Tattoo for the Beauty/C16 Entering the zhang family
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Tattoo for the Beauty/C16 Entering the zhang family
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C16 Entering the zhang family

A group of people were talking animatedly. Not long after, the police arrived. After questioning, they surrounded the area where the incident had occurred.

When they were about to leave, the police asked who the family members were. None of them said a word.

One of the police officers who took the samples found his ID card in his bag on the ground and reported it before realizing that it was from the Zhang Family. The victim was an adopted daughter of the Zhang Family.

The villagers looked at each other. Although there were a lot of people present, none of them were from the Zhang Family.

Thus, everyone followed one of the policemen to the Zhang Family. In fact, they didn't really care about the people, they were just curious about the novelty.

When they arrived at the Zhang Clan's residence, the door was tightly closed. After knocking for a long time, an old man opened the door.

When the police told him what had happened, the old man looked more surprised than sad.

Because they were going to make an investigation statement, Old Zhang and a few witnesses were brought to the police station in a police car.

The rest of the villagers dispersed as well.

I whispered in Martial Uncle's ear. Since the police are here, we can't just climb over the wall to the Zhang Family to look for the cellar.

The Martial Uncle also said in a low voice: "How can we not? There are too many people in the day, we can start again at night. Let's go and check on Old Yang first."

When we reached the last row, we saw Old Man Yang sitting in the yard in the sun.

After seeing him, I asked, "Uncle Yang, did you know about what happened this morning?"

Old Man Yang raised his head and looked at me with his dirty eyes. His eyes were filled with grief.

"I was the one who harmed her. I shouldn't have given her to the Zhang Clan, should I? I shouldn't have given her to this family that is inferior to beasts?" Old Man Yang said bitterly.

"If you regret it, why don't you take your daughter back and raise her yourself?" I asked him.

"I only found out a while ago. The last time I saw my daughter, she didn't pay attention to me and her eyes weren't quite right. She didn't look at anyone when she spoke, so she wasn't like that."

I saw the woman's eyes, darker than normal, and they were not normal.

"I put my hand in front of her eyes, but she didn't seem to feel it, but she walked around the fence as if she were a normal person. I saw that she ignored me, so I grabbed her hand and spoke. Who knew that her hand was as cold as a dead person's hand."

Old man Yang choked with sobs as he spoke, feeling like he was about to suffocate from crying.

"I held her hand and felt something hard in her palm. I looked at her palm and saw a bug with a shell crawling under her skin!"

When Martial Uncle heard this, his entire body hurt, and he unconsciously twisted his waist a few times. In my mind, I saw a worm swimming on this woman's face yesterday.

"I asked her if it hurt, she said it didn't, she didn't feel it for a long time, I tried putting my hand under her nose, she's not breathing, she's dead, she was killed by the Zhang people, her body is full of bugs."

I replied, "I understand. The worms ate her nerves, so she didn't feel any pain. After that, her internal organs were eaten."

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I took a deep breath and continued, "In the end, her bones were eaten and she became a container for the gathering of millions of bugs. She was left with a human skin full of holes, covered in silk, to support her way to the entrance of the village.

Old man Yang nodded, "Yes, my daughter is too pitiful!"

The Martial Uncle said: "Since the Zhang family used your daughter as a container for rearing bugs, there must be evidence in his family. It is said that there are some bugs that can be reared in the cellar that feed on human blood."

Old man Yang quickly stood up, walked to the corner of the wall and picked up a big shovel. Although his steps were unsteady, he looked very aggressive.

Martial Uncle pulled me over to make way for Old Man Yang, "He went to look for the Zhang Family."

I gave Martial Uncle a thumbs up, "Martial Uncle, you did a good job using this kind of provocation. Letting him find out the truth behind it would save me the trouble of trespassing into my house."

Old man Yang almost never left the broken house that he lived in. When the villagers saw him carrying a shovel, they all asked him what he was going to do.

He was just saying that he would take revenge for his daughter.

The crowd did not know who he was looking for, so they followed him.

and I had seen too many people, so we pretended to watch the show and gathered in the crowd.

He stopped in front of the Zhang Family's residence. He did not even knock on the door before breaking the lock with a shovel. Even though he was old, he did have quite a bit of strength.

Entering the courtyard, he shouted, "Zhang, come out and return my daughter!"

But the Zhang Family had been sent to the police early this morning to take notes. If they came back, it would be in the afternoon at the earliest.

The bystanders told the Zhang Family that they had sent someone to the police station to make a statement, but no one was home right now.

Old man Yang turned around and said to these people, "Today, you are all here as witnesses for my Old Yang. I also want to show you how the Old Zhang Family killed my daughter!"

The surrounding people were all discussing. When they saw that scene in the morning, a lot of people said that it was a ghost, and some even said that the deity had appeared and taken the person away.

Since the father of the deceased had said so, then this matter must have been deliberately murdered. But how could someone die like that without leaving a corpse behind?

The villagers' curiosity was piqued as they followed behind Old Man Yang, ready to take a look.

Old Man Yang walked to the living room on the first floor of their house. The living room was very large and was a bit empty. It seemed that the original few cabinets had been moved away, and there were traces of cabinets' corners on the floor.

Old man Yang searched the entire first floor but didn't find any entrance that allowed him to enter.

Later, a child came to watch the commotion, and accidentally, tripped over the upturned carpet.

Thus, Old Man Yang lifted up the entire carpet. Everyone saw that there was a big lid under the carpet. When the lid was opened, there was a staircase leading down.

With Old Yang in the lead, the villagers also followed behind.

When they reached the bottom, everyone sighed in admiration at how big this cellar was. It was even larger than the rooms upstairs.

There was a cabinet in the living room beside the stairs. People who were curious opened the cabinet and saw a bundle of black silk that had been wrapped and tidied up.

"What kind of thread is this? It feels like the silk that we usually raise." someone asked.

Old man Yang answered them, "This is a thread made from silk spat out by the black silkworm, the black silkworm is poisonous, I can't guarantee if it's poisonous as well."

The person holding the thread hurriedly put the thread back into place. No one touched the black line again.

He opened another cabinet and saw that it was filled with dried fish and shrimps. The entire cabinet was filled with them.

People in this village basically didn't eat seafood much. They didn't know why there were so many seafood dishes in his house. However, this wasn't anything new, so no one cared about it.

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