Tales of Burning Corpse/C47 Mutual help
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Tales of Burning Corpse/C47 Mutual help
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C47 Mutual help

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Jin Xia was about to send him off, Lin Jiang anxiously shouted. Jin Xia seemed to be suspicious too, as he opened his door wide and waited for a long time, wanting to see if Lin Jiang had anything more he wanted to say.

"Luo Sheng, show him the mirror." Lin Jiang's words made me extremely confused. That small mirror was given to me by Uncle Liu for self-defense and had nothing to do with daggers. What can I do with it now?

Although I was doubtful, I still took it out. I didn't expect that after just a glance from Jin Xia, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Where did you get this mirror?" Who drew the Heavenly Master Seal on it? " The moment Jin Xia opened his mouth, I felt like there was a door, it turned out that the reason Lin Jiang asked me to take out the mirror was to scare Jin Xia using it.

Even I don't know what kind of Heavenly Master Seal are on the mirror after using the mirror for so long, but from what Jin Xia said, it seemed like Jin Xia is a person who truly understood things.

"Master Jin, can we go in now to have a talk?" Lin Jiang did not reply, he pointed to the house, and then Jin Xia welcomed us in.

Facing this 180 degree change, I felt that it was unbelievable, Jin Xia looked down on us just now, why did he kiss us again?

As I served the tea and the melon seeds, I felt a little embarrassed. After serving the two of us well, Jin Xia finally sat down and placed both his hands on top of each other, with a rather flattering smile on his face.

"It seems like you two are capable young masters. Then, I won't be lying to you." Jin Xia said slowly, explaining the reason why he bought the dagger.

So it turned out that something had happened to a Cousin in his village. This Cousin was a fool, and it was said that he had provoked the weasel when he was young, and was rendered foolish by the demon.

However, something had happened to his Cousin recently, and he was possessed by the weasel. He had hired a few gentlemen, and they were all scumbags who only knew how to scam money.

Jin Xia had been an antique dealer for many years, and had heard about the matters of the gods and ghosts. He knew that daggers that killed people could ward off evil, and coincidentally, Lin Jiang brought this dagger to the antique market, so he spent money to buy it.

Normally speaking, this dagger should not be worth much, but this dagger could restrain small demons that did not cultivate very well. Jin Xia wanted to bring the dagger back to the village to personally exorcise the Cousin.

If it wasn't for the coincidence that we came, he would have gone out by now. However, when it comes to dealing with weasels, he understood that this thing is extremely petty and that he is not a real Daoist.

"I think the two of you are not ordinary people. Can you help me with one thing? As long as you help my Cousin get rid of General Xie, I'll return the dagger to you two. In addition, you'll receive 5000 yuan as a token of your appreciation."

Jin Xia recounted what happened, and in the end, he returned to us. I said that there was a problem with his sudden change in attitude, so he had a favor to ask of others.

"Alright, I'll help you ask your master." Lin Jiang nodded his head upon hearing this, and took out his phone to call Uncle Liu, telling him everything with kindness, and finally pressing the speaker button, as though Uncle Liu had something to say to both of us.

"Isn't it just a weasel? Do you need me to do such a thing myself? You two can handle it yourselves. "

After Uncle Liu finished speaking, he hung up the phone. I immediately looked at Lin Jiang somewhat helplessly, just why did this stir up another incident? I was being stared at by the Ghost Bro, and now Uncle Liu wanted me to help him capture the weasel?

"Don't look at me, Uncle Liu already said that, so I can only do it." Lin Jiang shrugged his shoulders, luckily the mark the Ghost Bro left on my body was still there for a few days, if not I would not have waded in.

As Jin Xia listened by the side, a smile had already emerged on his face. He wasn't worried at all that he would hand over his Cousin to me, and he wondered what he would think if he were to know that I have only dealt with two ghosts and a pile of wood spirits before.

Lin Jiang did not think much of it. It was just like what Uncle Liu had said, it was just a weasel that had just possessed a body.

No one asked for my opinion, even if it's me, at this moment, I feel that helping others is more important than helping myself. Jin Xia packed his things and planned to bring the two of us out.

He himself owned a minivan, so Lin Jiang volunteered to sit at the driver's seat. The countryside that Jin Xia talked about just came out of the city, and with the road repair in the city, he didn't even need to drive for half a day.

On the way, Jin Xia introduced himself to us briefly. His original name was He Jin.

Now that he has requests from others, even Lin Jiang calling him Master Jin did not feel like it, but he did not like the way people called him Jin Xia, so he just let us call him Old He.

After changing the title, it's much more comfortable for me to call him by it. I definitely don't want to call him Jin Xia by such a belittling name, and I don't have the ability to call him in that manner either.

When the car drove to a mountain, Old He suddenly signalled for Lin Jiang to stop. He was a minivan after all, and didn't have the function of going out of town, so it was impossible to drive into a village in the mountains.

Lin Jiang and I were not that pretentious. Although we didn't often walk on the mountain road, fortunately, there were a lot of manual labor in the funeral parlour.

On the other hand, as soon as Old He reached that level, his old bones started to crumble. Those who didn't know it would think he was eighty.

But on the way, I found out that he was only fifty this year, and as to why he looked old, it was because he had been too romantic when he was young, and had become that way due to his excessive indulgence.

In the rear part of the mountain road, it was practically Lin Jiang who was carrying all of his luggage while I was carrying Old He.

"I've finally made it. I'm so tired." Hearing that, I almost threw him off the mountain. How could a guy on my back dare to call me tired?

"Waiter, let's go eat first. We need to fill our stomachs first, no?" Standing on the ground, Old He immediately became spirited. Hearing his words, I no longer resented him, and did not waste my effort to carry him up the mountain.

The entire village probably doesn't have more than fifty people. Old He's family can be considered a big family in this village, it's surrounded by one storey of bungalows, and their family only has a three-storey building.

I didn't see anyone of the same age as myself at dinner, but I think about it, who among the same age would be staying in this small mountain village that can't even be accessed online. They must have gone out to work, and only in this small village that isn't very popular, it's easy for something to happen.

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