Technological Immortal Cultivation/C20 The Devil Tide Descended
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Technological Immortal Cultivation/C20 The Devil Tide Descended
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C20 The Devil Tide Descended

Mechanical Design Blueprint!

Shen Wuyou had been sketching on paper for two hours, and what emerged was precisely a mechanical design blueprint!

Specifically, it was a blueprint for a steam engine.

With Redrock Town's abundant oil and coal resources, the introduction of the steam engine into daily production could significantly reduce labor costs and enhance work efficiency.

Although there wasn't enough time for Shen Wuyou to construct the steam engine before the devil tide arrived, it was clear that progress would need to be made once it was over. Shen Wuyou was getting a head start on preparations.

To Xiaoliu and Lili, the design blueprint might as well have been a book without words; they had no idea what Shen Wuyou was up to, much less the term "mechanical design blueprint."

In this world, there was no concept of machinery, nor was there any notion of a design blueprint!

The shock Shen Wuyou felt when Nannan uttered those words was immense.

Could it be that Nannan, like him, was a time-traveller?

"Repeat that, what is this!?" Shen Wuyou demanded, rising to his feet with a face that contorted with intensity.

Meeting another Earthling would be an immense boon for Shen Wuyou!

But Nanba, mistaking his reaction for anger, knelt down hastily and pleaded, "Your Excellency Crown Prince, I spoke out of turn. Please accept my apologies."

Xiaoliu and Lili were startled too; they had never seen the Crown Prince so agitated.

"Stand up, I'm not upset with you!" Shen Wuyou said, trying to regain his composure. "How did you know what I was drawing was a mechanical design?"

Nannan rose to her feet, her gaze still fixed on the blueprint, her face etched with confusion. "I... I don't know. It just felt instinctively like it should be called a mechanical design blueprint."

"Okay! Just wait!" Shen Wuyou quickly sketched another design on the paper and asked, "Do you know what this is called?"

Nannan glanced at it, puzzled, and shook her head. "I don't recognize it."

"It's a car, called a car. You don't recognize it? Then what about this one?"

"I don't recognize it."

"This is called an airplane! You really don't recognize it?"

Nannan continued to shake her head, "I don't recognize it."

When Shen Wuyou heard Nannan mention the mechanical blueprint, his excitement soared like a raging fire. But now, her repeated denials were like a bucket of cold water dousing his enthusiasm.

If she truly was a time-traveller, even with memory loss, she should have an instinctual recognition of mechanical designs, which would include airplanes and cars. Yet, she didn't recognize them.

Could it be that I've misunderstood?

But then, how could she accurately say "mechanical design"?

Shen Wuyou's gaze on Nannan was complex. It appeared that this woman harbored some secrets! Once the devil tide was over, he resolved to find a way to uncover them.

"Alright, that's enough. Everyone, please leave," Shen Wuyou said with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, Crown Prince."

Nannan, accompanied by Xiaoliu and Lili, exited the room.

Shen Wuyou pondered alone for a while, but couldn't come to any conclusion. Eventually, he fell asleep during the Yin hour.


The next day, Shen Wuyou awoke during the Si hour.

Sleeping only four or five hours a day was a strain on him, but with time pressing, it was not the moment for leisurely rest.

Upon waking, Shen Wuyou dedicated himself to the construction of Redrock's defensive fortifications.

The first batch of bombs was ready. They filled clay pots with gunpowder and scrap iron, leaving a fuse exposed, and buried them in pre-dug traps.

To test the bombs' effectiveness, Shen Wuyou led a group to the wasteland. They set up wooden dummies around the traps and had Ergou light the fuse.

The bomb detonated successfully!

In the ensuing explosion, the wooden dummies closest to the trap were blasted to smithereens, while those further away were peppered with shrapnel.

Chiying even concluded that the force of one bomb was comparable to the attack released by a Golden Core cultivator.

The sheer power and destructive force had everyone buzzing with excitement.

"Fantastic! We've done it; we've created thousands of bombs! When the devil tide comes, we'll blast them all back!"

"At last, we can truly protect our homeland!"

Some were so overwhelmed with emotion that they wept openly, launching into another round of heartfelt thanks and bows to Shen Wuyou.

Shen Wuyou, standing among the crowd, urged the emotional townsfolk to their feet, declaring, "From this day forward, the people of Redrock Town are exempt from the ritual of kneeling! You shall kneel only to the heavens, the earth, and your parents, and not to anyone else!"

Chiying watched Shen Wuyou with a complex expression, seeing him in that moment as a deity bestowing blessings upon the world.

In the days that followed, Shen Wuyou was a whirlwind of ceaseless activity.

After the Divine Bell tolled:

On the third day, the trenches were completed.

By the fourth day, the second line of flame defenses was ready.

On the fifth day, three thousand five hundred bombs, crafted from seven hundred kilograms of gunpowder, were finished and placed within the traps.

On the sixth day after the Divine Bell sounded!

Once all the tasks were completed, Shen Wuyou summoned all the workers to the Redstone Arsenal.

The glow of the glazed light bulbs illuminated the space.

Standing on an elevated platform, Shen Wuyou spoke clearly and confidently, "The Divine Bell has sounded. It could be as short as three days or as long as seven before the devil tide arrives. We've been fortunate; it did not come on the third day, but what is meant to come will come! Tomorrow, the devil tide will descend, and we are fully prepared!"

"Tonight, our task is simple: to eat and drink our fill, readying ourselves for the devil tide tomorrow!"

With a wave of his hand, Shen Wuyou signaled for the maids from the Overlord's Keep, accompanied by a group of townswomen, to bring out the piping hot food.

Shen Wuyou had purchased all the livestock in town to be slaughtered, ensuring that tonight, everyone could eat and drink abundantly.

The aroma of food filled the Redstone Arsenal as the workers gazed at the succulent chicken, duck, beef, and lamb, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. For the residents of Redrock Town, where supplies were limited, indulging in such rich fare was a rare treat.

"Time to dig in!" Shen Wuyou announced.

A cheer erupted from the workers as they eagerly made their way to the feast.

Watching everyone enjoy their meal brought a smile to Shen Wuyou's face. He picked up a chicken leg and approached Chiying, saying, "You've worked hard these past few weeks."

Chiying eyed the chicken leg, hesitating briefly before she was about to accept it.

But just then, someone burst into the factory in a state of alarm, yelling at the top of their lungs, "Trouble, big trouble!"

"The devil tide, the devil tide is upon us!"

"The devil tide has arrived!"

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