Tattoo for the Beauty/C9 Find clues
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Tattoo for the Beauty/C9 Find clues
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C9 Find clues

Roughly an hour later, Martial Uncle and I drove to the address given by Brother Li. From afar, there was a signboard with the words "Silkworm Raising Village" written on it.

We got out of the car and walked along the only concrete road that led to the village. Originally, I wanted to drive the car in, but Martial Uncle insisted on getting out of the car.

Martial Uncle said that the silkworm farmers would pick fresh mulberry leaves for the silkworm babies to eat every day, so the smell in the air was the smell of mulberry leaves.

The door of one of the houses was open. Inside the house was a large shelf with many bamboo baskets placed on top of it. At the edge of the baskets were green leaves.

Martial Uncle went over to talk to the old lady sitting at the door: "Big Sis, this is your silkworm, can I go in and take a look?"

This old woman was very hospitable, she hurriedly smiled and greeted us, "You two are the bosses from the city right? I saw you two park your cars at the village entrance from afar just now, come in and see, the silkworms I raise are all fat and fat, my home isn't the whole village's big family, but it's the best one to produce silk."

Martial Uncle agreed and went in. I followed behind him like a lackey, but Martial Uncle had a good tone, adding his fat belly, he looked just like the rich boss.

Inside, the old woman assumed the role of an commentator. "This is the silkworm house. The silkworms on this shelf are all my family's silkworms. Look, they are all so good-looking."

I looked into these bamboo baskets. There was a layer of green mulberry leaves beneath the bamboo baskets, and on the mulberry leaves were many densely packed white silkworms. It was indeed as she said, every one of them was white and fat, but no matter how much I looked at them, I couldn't see how adorable these little things were.

However, Martial Uncle had a completely different feeling from me. He actually extended his hand and took out one of them to look at it in his palm. The old lady smiled and said, "I can see that this boss understands silkworms, but he sees it in such detail."

I followed Martial Uncle's example and looked at the little silkworm in his hands, but after looking at it for a long time, I couldn't find anything.

Martial Uncle put the silkworm back into the basket and said to the woman: "Big sister, you raise the silkworm so well, is it the one that raises silkworms for the longest time in the village?"

The woman smiled and said, "Our ancestors all raised silkworms here for generations. If it's said that for a long time, every family has raised silkworms for a long time, then the house in the last row of the village which is especially shabby is the one with the longest history and the most qualifications. But a few years ago, something happened to his family and they all died, leaving him alone, maybe it's because he's too sad, from then on he gradually stopped raising silkworms, and is also the only one in our village that doesn't raise silkworms for business."

I curiously asked her, "What happened to his family at that time? Why is his entire family gone?"

His family name is Yang, and his ancestors raised silkworms. It's said that during the Qing Dynasty, the silkworm weaved materials raised by his family were directly delivered to the palace, so he was a rich local family. The woman he married was also from a wealthy family, but she was not from the Han nationality, and she seemed to be from the southern side of the country.

I urgently wanted to go to the house with the surname Yang to take a look, but somehow Martial Uncle had so much to talk about, and actually started to chat happily with this old lady.

Having nothing to do with them, I fished for a cigarette and went to wait for him under a big tree.

After a long while, Martial Uncle came over to find me, and the old woman also went back to check on the silkworm. "Martial Uncle, what are you all talking about so enthusiastically?

"What do you know? I just want to know more and understand more. Alright, let's go." Martial Uncle didn't bother to differentiate between us, and directly walked towards the innermost row of houses.

If it weren't for the old woman's reminder, the two wouldn't have believed that the last row of houses would be like this.

There were about four or five brick houses connected together. There were traces of a fire outside the house, and almost no tiles on the roof were whole, most of them half-full. The windows were made of wooden frames, and it was even paper paste.

The houses looked shaky, as if a gust of wind could blow them over. However, in the front yard of this house, there was an extremely thick mulberry tree with lush foliage. Looking at this mulberry tree, Lin Feng guessed it was at least a hundred years old.

Although the house was broken, the yard was very well tended. There were some small dishes around the yard, and every small dish was green and sparkling. It could be seen that the owner used his heart to plant them.

Lin Feng walked to the entrance of the courtyard and stopped in his tracks, then loudly shouted, "May I ask if Uncle Yang is at home? Is Uncle Yang home? "

After shouting for about ten minutes, the door to the closest room opened. The wooden door was probably out of repair due to old age. The sound of the door opening was especially loud, making one's scalp tingle.

An old man with a wrinkled face stepped out. He wore faded blue long sleeves and a pair of green army trousers. His hair was almost all gone, and his sunburned scalp shone faintly in the sunlight.

"You're Uncle Yang, who lives here?" Lin Feng asked her to confirm.

Old Man Yang nodded and said, "I am, what business do you two have with me? However, I can't help you guys if you have something on your mind. I'm already too old, so I can't do anything. " There was a touch of sadness in his voice as he finished his sentence.

After walking for such a long distance, the Martial Uncle was tired from walking and had a head full of sweat. He only wanted to drink some water now, so he said to Old Man Yang: "Does your house have any water?

Old Man Yang hesitated for a moment, but still allowed them to enter the room.

The moment I entered the house, I felt the temperature suddenly go from high to low. It had been a little hot a moment ago, but now I wanted to put on a coat instead.

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