Technological Immortal Cultivation/C11 Collapsed Overlord's Keep
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Technological Immortal Cultivation/C11 Collapsed Overlord's Keep
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C11 Collapsed Overlord's Keep

"Even if it's an Ancient God, I'll blow him up so badly, even his own mother won't recognize him!"

Shen Wuyou's fervent voice reached the ears of everyone present.

Before experiencing the might of gunpowder, the citizens of Redrock might have dismissed Shen Wuyou's words as the ravings of a madman. But now... their ears were not the only things left ringing; their very souls were shaken to the core.

"Long live the Overlord! Long live the King of Dawnward!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly let out the cry.

In an instant, the chant was taken up by hundreds.

"Long live the Overlord! Long live the King of Dawnward!"

"Long live the Overlord! Long live the King of Dawnward!"

Amidst the roaring cheers, Shen Wuyou allowed a smile to grace his lips.

This was merely the first step in his grand scheme!

Standing beside him, Chiying watched Shen Wuyou with a look of complexity in her eyes.

To her, this so-called gunpowder was merely a sideshow. A man who couldn't harness spiritual energy could never reach the lofty heights of her father, the esteemed King of Dawnward.

Shen Wuyou then instructed the crowd to disperse and return to their homes. He promised to detail the plans for producing gunpowder and combating the demons the following day.

With his guards in tow, Shen Wuyou made his way toward the Keep, guided by Ergou, who had set off the gunpowder for him earlier.

At this time, it was only midday. In other regions, the sun would be shining brightly, but the skies of Redstone Bay had already dimmed. The guards lit fish oil lamps to light the path ahead.

Ergou, seated in the carriage, appeared somewhat anxious. It was his first time in such an opulent vehicle, and he was unsure where to place his hands.

"Don't be nervous," Shen Wuyou reassured him as he prepared tea. "I just have a few questions for you."

"No, not nervous, not at all," Ergou stammered, his voice quivering.

Shen Wuyou handed him a cup of tea and inquired, "How many young men between fifteen and forty are there in the town, like yourself?"

"Reporting to the Overlord, for the young men, well... there are about as many as a square can hold."

Shen Wuyou massaged his forehead in frustration. A square? How am I supposed to know how many people fit in a square?

Nonetheless, Redrock Town has a population of five thousand. If we break it down by age, there should be about a thousand people.

"Who was running the town before I arrived?" Shen Wuyou inquired further.

"Well, that would be Mr. Q. Our town didn't have an Overlord before, so whenever there was any issue, big or small, Mr. Q would handle it. The man who was carrying the torch today, intent on burning the witch, is named Zhang Qiankun, Mr. Q's son," Ergou explained.

Shen Wuyou nodded, then asked, "Could you do me a favor in a bit?"

Ergou immediately rose to his feet and knelt down, saying, "Just command me, Overlord. Ergou will serve you to the utmost of his abilities, even unto death."

The young man was perceptive and clever, which was fortunate since Shen Wuyou needed someone reliable to run errands. It seemed Ergou could be groomed for the job.

"Good. From now on, you'll work at the Overlord's Keep. Your first task is to deliver a message to Mr. Q. Tell him I'll be waiting for him at the Overlord's Keep during the hour of the Dog," Shen Wuyou instructed.

"At your service, Lord Overlord."

Shen Wuyou gestured for him to rise and then opened the carriage window to gaze at the evening's fading light.

Just then, the carriage came to a halt. Chiying approached the window and announced, "Lord Crown Prince, we've arrived at the Overlord's Keep."

Stepping out of the carriage, Shen Wuyou stood before the dilapidated entrance of the Overlord's Keep in Redrock Town. The sight of the crumbling gate, broken walls, and overgrown courtyard made his expression turn to one of dismay.

"This is the Overlord's Keep?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"Lord, since Redrock Town hasn't had an Overlord for decades, the Keep hasn't been maintained in all that time, so..." Ergou began to explain.

"Enough, Ergou. Go send that message to Mr. Q," Shen Wuyou interrupted.

As he spoke, a wild roe deer darted through the weeds in the courtyard, likely having made its home in the neglected Overlord's Keep.

Shen Wuyou let out a sigh. "Alright," he thought, "I should have seen this coming. Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it."

What he aimed to transform was the entirety of Redrock Town. What was the Overlord's Keep in comparison?

Stepping into the Overlord's Keep, Shen Wuyou turned to address his guards, "I understand that following me to Redrock Town may not sit well with you. Back in the Imperial City, you had bright futures ahead of you, but now, you're stuck with me in this rundown place. Feel free to doubt, berate, or even curse me in your hearts, but I will not tolerate insubordination! You must carry out my orders with the utmost precision!"

"If you follow my lead, I assure you that under my guidance, you will thrive. And I'm not just making empty promises—I'll give you something to solidify your trust." With that, Shen Wuyou signaled to Chiying, "Bring the red box from the carriage."

Chiying, with an expressionless face, fetched a red box from the carriage.

Upon opening the box, it was brimming with Golden Leaves! Each Golden Leaf was worth a hundred taels of silver, and this box contained what must have been over a hundred thousand taels' worth!

These Golden Leaves were all winnings from Shen Wuyou's successful bets at the King's Gauntlet.

The sight of the Golden Leaves made the guards' eyes sparkle with anticipation.

"Swear your loyalty to me," Shen Wuyou declared, "and you can grab as many Golden Leaves as you can hold." He spread his arms wide, his gaze sweeping over the twenty guards before him.

The guards hesitated, their eyes betraying their inner conflict. In life, they sought fame and fortune, and here it was: a Golden Leaf equaled a year's wages, a handful could mean wealth for decades, and two handfuls could secure a lifetime of comfort.

At that moment, Chiying knelt before Shen Wuyou, fists pressed together, and said, "Crown Prince, we are the sworn guards of the King of Dawnward. Our loyalty lies with him, and our duty is to protect you. Please, Crown Prince, retract your offer of the Golden Leaves."

After Chiying, the twenty guards also knelt down and spoke as one, "We have pledged our allegiance to the King of Dawnward. Crown Prince, please reclaim the Golden Leaf."

Shen Wuyou surveyed the kneeling guards and shrugged. "Alright, get up. I'm aware of your loyalty. I won't make this hard for you. Each of you will receive ten Golden Leaves. Now, get the Overlord's Keep tidied up. In half an hour, I expect a room fit for living."

With that, Shen Wuyou turned and left the courtyard.

Stepping outside, he shook his head in resignation.

Indeed, his father's guards weren't swayed by mere money. That was a relief. At least he didn't have to worry about them betraying him for trivial gains.

In this strange and harsh setting, Shen Wuyou knew he had to first ensure that those around him were secure and trustworthy.

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