Technological Immortal Cultivation/C3 Explosives I Need to Understand
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Technological Immortal Cultivation/C3 Explosives I Need to Understand
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C3 Explosives I Need to Understand

Watching Shen Wuyou clumsily descend the wooden pole, the crowd erupted in raucous laughter.

After much effort, Shen Wuyou finally landed with stability. He approached his tricycle and retrieved items from the cargo box—an iron frame and a stack of leather bags. Within the frame sat a cauldron, which Shen Wuyou ignited.

"What's he up to? Has he given up on the competition?"

"This guy's a waste of space; only a hundred can participate, and he's just squandering a spot!"

"The royal family has really embarrassed themselves this time!"

Not even the presence of the Imperial Guards could quell the crowd's jeers and taunts.

On the elevated platform, the faces of the royal family members darkened, and even the civil and military officials looked uncomfortable.

Just then, the heat from the fire caused the leather bags to inflate, gradually forming a massive sphere. The sphere began to ascend, lifting the iron frame and Shen Wuyou, who was standing within it, into the sky, hovering above the training field.

Witnessing this spectacle, the crowd gasped in amazement.

"What on earth is that?"

"Is it divine magic? Or some kind of glyph?"

"That's not fair!"

"The rules state no use of spirit animal mounts or glyphs!"

Shen Wuyou clung to the edge of the iron frame, gazing down at the shrinking training field and the landscape of mountains and rivers coming into view. A wave of exhilaration swelled within him, eager for release.

Hehe, divine magic? Glyphs?

Ever heard of a hot air balloon?

Shen Wuyou checked the position of the sun.

"The timing should be just about right," he murmured, then bellowed, "May a favorable wind lend its strength and carry me to the heavens!"

The moment he spoke, an easterly wind swept through.

The sphere sped towards Godsbane Peak, quickly shrinking to a speck before vanishing from sight.

Displayed in the Skyglass, the first round of the competition unfolded before the onlookers.

Shen Wuyou, the latecomer, had astonishingly overtaken the previously leading Shen Wushang, seizing the lead.

For the spectators, particularly those who had placed bets, this turn of events was simply inconceivable.

"Shen Wuyou has broken the rules! His competition eligibility must be revoked!"

"This is cheating, outright cheating!"

"A cheater has no place in this competition!"

The crowd at the training field was in an uproar, with many spectators raising their arms and shouting passionately.

"State Preceptor! Have you not heard the people's outcry? Shen Wuyou has violated the rules and must be disqualified according to the regulations," the King of Mistward declared from the high platform.

The State Preceptor turned, his face etched with concern, and responded, "Crown Prince Shen Wuyou has neither employed immortal force nor ridden a spirit animal or a Familiar..."

He glanced up at the Emperor seated upon the dragon throne. Noting the Emperor's detached demeanor and lack of objection to his words, he continued, "Crown Prince Shen Wuyou is in compliance with the rules and may proceed in the competition."


Shen Wuyou had anticipated the arrival of the east wind today, seizing the opportune moment.

Riding the wind, he soared over the heads of the other competitors.

Many competitors looked up to see a massive balloon carrying Shen Wuyou swiftly advancing and were astonished.

"What is that!?"

"He's using the heat from a pill furnace to lift the balloon into the air, then traveling with the wind. Such an ingenious technique—why didn't I think of that?"

"He's so fast; he's already overtaken Shen Wushang!"

Upon witnessing this, Shen Wushang felt a surge of contempt. Resorting to such trickery was not the honorable path. He gathered his energy and quickened his pace, heading towards the narrow bridge that led to Godsbane Peak.

The narrow bridge was the only way to reach Godsbane Peak. It was so slender that it allowed only one person to cross at a time. Crossing en masse would cause mutual hindrance and slow them down. The first to cross could significantly widen the gap with the others following.

However, as Shen Wushang approached the bridge, he saw that Shen Wuyou was already on the other side. The hot air balloon lay deflated beside him, its furnace extinguished, and its buoyancy spent.

Shen Wushang sneered upon seeing the extinguished furnace, "I never thought you'd resort to such a trick. But now, without your little gimmick, you'll soon be overtaken by the others and left trailing behind."

"Really?" Shen Wuyou flashed a grin, swiftly pulling two packages from the iron frame and securing them to the bridge. He then produced a flint and struck it against the fuse sticking out of the packages.

"Too bad, you won't be able to cross now."

Though unsure of what the packages contained, a sense of foreboding washed over Shen Wushang as the fuse caught fire. He sprinted towards the bridge with all his might. But a third of the way there, a thunderous boom erupted!


Smoke and flames shot into the air.

Sensing danger, Shen Wushang had no choice but to quickly retreat to the cliff's edge.

Once the dust settled, the bridge was in ruins.

The competitors who had been following Shen Wushang arrived to find the scene before them and were incensed.

Shen Wuyou, now on the opposite side of the cliff, beamed triumphantly and taunted, "Friends, ever heard of explosives?"

His radiant smile only fueled Shen Wushang's rage.

"You've broken the rules by using divine magic! You bring shame upon our royal family!"

"Divine magic?" Shen Wuyou retorted as he slung a backpack over his shoulder, dusted off his hands, and turned to continue his journey towards Godsbane Peak.

"You should learn how to use it too."

After the bridge's destruction, Shen Wuyou pressed on, his behavior growing increasingly peculiar. Carrying a bag, he intermittently retrieved various bottles and sealed boxes, either burying them on the mountain path or placing them ahead of the wind currents.

Traps! It was clear to any observant eye.

Those competitors who had detoured around the cliff and encountered these traps were met with sudden explosions and tumbling rocks.

A peculiar scent carried by the mountain breeze muddled their senses, driving them to the brink of madness.

Confronted with these wholly unexpected "disasters," the contestants were utterly incapable of resisting with their physical bodies alone. Yet, the moment they tapped into their immortal force... they risked disqualification.

Before even reaching the midpoint of Godsbane Peak, two-thirds of the participants had been disqualified for subconsciously defending themselves with immortal force, including several members of the royal family.

Those who persisted in their ascent, despite the numerous traps, were battered and bruised.

Every moment was broadcast to the audience through the Skyglass.

"This isn't divine magic?"

"To shatter an iron bridge in one blow is a feat only a Golden Core cultivator could achieve!"

"The explosions and fog must be the work of talismans and glyphs!"

"This is blatant cheating!"

The royal family members on the elevated platform wore somber expressions.

The King of Mistward spoke up once more, "State preceptor, what exactly is happening here?"

The state preceptor, wiping his sweat, replied, "Your Majesty, the person I dispatched to investigate has reported back. Crown Prince Shen Wuyou did not employ any immortal force; he truly... did not break any rules."

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