Tales of Burning Corpse/C18 Intent
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Tales of Burning Corpse/C18 Intent
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C18 Intent

"This, this!" I shouted outside the pit, Uncle Liu and Lin Jiang immediately rushed over, upon seeing that I was fine, the two of them heaved a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing in the pit? "Damn, what is that thing so disgusting." Lin Jiang curiously looked at the situation on my side, and when he saw the highly rotten corpse beside my feet, his expression quickly became unnatural.

"You have fulfilled the female ghost's wish. Seems like the ill intent in her heart has been reduced by more than half. Luo Sheng, you have done well." Uncle Liu nodded and said to me. Although he was praising me, I was not happy at all.

In the end, a person is still dead. Becoming a ghost and living are two completely different concepts. Moreover, this matter still has some relation to me. Of course, I don't feel too happy about it.

Lin Jiang found a rope from above and threw it down. I didn't care about being disgusted anymore, I immediately carried the corpse into my arms, grabbed the rope and climbed out of the pit.

Uncle Liu returned to the car and took out the body bag, which he put away and sent it to the police station. There were not many people left in the police station tonight, but Qin Forensic Medicine was still there.

When we took out the corpses, Qin Forensic Medicine's expression immediately became serious. After a careful examination, we confirmed that this was the little girl's corpses.

Before, if these corpses belonged to little girls, then it would have been easy to explain. But now, with so many of these broken corpses appearing, things had become troublesome again.

"Luo Sheng, tell me honestly, where did you find this corpse?" The Qin Forensic Medicine asked seriously.

The body was buried under the abandoned construction site and covered with two meters of soil. Of course, I wouldn't say I could find it just by walking around the streets.

But if I tell the truth, maybe Qin Forensic Medicine will think that I am crazy. If I am locked up in a mental hospital, it would be too much of a loss for me.

"Old Qin, don't make things difficult for the kid, I found this. I went to the traffic station to check and found that the bastards went to a construction site for two hours before looking for them themselves."

Fortunately, Uncle Liu is with me today. Normally, Uncle Liu and Old Qin are good friends. With him here to explain the situation, I don't need to worry too much.

"Oh, so that's the case. Sigh, it seems like the matter isn't easy to handle." Qin Forensic Medicine frowned as he looked at the file in his hands.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't we all be happy to find a corpse? " I didn't understand what was going on as I asked, but Uncle Liu and Qin Forensic Medicine both had ugly expressions on their faces.

"Luo Sheng, since these corpses do not belong to the little girl, then it means that the river corpses came from other people, which means to say, there is more than one person who had their corpse destroyed, do you still think that is a good thing?"

After Qin Forensic Medicine finished talking, I also understood. There were more than one case of corpses being torn apart, the police might already be busy, but luckily only one case was reported to the police, so it didn't cause too much of a commotion.

"Old Qin, if there's nothing else, we'll head back first." Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Uncle Liu grabbed onto Lin Jiang and I as he prepared to leave.

That's right, normal people wouldn't be willing to stay in the police station, but am I still considered an ordinary person? If it wasn't for the pain in my tongue, I might have thought it was just a dream.

On the way back to the funeral home, Lin Jiang was driving, while Uncle Liu and I sat in the back seat. For a moment, I didn't know what to say, but I felt that there was something in my heart that made it hard to breathe.

"Luo Sheng, how are you feeling?" Uncle Liu suddenly asked me a question that I didn't understand. This feeling could be used to represent a lot of things, but overall, I didn't feel that it was very good.

"It doesn't feel like much, what's the matter?" To tell the truth, I was still preoccupied with the girl.

"As for this matter, you have already resolved it. As long as you don't do anything shameful in the future, there won't be anyone bothering you anymore. However, I have to ask you about your current plans."

I still didn't understand what he meant, but speaking of my current plans, I had really made up my mind.

"The little girl's hands and feet haven't been found yet. I have to help her get them back." Uncle Liu smiled as he rubbed my head, as if he was very happy.

"If you think like that, then in the future, you will definitely encounter many more evil things. I can't always be by your side, so you must learn some skills to protect yourself."

Hearing this, I seemed to understand Uncle Liu's meaning. If I were to just leave it at that, then I would still be able to lead a normal life in the future. But since I intend to continue, then this road might not be peaceful in the future.

"You don't have to answer me in a hurry either. I'm only giving you a reminder, if you really plan on continuing, I'll teach you the things that I taught Lin Jiang."

I thought about it for a long time, unsure of what kind of life I wanted to live. When the car stopped at the funeral home, Uncle Liu said those words and opened the car door to return home.

After getting off the car, I looked at Lin Jiang, and at the same time, I started to suspect that this brat had done something wicked, so I had no choice but to follow Uncle Liu and learn how to defend himself.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not as wicked as you. " Lin Jiang unhappily rolled his eyes at me. On the way back to the dorm, Lin Jiang told me his secret.

Half a year ago, something happened in this kid's house and his salary was no longer sufficient. Thus, he thought of another way to help others earn money.

The first two times was considered smooth, but the third time was when something big happened. The ghost was killed by his children and the anger in his heart was hard to dispel, Lin Jiang simply did not have the ability to send him off, but in the end, it was still Uncle Liu who settled the matter for him.

From then on, Lin Jiang learned these things from Uncle Liu. Sometimes, he would even go and do things for other people to earn some extra money.

"So, what do you think is your own problem? The reason why I'm involved with these things is because life is forced. However, you are different. You can continue looking forward."

Lin Jiang patted my shoulder, and then I returned to my room first. But I had already thought about it, this little girl might be a good opportunity, but the main reason why I wanted to get involved with his was because of my father.

According to Uncle Liu, anyone who walks peacefully will have their soul in the underworld, but my father didn't. Since he is still in the crematorium, it means that he is not at ease.

As long as the matter with my father is resolved, I will wash my hands of this matter. Although my thoughts were simple at that time, it turns out that this is an unfathomable whirlpool.

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