Tales of Burning Corpse/C16 Sight at me
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Tales of Burning Corpse/C16 Sight at me
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C16 Sight at me

Within the past few days, I've been seeing hell again and again, but my heart was numb. I didn't seem to be too scared, especially after Uncle Liu's brilliant appearance on stage.

In the past, I didn't even know that the old man had such skills. Even if he came down from the second floor, he wouldn't even breathe. With this ability, even if he went out to make some kung fu films, he would have already gotten rich.

"Uncle Liu!" "Beat him!" I immediately reacted and rushed out of the morgue. Standing behind Uncle Liu was like looking for a big backer.

Unexpectedly, it was Uncle Liu who cut off my scalp first. He glared at me without any good feeling, as if I had said something wrong.

"What's wrong?" Is what you said wrong? " I replied with a bitter face, knowing that Uncle Liu definitely had a reason for peeling me.

Uncle Liu could only sigh silently. After that, he shook his head helplessly and turned around to look at the female ghost.

"Hmph, get lost." The female ghost casually waved her hand, and all of the cabinets in the morgue flew out in unison, and followed up with an earth-shattering smash towards Uncle Liu.

This morgue was at least 30 to 40 catties. I would probably be choked by this thing, not to mention being smashed by so many morgue cabinets.

But Uncle Liu didn't plan on dodging. Lin Jiang also pulled me to Uncle Liu's side at this time, and saw that the morgue cabinets were about to smash down, a word suddenly came out of Uncle Liu's mouth.

"Break!" With just a single word, all of the storage cabinets that filled the sky disappeared, and I felt that what happened just now was just a dream. Just as I was about to ask something, Lin Jiang suddenly pulled me aside.

"Don't think that ghosts are really capable. Most of them are just tricks. Those things just now were just illusions. If you really think that you've been smashed by them, then you're done for."

When Lin Jiang finished explaining it to me, I seemed to understand that these emotions were all my hallucinations. Most people were scared to death by ghosts, and I have never heard of anyone being stabbed to death by ghosts.

Just like the stories I've heard in the countryside, at the end of the story, those greedy people either committed suicide or were scared to death. Not a single one of them was killed by physical means.

This Penniless Priest misses you. You have only just transformed into a vengeful spirit, so you still have a chance at transmigration. Uncle Liu suddenly raised his sword fingers, pointing towards female ghost.

When I said this, I felt that Uncle Liu's actions had reached the extreme. Although he was in his sixties, he was indeed quite cool, making me have the intention of taking him as my master.

"I don't care. If he didn't abandon me that day, I wouldn't have died without a complete corpse!" As I spoke, the female ghost actually started crying, which made me feel quite bad.

What she said was all the truth, and it was precisely because of the guilt in my heart that I was sought out by her. The old saying goes that you don't have anything to worry about, and you aren't afraid of ghosts knocking, and it was precisely because I felt that it was wrong that this little female ghost chased after me and didn't let go.

Crying and crying, I felt a surge of restlessness in my heart. At first, I didn't feel anything, but then I remembered my father's bizarre death, the difficult birth of my mother when I was born, and the death of my grandparents.

In my heart, many things that happened in the past were revealed, and they all seemed to come from nowhere. I was so excited that I couldn't live any longer. I wanted to find a brick to cut my own head open.

"Humans and ghosts are different. You've already become a ghost, and you still have obsession with it. The people who killed you were either in jail or killed by you, and yet you still want to kill them!" Uncle Liu suddenly sneered. It could be seen that her crying was a method to harm others.

Facing the tit for tat, I was also at a loss. It was my fault, but should I really die? If I had gone to be a hero that night, it might have been a good one.

Maybe those vicious thugs were afraid that I would be found out and killed, or even dismembered. In that case, my heart would probably be filled with the same resentment as this female ghost.

Just as I was hesitating, Uncle Liu had already walked in front of female ghost. With his hand, he drew something in the air, and golden lines formed in the air, forming a symbol that I couldn't understand.

"Uncle Liu, forget it. Don't hurt her." The moment I said those words, Uncle Liu suddenly turned his head, and those golden lines immediately dissipated. He gave me a look of disbelief.

I don't know what's going on with me. Everyone's from the bottom of society, at least when she was still alive. I can't blame her for being like this just because she's a little beautiful. What else can I say?

I know that if Uncle Liu had just made a move, this girl wouldn't even be able to act like a ghost. Although I haven't experienced what it feels like to lose one's soul, it definitely wouldn't be pleasant.

In that short period of time, something red suddenly fell from the sky beside me. The female ghost revealed an extremely bad smile.

He took a closer look, the red object was the sedan chair that female ghost was sitting on the other day. Before I could understand what was going on, four pale faced people suddenly rushed out from the sedan, it was the paper man who was carrying the sedan.

His speed is extremely fast, in a short moment he was already beside Lin Jiang and me. Two of them grabbed onto me and two onto Lin Jiang, and one of them kicked at Lin Jiang, causing him to be kicked away.

Soon after, I was lifted up by the four paper men, and my eyes blurred and actually landed on the palanquin, hearing Uncle Liu and Lin Jiang's shouts, and that female ghost from just a moment ago suddenly appeared in front of me.

She was still smiling at me, and her laughter was so horrible that she twisted her neck and shouted out, "Get up!"

After that, it was a round trip. I was worried that I would be able to pass through the paper sedan, but I was more worried about this female ghost who suddenly changed her strategy.

Previously, when I saw that she and Uncle Liu were fighting quite lively, I didn't expect that she would always be aiming at me.

"Big brother, can I bring you to a place?" female ghost spoke up again. My heart said that at this point, if I were to reject her again, she would definitely be angered. How about I agree to it?

"Okay, where are you taking me?" I cautiously asked, afraid that if she were to say something about bringing me to hell, it would be equivalent to sentencing me to death.

"You'll know in a while." female ghost laughed again. It was still that terrifying, but she didn't feel that way. As she spoke, she stuck close to me, as if she wanted to get closer and closer to me.

If she wasn't a ghost, I would have probably kicked her in the face already. But now, I can only endure it.

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