Tales of Burning Corpse/C5 I'm being watched
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Tales of Burning Corpse/C5 I'm being watched
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C5 I'm being watched

At that time, it was really too noisy at night, but I couldn't clearly hear what was happening over there. Moreover, there were a lot of people over there, I tried it, I wanted to take a look, but there were a lot of hooligans there, so I didn't dare to go there.

Uncle Liu's eyes widened. "That's fine. You've grown in ability. You refuse to save her when she's about to die. No wonder she's looking for you."

I started crying right away, but it was all useless. "I don't know, how could I have known that. That kind of thing would happen over there. That girl would die so miserably."

Half of the people in the shop were looking at us, and I blushed. After a few sounds, I stopped crying. I had already lost enough people this morning, so I didn't want to embarrass myself anymore. I stood up and stood beside Uncle Liu with my head hanging down.

"There's a scent on your body," Uncle Liu said confidently. "It's the smell of a dead person. Other than seeing that you're not going to save me, what other wicked things do you want?"

After Uncle Liu said this, I immediately felt very wronged. "I'm sure I'm not the only one who won't save a life, am I? How can you say that about me? Besides, many people have my situation, and I'm not the only one. I didn't hear it clearly that night. "

"But now they are targeting you. What should I do?" You said that you could smell a special scent, but none of us could smell it. " Uncle Liu growled at me with a darkened face.

Uncle Liu wasn't a feudal person in my impression. Thus, I hurriedly said to him, "You have to help me. I don't know anything."

Uncle Liu was exasperated. "Forget it, I won't tease you anymore. Actually, it's not that big of a deal. It's all because of your heart."

"What do you mean?"

It's just that you didn't want to admit it. In your subconscious mind, there has always been a bit of guilt towards her, and last night, you once again cleansed that incinerator by yourself. Uncle Liu smiled and patted my shoulder. "Don't think too much. There aren't that many ghosts in this world."

"Then last night, exactly why was I locked inside the incinerator?" After I asked this question, I realized that Uncle Liu was looking at me with a retarded expression.

I blushed. Indeed, I asked a foolish question. Wouldn't it be fine if I just investigated this matter myself? Why do I have to ask him?

At this moment, I helplessly looked at him and said, "Uncle Liu, then is this thing that I met a ghost …?" I spoke so quietly that no one else could hear me.

Just then, Uncle Liu smirked at me and took out a set of small mirror s. It was the kind of two dollar small mirror s sold in general stores, and directly stuffed them into my hands. He said to me, "You can take this, it's useful.

Of course I know how to use it. Because I saw my father use it when I was young, my father said that it was a demonic mirror that allowed me to see things that ordinary people couldn't. However, the mirror he held was different from this one, perhaps he was just teasing me.

Uncle Liu didn't say anything. After I tidied up the incinerator, there wasn't much else to do. However, the legend of me spread throughout the entire funeral parlor.

The next morning, Lin Jiang came to find me. He looked at me like a thief and asked, "What did you see inside the incinerator last night?"

I just shook my head, smiled, and said nothing.

"Don't keep us in suspense. This is a matter that concerns us. At the beginning, I thought this job would be extremely easy, and paying too much money meant that there would definitely be a trap, so I found an excuse to go back." When Lin Jiang said this, my face was full of awkwardness.

I felt something was wrong at first, but I never thought about it.

"But I didn't expect something to happen to you in just one day." Lin Jiang looked at me very anxiously, "And I heard that you slept inside the incinerator all night last night?"

"But I was too tired, so I fell asleep. It's not as mysterious as you think." I had originally wanted to pour out my heart, but I didn't expect Lin Jiang to say this to me. This guy clearly knew since a long time ago that sweeping incinerator s was just a pit. I normally treat him so well, but he didn't even tell me anything.

As Lin Jiang was talking to me, Chen Hai just happened to pass by us. He looked very unhappy, coldly snorted at me, and turned to leave.

Lin Jiang looked at me and said, "It seems that his prejudice against you is really deep."

I suddenly realized that every time Chen Hai did something that he did not like me, Lin Jiang would always whisper into my ear. After a while, I felt that Chen Hai was not a good person.

However, Lin Jiang always did things very closely, and I had always felt that my relationship with Lin Jiang was pretty good, but I didn't expect him to clearly know that there was something wrong with the incinerator. He didn't even mention it to me, and even ran into the countryside by himself.

If the leader had asked me to clean the incinerator with him last night, I'm afraid there wouldn't have been so many demonic moths.

Seeing that I was deep in thought, Lin Jiang lowered his voice and asked, "Do you know how your father died?"

I immediately stood up and my voice rose. "What do you mean?"

The matter of my father has always been a thorn in my heart.

Being proposed like this by Chen Jiang, it made me lose a lot of face.

The relationship between my family and the Chen family is indeed very good, because they live in the same house. I can understand what he knows about my family, but how does he know things that even I don't know?

I raised my voice and a head came in from outside. I quickly looked around the room and said, "The two of you are close enough to wear a pair of pants. Why are you still quarreling?"

I looked over at the man. He was from the next dorm, new to the funeral home, and he was doing some menial chores.

I slowly sat down, not wanting to argue with Lin Jiang, and the busybodies outside had finally left. Neither of us spoke, and after a long while, I said: "What did you mean by that?"

Lin Jiang found it difficult to speak. After a long while, he looked at me and said, "Luo Sheng, do you believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

Previously, when I was eating with Uncle Liu, Uncle Liu had told me that there were no ghosts in this world. Now, there was immediately someone who asked me this question.

"What do you think?" I asked.

Lin Jiang frowned and sighed: "I know about your father and you have never wanted to think about it, but my father once said that the night that your father met with mishap was not very normal."

I frowned and took a deep breath. "What's wrong?"

"The whole funeral home is not normal. It is said that these kinds of things happen often, but the local police don't pay much attention to it. They always think that it's an accident. Do you really think that there are so many accidents in the world?" After Lin Jiang finished speaking, he turned and left, but before he left, he saw the small mirror on my table, and smiled at me: "This is a gift from Uncle Liu right? "Use it well."

Then he left.

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