Tales of Burning Corpse/C39 There is a problem with the tree
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Tales of Burning Corpse/C39 There is a problem with the tree
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C39 There is a problem with the tree

Feng Ning was invited into the house. I poured a cup of water for her and she accepted it without drinking it. At this moment, I noticed that his eyes were filled with fear.

"Tell me, what did you see?" I was a little hesitant, but still asked. She had to tell me what she was afraid of in order to think of a solution.

"Just now another person died. It was my colleague. He was clearly only 24 years old, but when I saw his body look like an eighty year old man, that doesn't make sense! Right? "

Feng Ning suddenly raised his head. When I heard that the person who died was actually a police officer, I sucked in a breath of cold air. It looks like I can't hide this matter anymore.

"Tell me the details." Lin Jiang said from the side. I am also very curious, the crime scene is already sealed, how can someone still die?

After Feng Ning heard this, he began to recount the events that happened in the morning. When he was making his statement, Feng Ning thought that it was an unexpected death, after all, the dead were all elderly people and all of them died from heart failure.

When they were closing in, one of the policemen said that he lost his phone and went up the mountain to look for it. In the end, he didn't come down even after half an hour.

When they arrived at the scene, they found that the police officer who came up the mountain just now was already dead. When he died, he looked like an old man, just like those three dead bodies. They all died from heart failure.

It was also because of this that she couldn't understand how a perfectly good young man could grow up so quickly. Furthermore, thinking about the few times she had interacted with me, Feng Ning realized that things were definitely not as simple as she saw it to be.

After we listened, Lin Jiang and I looked at each other, and we didn't know what to say in that moment. The most important thing was, we didn't know what was the thing that harmed people either.

"So I did?" I looked at Lin Jiang, who nodded silently in agreement. I had just opened my mouth.

"If I say that there are ghosts in this world, would you believe me?" I tried to make myself as serious as possible, causing Feng Ning to look up at me before shaking his head.

"It's fine if you don't believe me, but don't do something that offends the ghosts and gods. You don't have to worry about this matter, just leave it to Lin Jiang and me." I was also a little speechless, I told Feng Ning what he wanted to know, but she didn't believe me, so I had no way to explain it.

"Actually, I kind of believe it, but I've never seen it with my own eyes. Sorry about that, but you guys can't be angry, right?" Feng Ning hurriedly corrected himself, of course I wouldn't be angry over this kind of thing.

At that time, that ghost found me and forced me to believe that Feng Ning's situation was slightly better than mine. She didn't believe me but she had her own reasons.

"It's fine even if you say too much, let's go up the mountain and take a look." Lin Jiang suddenly waved his hands, it was useless to think about it. Since it has already happened, we can only think of a way to prevent it from getting worse.

Immediately, I changed my clothes. Lin Jiang had a dagger in his hand and Feng Ning also had a gun, so my empty hands didn't feel safe. I simply brought a shovel with me and the three of us went up the mountain.

Walking to the cordon line, I still felt a bit uncomfortable. Right now, I had to deal with an unknown thing, it wasn't as easy as when I fought ghosts twice.

"In a while, follow me closely. If you have anything to say, just shout loudly. If anyone asks you not to agree, then don't look back." Lin Jiang instructed, then went into the cordon line.

I nodded at him and unconsciously grabbed onto Feng Ning's hand. At first, I was only thinking about my safety, but when I grabbed hold of her hand, I realized that men and women shouldn't be intimate with each other.

She secretly glanced at Feng Ning's face, but other than feeling nervous, she did not express any dissatisfaction. I had originally wanted to let go of her hand and walk inside, but she held my hand tightly.

"Just hold on to it. This is my first time experiencing something like this, so I'm afraid." Feng Ning was a girl after all, it was understandable for her to be afraid. At that time, I was already extremely happy, but I felt that I was special as well, that I was actually taking advantage of someone.

Entering the crime scene, Lin Jiang took out his phone and looked around, it was as if he was holding onto a compass.

"What are you doing?" "We're getting down to business. Put away your crappy phone." Even at this critical juncture, Lin Jiang still had the mood to play on his phone.

"What do you know? I want to see if there's a ghost or not." Lin Jiang helplessly rolled his eyes at me, and then explained to me.

Wherever ghosts appeared, the magnetic field would more or less have some problems. If there was a problem with the phone's signal, it meant that the ghosts were doing it.

"Did you see that?" Was it a ghost? " I asked. I wasn't in the mood to take out my cell phone for experiments, mainly because I was nervous. I didn't want to die of old age in an instant.

"Looks like Master was right. This matter was indeed done by the demons. My cell phone is faster than the dormitory, and I can even connect to the internet." Lin Jiang said in all seriousness, and then kept his phone.

With his words, I was even more certain that it was a demon who did this. What kind of demon could harm a person in broad daylight without leaving a single trace?

"When you were going up the mountain, did you see any wild beasts or hear their howls?" Lin Jiang asked again, now that Uncle Liu was not around, he was half a professional.

Feng Ning just shook his head. Although there were a lot of trees in the forest, the branches were not thick, so it was possible to hide a rabbit.

Seeing how determined Feng Ning was, he shook his head and sighed, since he could not find any traces of his, what kind of thing was doing this to her?

I thought about what Uncle Liu had written in his book, and I thought about what he had written about demons. Then I thought about another question.

"Lin Jiang, tell me, could it be that these trees have become spirits?" I asked uncertainly, but Lin Jiang suddenly turned his head as he heard me, as though my words had hit the nail on the head.

In the next moment, Lin Jiang took the shovel in my hands and used it to smash into a tree. This time, it went very deep and a hole appeared on the tree trunk.

An unbelievable scene appeared. There was actually red liquid flowing out of the crack. Although it wasn't blood, it looked like a tree had been injured.

Before I could recover from my shock, I heard a rustling sound in my ear. There was no wind this afternoon, so it couldn't have been the wind.

Following which, vines started to droop down from the trees, like small snakes that surrounded Lin Jiang, I and I.

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