Tattoo for the Beauty/C11 Adopted daughter
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Tattoo for the Beauty/C11 Adopted daughter
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C11 Adopted daughter

I lightly pushed Old Man Yang, who suddenly stopped moving, thinking that he couldn't have fallen asleep with his eyes wide open, right?

This push didn't take much effort, but Old Man Yang was startled and I asked him, "What happened to you just now, you didn't even blink."

Old Man Yang said, "It's nothing, I just recalled the past." Then he told us about the burning of the house.

I pressed him. "And then how your daughter was healed."

He asked him why, but the people of Zhang family didn't dare to tell him, they only said that it was a prescription for treating burns, after all, they risked their lives to save their daughter. He didn't have much to say, so he went back to the silk cell to search one by one with the flashlight. Finally, he found the three black ones, grabbed them, and put them in Brie's bag, and ran to the Zhang family.

When he arrived at the Zhang Family's residence, he saw that his daughter was placed in a big box filled with unknown brown insects. Seeing this, he became anxious. You guys can't let the bugs eat her even if you don't treat the child. The Zhang family explained to him that this was a type of insect that specialized in eating rotten meat, so the worms would only eat rotten flesh from children, which could not be taken away. This would help them regenerate new flesh later on.

With the thought of fighting to the death, he stopped trying to stop her. He felt uncomfortable and disgusted as he looked at his daughter lying in the middle of a pile of squirming worms. He gave the three black silkworms to the eldest son of the Zhang family and asked what the uses of these black silkworms were. Under normal circumstances, most silkworms were white, and a very small portion of silkworms had turned black due to mutation.

The eldest son of the Zhang family didn't explain. He just smiled and said that his daughter was saved. The others from the Zhang Clan came over to persuade him not to feel too sad, and told him to go to bed to rest. He was too tired, he fell asleep almost instantly after lying down.

When she woke up the next day, her daughter was already in bed. However, most of her body was wrapped in white cloth, and only two holes were left for her to breathe. The rest of her body was wrapped up. Zhang family members discussed with him whether they could adopt their child into their family. Zhang family had three generations of descendants, and in their older son generation, although they were married, they had never had a child. They originally wanted to adopt a child, but because of Zhang family's poverty, no one was willing to give their child to his family. <p></p>

He didn't agree at the time, but because the house was burning and he couldn't live in it, he stayed in the Zhang Family for a few days. He didn't agree at the time, but because the house was burning and he couldn't live in it, he stayed in the Zhang Family for a few days. After observing the situation for the past few days, he felt that the Zhang Clan members were all very good, and since he had no future that was good for his child, he resolutely agreed to pass his daughter on to the Zhang Clan.

The other reason he agreed was that he didn't want to live anymore. Since his daughter was being raised, he had nothing else to worry about. He decided to commit suicide to accompany his dead wife and son.

However, just when he hanged himself and was about to succeed, someone from the Zhang Family came out from nowhere and saved him. The people from the Zhang Family told him that if they wanted his daughter to have a beautiful appearance like a normal person, they needed his help.

The people of Zhang family said that this kind of black silkworm could be used to regenerate skin, but it was a secret technique. All the participants could not reveal this to the public, or else his daughter would be cursed with a more terrible curse.

Therefore, he gave up on living lightly and secretly used a special method to nurture the black silkworm. This kind of silkworm was poisonous and could spit silk to make a cocoon, but could not become a perverted moth.

After hearing him say that, I didn't understand him very well. I asked him, "Since you say that you can't tell others about this matter, and now that you've told us outsiders, doesn't that mean that the curse will be fulfilled and you have harmed your own biological daughter?"

Hearing my words, he was moved. He reached out his hand to wipe his tears and said, "I was afraid, but my daughter is already dead. Where did the pain come from? How can the dead know pain?"

After listening to him, I didn't understand again. Just now, he said that the woman in the white dress was his daughter, and now he said that his daughter was dead. Isn't this just playing with me?

Martial Uncle asked him with a stern face: "Since that's the case, then the person this young lad saw today was your daughter. However, she no longer has any life left, is she a living corpse controlled by someone?"

Hearing Martial Uncle's conjecture, all the hairs on my body stood up. What living dead? The woman I saw this morning could talk and walk. Her eyes were not black and her teeth were not black.

However, I was afraid that I would be scolded if I were to say such words. I am just retorting in my heart.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Yang actually nodded, "Yes, in fact she died a long time ago, there's something in her body that shouldn't be there."

I said in astonishment, "Oh my god! Is it the legendary 'Ghost Body'? I heard that there was a ghost that wandered the world due to its futile death. It was able to use the body of a living person to pass on the message." I rubbed my hands together as I spoke, feeling much warmer.

Martial Uncle pinched my back, causing me to stomp on the ground in pain. "I don't know, don't spout nonsense, I think you're the one with the upper body. You talk nonsense all day, I'll make you do it, and see if you'll still spout nonsense!"

I put my hand to my mouth and pulled the lock. Then I stopped talking.

Martial Uncle asked Old Man Yang, "How did you find out something was wrong with your daughter?"

Old man Yang said: "Usually, my daughter would greet me whenever she sees me, although she doesn't call me dad, she is always willing to chat with me, but the last time I saw her, not only did she not greet me, her tone was also very unfriendly, she directly asked me for that black silkworm, the black silkworm from before was taken by someone from the Zhang Family, I felt that something was wrong, when I questioned her, she ran away, her movements were not very coordinated, but I was too old and bad in the end did not catch up to her."

Martial Uncle asked him: "Then what does this have to do with the Zhang Family?"

Old man Yang shook his head and said, "Probably not, the Zhang family is also looking for her these days, and have already called the police, and they are very good to my daughter. Although my daughter's husband died a few years ago and many people in the village say something bad about her, the people of Zhang family didn't say anything bad, and instead, they fed and raised her well every day."

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