang said it was so serious, I could only follow his instructions.

The moment my tongue came into contact with the metal chain, the smell of rust made me want to puke. However, I soon realized that the smell of the greasy substance covering the metal chain was pretty good.

"How do you feel?" Lin Jiang asked while faintly smiling at me.

"The taste isn't bad. What's on this chain?" I replied truthfully. Although it was a bit disgusting to lick, I still felt that I hadn't had enough.

"cadaveric oil!" This time, I couldn't hold it in anymore. He clearly knew that the chain was covered with cadaveric oil s, why did he let me lick it?

However, I quickly thought of another problem. The cadaveric oil on the chain definitely can't be obtained by a living person, since the living person doesn't have the ability to do so.

"Forget it, stop guessing. Just go in and take a look." Lin Jiang saw my strange expression, and pulled me into the morgue, and then I saw an even more unbelievable scene.

Chen Hai, who was brought by the police to be examined, had actually returned. Lying alone in the ice coffin, he still had that smile on his face and the lower half of his body was completely naked.

"Fuck, what's going on? Why did he come back by himself!? " If it wasn't for Lin Jiang who was by my side, I felt that I would have collapsed just now. Could it be that Chen Hai's body was reminiscing about old times, and he didn't get used to the police station's bed at night, so I came back?

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