Tao-destroying Legend/C3 Charity
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Tao-destroying Legend/C3 Charity
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C3 Charity

It had already been three months since Chen Fan started cultivating battle qi. In these three months, he went to the bathhouse every night to soak in medicine, and finally broke through to become a true 1-star swordsman! Moreover, perhaps because he had practiced battle qi, his body had grown even faster! The current him had already grown to 1.72 meters. He was not considered short among the adults!

Three months had passed and autumn had completely passed. The current Lance Continent had also started to go into a cold winter! Everyone was wearing thick clothes! Chen Fan even stuck the cotton that he used to defend himself in front of his chest and did not take it out!

"Phew!" "There's still one more portion of the Soup Dumplings that hasn't been boiled. I'll rest for a while!" Chen Fan firmly believed in the principle of not wasting any time by sharpening his blade.

Boom!" He had just reached the door when he heard a loud noise from above. As he looked up, he saw that the sky was burning red, as if half the sky had been set ablaze! She looked good in an instant! For a time, Chen Fan was almost drunk watching this! Even though he did not have any culture, this sort of wondrous scene could be enjoyed by everyone!

"NO!" "That's not right!" Chen Fan suddenly realised, what a strange scene! It was a huge fireball! Furthermore, the huge fireball was shooting straight for the Yan Family!

If he let the fireball strike down, the entire city would probably turn into ashes! He even heard the sound of someone helping him from afar!

Chen Fan was also extremely anxious, he had just become a swordsman and he already wanted to die! Wasn't this way too ridiculous!

The fireball rapidly descended. In the blink of an eye, it was only 30,000 feet above the ground! Even though it was winter! Everyone was sweating profusely from the heat! The temperature of this fireball was too high! Soon, people would be roasted to death by the fireballs and smashed to death!

Just when everyone thought that he would die without a doubt! An angry roar came from the depths of the Yan Family! A black figure flew out like a sharp sword, slashing straight at the fireball!

"Ancestor of Yan Family! It's the patriarch who has come out of seclusion! "

"We are saved! Our ancestor is the powerful Nine Star Sword King, he will definitely be able to destroy the fireballs! " The Yan Family clansmen all prayed, after all, no one wanted to die, and at this moment, everyone was staring at the figure with anger! He would place all his hopes of survival on him! If he won, then everyone would live! If he lost, everyone would die!

"Raging Inferno Burning Heaven!"

Ancestor of Yan Family let out an explosive shout, and a sea of flames several hundred meters wide rose into the sky! He wanted to destroy the fireball and burn it!

However, Ancestor of Yan Family's attack had only blocked the fireball for a moment, and even the sea of fire had been absorbed by it, becoming an even hotter one!

"Ancestor couldn't stop it?!" The hearts of the Yan Family clansmen sank, were they really going to die?

"The fire attack is ineffective?" Ancestor of Yan Family was also very anxious. Even though he could hide, under him, was his ten thousand year old foundation in Yan Family, and his descendants! He would be finished if he dodged his clansmen!

"It seems that I can only use my Dou Qi to resist!" The Ancestor of Yan Family clenched his teeth and released a surge of battle qi that poured into the sword in his hand and turned it into a one hundred zhang long sword aura that slashed towards the fireball!

Boom!" The fireball's trajectory was finally slightly off! The Yan Clan's Ancestor was overjoyed. It had worked! Then, more and more astral swords attacked the fireballs, one after another! Although the fireball was not destroyed, it changed its trajectory!

One had to know that the difference was a thousand miles! Although the trajectory of the fireball wasn't big, it was still far from where it landed!

In the span of a few breaths, the fireball descended another several thousand meters. There were already places in the Yan Family that began to spontaneously combust without fire!

"Burning Fire Piercing Heart Sword!

Ancestor of Yan Family knew that he could not wait any longer, he immediately unleashed a secret technique, and in an instant, a fiery red sword aura that was several times stronger than before shot out! It struck the fireball and it tilted to the side!

"Bam!" There was a deafening sound as the ball of fire that was less than three hundred meters in size smashed a huge crater into the ground!

"The Patriarch is mighty!" the Patriarch is mighty! " The Yan Family members narrowly escaped death, and instantly kneeled down and kowtowed to the Ancestor of Yan Family.

"Alright, the crisis has been resolved. Everyone, let's disperse!" With a wave of his hand, the Ancestor of Yan Family extinguished the areas that were on fire! As for those small areas, they were left for the clansmen to do.

"Whoosh!" "Whiz!" "Whiz!"

Several figures emerged from the ground and arrived beside Ancestor of Yan Family. He asked with concern, "Ancestor, are you alright!?"

"No worries, all of you go and retrieve the Stellar Iron from the stars!" This noble one wants to refine a treasure sword and can use it as the perfect material! "

"Yes!" Ancestor! " At this moment, the fireball's power had been greatly reduced. Since they were all Sword King experts, they were naturally not afraid!

Ancestor of Yan Family also turned around and continued to 'go back and train in seclusion'!

"Is this the power of the Nine Star Sword King?" Chen Fan's eyes were blazing with fire, he had clearly seen just now, Ancestor of Yan Family had sent a star flying!

"One day, I will also reach this level. I will even surpass him!" Chen Fan's gaze gradually hardened.

At this moment, an old man was standing respectfully outside the Ancestor of Yan Family's seclusion chamber, waiting.

"Flame Slave, this time, although I sent the fallen star flying, I also suffered some internal injuries. Go and find these ingredients for me!" As he spoke, a snow-white piece of paper came out from his closed door cultivation.

"Yes, Master!" Flame slave will definitely find the ingredients! " The old man received the prescription with both hands and rushed into the sky! He was also a Sword King!

When a martial artist cultivated, every step would have a tremendous increase! Swordsmen, as an entry level swordsman, could only barely pour dou qi into their weapons. Only after reaching the sword spirit level could they release dou qi! The Swordmaster was characterized by the fact that combat power could be used to attack from the outside! Although Great Swordmaster was also a large realm, it was only an extension of Swordmaster, there wasn't anything special about it! However, once he reached Sword King, he would be reborn!

The battle qi cultivated in the Sword King stage was already very dense, and it began to transform from a gas to a liquid! Furthermore, one of the most obvious characteristics of the Sword King was the ability to fly! Sword Saint level experts had mastered the general situation of the world! And for the higher stages of Sword Emperor, the Sword God was an existence of legends! No one knew if there would be any special features! After all, the strongest people on Lance's continent were the Four Great Sword Saints!

The falling of a star was a heaven-shaking matter, but it didn't have much effect on the clansmen of the Yan Family. With the sky collapsing and the support of the Nine Star Sword King, no one would care about the falling of a star.

Everything was back to how it used to be. On the second day, Chen Fan had just been continued by a few youths for a while. Chief Steward Yan came again.

"Hehe, kid, your temper is pretty good!" Supervisor Yan patted Chen Fan's head, and at the same time, placed a large bag of ingredients down.

"Do well! "I'll transfer you over to my place, then you won't have to suffer beatings every day!"

Chen Fan was surprised for a moment. Normally, he and Supervisor Yan had a very close relationship, so they had a very close relationship. However, at such a close distance, he didn't expect the other party to say such words!

He always thought that no one would treat him well in this world other than Sister Su Zhu. He never thought that there would still be such a good person!

However, since he was able to use the soup in the bathhouse to cultivate, naturally, he would not leave so easily. So, he refused Manager Yan's good intentions.

After Chief Steward Yan left, as usual, Chen Fan took the ingredients to the stove to prepare the scented soup. However, he was surprised to find out that there was actually a small package inside with a lot of ingredients, but he did not recognize any of them!

Chen Fan carefully looked at it, and did not think much of it, so he casually placed it on the stove. He began to boil the soup for cultivation!

Soon, he put all the ingredients in, and the only thing left was to wait. Chen Fan was not idle either, he meditated and started to practice the Burning Fire Arts! He had to become a powerful warrior as soon as possible! And then, he left the Yan Family!

Chen Fan was just about to enter a state of cultivation." Earlier, when he had placed a small packet of medicinal ingredients on the stove, there had actually been a change! There was a slight tremble in the package! Next, a dark blue worm the size of a thumb nail crawled out!

After the dark blue bug crawled out of the furnace, it laid on it for a while, and its eyes unexpectedly showed a comfortable expression! However, when it turned around to look at Chen Fan, it suddenly crawled up! Her small eyes were filled with excitement! Greed!

The moss blue bug's speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already reached Chen Fan's body! Next, a sharp little tooth was revealed and a small grain of rice was bitten through his body. It then drilled into his body in an instant! After the insect entered the wound, a thin layer of ice formed.

Yet Chen Fan did not notice any of this! It was as if nothing had happened! In reality, the Indigo Bug hadn't moved at all. After entering, it found a warm place and continued sleeping.

After a while, Chen Fan woke up from his cultivation and continued to refine other medicinal soups!

"Chen Fan brat! Chen Fan brat? " Just as he was focusing on concocting the soup, a series of shouts came from outside the door.

"It's Manager Yan?" Chen Fan had a good impression of him and immediately ran out. Indeed, Chief Steward Yan was jogging over from afar.

When Chief Steward Yan saw Chen Fan, he immediately grabbed him by the shoulder and asked anxiously, "Where's the medicine? Where are the ingredients? "

"Material? You've already made medicinal soup?! " Chen Fan answered blankly.

"What?" It has already been refined into a medicinal soup! " As if all the energy in his body had been drained out, Chief Steward Yan collapsed on the ground.

"It's over, it's all over!" That's the medicine I need to refine for Ancestor! This time, I am going to lose my life! " Chief Steward Yan laid on the ground with a helpless look on his face. It was indeed his mistake this time, but it had nothing to do with Chen Fan!

"Um, Manager Yan." Are you talking about that small package? " Chen Fan slowly understood what was going on and asked weakly.

"That's right! That's the one! " Chief Steward Yan was on the verge of tears, "I have both seniors and juniors. How do I get through this!"

Chen Fan was speechless, he rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I didn't touch that small package!" After saying that, he turned around and returned to the kitchen to take out the small package.

"This is it! This is it! " Steward Yan was so excited that he could not express what he had lost. He grabbed his bag and quickly ran to Ancestor of Yan Family!

"Little brother Chen Fan, I owe you a huge favor! There will be a repayment in the future! "

Chen Fan laughed, but did not take it to heart. Instead, he continued to brew the fragrant soup. Previously, he had forgotten the time when he was cultivating; it was already two hours late. Now that he had delayed it for a while, he was running out of time!

"I'm afraid I will be beaten up again today! The most important thing is that I won't be able to cultivate with the Soup Dumplings today! " Chen Fan's face was filled with desolation, it seemed like he was another day away from becoming a strong warrior!

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