Technological Immortal Cultivation/C1 Idiot Crown Prince Shen Wuyou
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Technological Immortal Cultivation/C1 Idiot Crown Prince Shen Wuyou
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C1 Idiot Crown Prince Shen Wuyou

In the Auslathen Kingdom's imperial capital, within the House of Dawnward's council chamber, a refined man clutching documents was delivering a work report.

"In three months, the devil tide will arrive. All the major border gates of Dawnward are requesting supplies and personnel. Among them, the Overlord of Drakehaven has submitted the most requests, citing the collapse of the city's outer wall this year. To rebuild, we need to deploy glyph artisans to construct magic circles..."

The King of Dawnward sat with regal posture, listening intently to his subordinate's briefing. After a moment of contemplation, he decreed, "Send all the necessary personnel and materials to Drakehaven. Inform the Overlord that we must hold the line against the devil tide."

"Understood!" The subordinate bowed deeply and withdrew.

"Is there anything else that requires discussion?" the King of Dawnward inquired, surveying the assembly.

Three hours had passed since early morning, and the stomachs of the strategists and aides were audibly protesting their hunger, eager for the meeting to conclude so they could break for a meal.

They exchanged glances, yet no one spoke up.

"Well, if there is nothing further, then..."

Just then, an individual boldly stood and inquired, "Your Majesty, the King's Gauntlet is in three days. The princes all have progeny competing. Will the House of Dawnward abstain again this year?"

No sooner had the question been posed than a wave of peculiar looks swept through the council chamber.

He had certainly touched a nerve!

The annual King's Gauntlet, whose victor is personally rewarded by the Emperor with a fief, represents both honor and tangible gain. Who wouldn't want their kin to seize such an opportunity?

Yet the Crown Prince of our House of Dawnward... well, that's a complicated matter.

The King of Dawnward responded firmly, "The House of Dawnward traditionally abstains from this event. Let's not revisit..."

At that moment, a thunderous blast echoed from within the estate.


The officials in the council chamber shuddered in alarm.

The King of Dawnward's brow furrowed as he turned towards the door.

A servant urgently sought an audience from outside the hall, exclaiming, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!! Disaster has struck—the Crown Prince has lost his mind!!!"

With a whoosh, the King of Dawnward rose from his seat. His face was overcast, his expression grave as he commanded the servant, "Lead the way."

He hastily departed the council hall, leaving his advisors exchanging uneasy glances, their faces a mix of embarrassment and silent sighs.

The King followed his servant to the stables, where he found a young man standing amidst the ruins of a collapsed stall. The youth was gaunt yet tall, with silver hair and purple eyes, his pale skin almost sickly. His handsome face bore a wild, fierce smile.

"Haha, haha, hahahahaha!!!"

"I didn't miscalculate, I didn't miscalculate, hahaha..."

"Thirty-eight years, a full thirty-eight years, and I was right!!"

"Curse the heavens, thinking they could make me give up like this? I will succeed, no matter where I am!"

The servant spoke with alarm, "Your Highness, look! The Crown Prince, he suddenly... he just changed like this!"

The King of Dawnward looked upon the young man with a complex expression. This was his son, Shen Wuyou.

Once hailed as a prodigy, now, after three years, the world deemed him a fool.

"Wuyou, stop this nonsense and return to your room," the King of Dawnward called out firmly.

At the sound of his voice, Shen Wuyou turned to face his father. His smile faded, and with a flicker of hesitation in his eyes, he spoke, "Father, I wish to compete in the King's Gauntlet, to win a fief and leave the Imperial City."


The King of Dawnward had yearned for eighteen years to hear that word. A tide of emotion swelled within him, though his expression remained stoic.

"Wuyou, this is no time for foolishness. Without any magical prowess, even if you enter the competition, you will..."

"Father, please give your consent. I assure you, I will emerge victorious!"


The King's Gauntlet was a prestigious event for the royal family. It was an opportunity for the royal youth, offspring of civil and military officials, and the world's young elites to showcase their talents and vie for honor.

Though it was touted as an opportunity for the world's heroes to ascend to greatness, the King's Gauntlet was, in essence, a means for the Auslathen Kingdom's royal family to demonstrate their power.

Over the years, the victors of the King's Gauntlet were predominantly princes and grandsons, largely because these participants were prodigies. Despite their youth, they possessed profound cultivation skills.

This year, however, among the participating princes, there was an outlier.

As the King's Gauntlet was about to commence, a crowd of eager spectators gathered at the entrance of the training field, anticipating the opening of the gates.

What grand competition would be complete without a bit of wagering?

Flanking the gate, two signboards displayed the names and brief introductions of the contestants. Each name listed was that of a renowned young genius.

The onlookers milled around the signboards, picking their favorites to emerge victorious and placing their bets.

"Hey, look! Shen Wuyou! Isn't that the Crown Prince from the House of Dawnward? What's he doing here? It's quite odd! What was the King of Dawnward thinking, letting this fool participate..."

"Quiet down! The competition is about to start, and the Imperial Guards are everywhere. Regardless, Shen Wuyou is still of royal blood. Watch your words, or you might invite trouble."

"The betting odds for Shen Wuyou are 1:100! A win for Shen Wuyou means a hundredfold return."

"Heh, even if it were a thousandfold, it's like throwing money away. Everyone knows Shen Wuyou can't cultivate. I'm putting my money on the Crown Prince of Mistward, Shen Wushang. That's a sure bet!"

Amidst the chatter, the sudden peal of bells and drums echoed from above.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Make way, make way!"

The Golden Armored Guards parted the throng, spears in hand, standing sentinel on either side of the training field's entrance.

The crowd turned to see a procession of young contenders making their way to the field.

These were the competition's illustrious participants, each one a picture of youthful vigor. Some glided on flying swords, others soared through the air, and a few were perched atop spirit animals and celestial birds, all exuding a dashing and spirited air.

Among the youths, one figure stood out prominently, riding a dragon-horse chariot and clad in black dragon armor. His presence commanded attention; his passage stirred fierce winds and his overwhelming aura made it hard for onlookers to breathe.

The crowd could only exhale in relief once he had entered the training field, their gazes following his retreating figure with excitement.

"The Crown Prince of Mistward, Shen Wushang!"

"At last, I've seen him with my own eyes! The foremost prodigy of our generation!"

The competitors had all made their way into the training field.

Yet, the Golden Armored Guards held back the eagerly waiting spectators from entering to view the contest, as one final participant had not yet arrived.

"It looks like Shen Wuyou hasn't shown up."

"He's probably chickened out. If he shows up, I'll eat my hat. Ha, why would the royal family let a fool join such a competition..."

"Careful, those words could bring trouble!"

As the time for the competition's commencement drew near, the waiting crowd grew restless. Someone called out, "Guards, please, let us through. The Crown Prince of Dawnward probably won't make it!"

"Yes, let us in! The King's Gauntlet is about to start."

The captain of the guards glanced at the sundial and, with a wave of his hand, signaled to open the way.

Just then, a voice rang out from ahead.

"Excuse me, excuse me, make way! The carriage is coming, the carriage is coming!"

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