Technological Immortal Cultivation/C19 Machinery Design Blueprint
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Technological Immortal Cultivation/C19 Machinery Design Blueprint
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C19 Machinery Design Blueprint

After living in the orchard for an extended period, one might no longer notice the fragrance of the flowers. Similarly, after spending a considerable amount of time by the sea, the scent of oil no longer seemed so offensive. However, the aromatic hydrocarbons contained in the oil posed a significant health risk. In the future, when oil extraction commenced, the use of gas masks would be essential. For now, Shen Wuyou couldn't be too concerned; brief exposure was unlikely to be hazardous.

The townspeople of Redrock had inhabited the area for generations and had long since adapted to the environment.

Shen Wuyou issued a command to fifty robust young men: "Take the rafts out to sea and use the wooden barrels to collect the oil floating on the surface."

"Oil?" The term was new and somewhat perplexing to the crowd.

"It's the chaotic substance you're familiar with. From now on, you can refer to it as oil," Shen Wuyou explained, clapping his hands. "Now, let's get to work!"

Promptly, the young men set out on their rafts, following Shen Wuyou's instructions to harvest the oil from the sea.

Meanwhile, Shen Wuyou found a rocky outcrop offshore and stood upon it, surveying the sea. As far as the eye could see, the waters were shrouded in darkness—all of it oil.

Yet, Shen Wuyou was puzzled about why the oil was floating on the surface. Oil formation usually required a stable environment; areas rich in oil typically had stable crusts, free from earthquakes that might release the oil from beneath the ground.

What, then, had caused this oil to leak? Where was the leak's origin? Finding the source could significantly accelerate Shen Wuyou's plans to rebuild Redrock, at least alleviating concerns about energy.

As Shen Wuyou pondered these issues, the young men had filled a hundred barrels with oil. With the sky darkening, Shen Wuyou instructed them to gather their belongings and return to town with the oil.

If the oil were slightly refined, it would be more effective when used.

Refining oil isn't a complex process; it simply requires heating. Since the various substances that constitute oil have different boiling points, they would evaporate upon heating. However, constructing a distillation apparatus is necessary, and currently, Redrock Town lacks the means to do so.

Nevertheless, the crude oil can still be burned, which is sufficient for our needs.

Shen Wuyou instructed the fifty individuals that their primary task over the next few days was to salvage as much oil as possible—the more, the better!

Relying solely on gunpowder bombs was not secure. Shen Wuyou intended to use the oil to establish an additional line of defense. Should the devil tide breach the bomb's defenses, they would ignite the oil!

The fire spirit techniques released by cultivators could inflict extensive damage on the devil tide. Similarly, using oil as fuel could achieve the same effect!

Furthermore, it could serve as a source of light, as it was uncertain whether the devil tide would attack during daylight or at night.

Once Shen Wuyou had finished issuing his instructions, night had fully descended.

Shen Wuyou arrived at the site where the gunpowder was being prepared. This place served not only for gunpowder preparation but also for processing other items, such as crafting pottery and sharpening iron pieces. Shen Wuyou had already christened it the Redstone Arsenal!

He had installed the glazed light bulbs he had crafted inside the arsenal. With his natural battery in place, he could easily light up the area.

At that moment, the individuals preparing gunpowder... No, they should now be referred to as workers.

Those laboring inside the arsenal were workers, as Shen Wuyou had explained to the townsfolk.

The workers were already assembled and waiting. Upon Shen Wuyou's arrival, they rose from the ground, bowed respectfully, and greeted him loudly with, "Good morning, Director!"

Within the arsenal, one was not to address him as Overlord, but as Director—a strict rule Shen Wuyou had established.

Without further ado, Shen Wuyou picked up two copper wires and channeled the electricity from within his body into them.

Instantly, all the glazed light bulbs came to life.

Many people were witnessing a light bulb for the first time, and their exclamations of wonder filled the air.

"It's incredible! It's almost like daylight."

"Now we can get to work!"

Shen Wuyou announced with clarity, "Begin work!"

At once, every worker sprang into action, while Shen Wuyou... could only remain seated, continuously serving as a makeshift power source.

It might have looked a bit foolish, but there was no helping it. Given enough time, he could have constructed a battery, but time was a luxury they didn't have. The devil tide was mere days away, and time was precisely what Shen Wuyou was short on.

From dawn to dusk, which translated to seven hours, Shen Wuyou had barely moved from his spot. Truth be told, his exertion was by no means less than that of the workers.

Once dusk passed, the day's labor concluded, and the workers dispersed to rest.

Yet Shen Wuyou's tasks were far from over. Upon returning to the Overlord's Keep, he secluded himself in his room and set to work on sketches and notes, with Xiaoliu and Lili by his side, enhancing the ambiance with their presence.

The two maids observed the diagrams of lines and circles, and the cryptic symbols annotated alongside them, utterly baffled.

What were these mysterious designs?

"Lord Crown Prince, it's getting late; you should rest," Lili suggested.

Shen Wuyou shook his head, replying, "No need, I'm not tired. However, I am a bit hungry. Could you prepare something for me to eat?"

"I've already asked Nannan to take care of it," Xiaoliu informed him.

"Nannan?" Shen Wuyou echoed, confused. "Who's Nannan?"

Xiaoliu responded with astonishment, "Master Crown Prince, Nannan is the maid you welcomed today. You personally named her, remember? Nannan..."

Shen Wuyou nearly choked on his saliva, "I said her name would be Nannan, not Nanba... How did it turn into Nanba?"

Just then, Nannan entered the room with a tray of simple dishes and said, "Master Crown Prince, your meal is ready."

Glancing at the food on the plate, Shen Wuyou noted that it was indeed a feast for the senses. He inquired, "Did you make this?"

"Responding to the Crown Prince, Nanba prepared it by following her instincts. I'm not sure if it will be to your liking," she replied.

Shen Wuyou regarded her with a touch of resignation and asked, "You really have no issues with your own name?"

"Crown Prince, after you rescued Nanba from the brink of death, she wouldn't dare to take issue with anything you do," she answered humbly.

"Let it be," Shen Wuyou dismissed with a wave of his hand, setting the blueprint aside. He clapped his hands together and declared, "I'll taste your cooking now."

As Nannan set the food on the desk, her eyes caught sight of the design on the paper. She blurted out, "Is this... a mechanical design?"

Shen Wuyou's hand, still holding the food, shook slightly. He fixed a serious gaze on Nannan and demanded, "Repeat that! What did you say this is?"

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